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Messages - Apodae Swift

U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
January 06, 2007, 11:50:26 PM
"Grenades ready!" Swift ordered, the six Heeran had been joined by four more. Each of the three security officers grabbed both of their grenades in a single hand and activated them with their thumbs. "Throw on my mark... Now!" Swift shouted and eight grenade flew in to the corridor where the Heeran were. He back away from the door which lowered in to place, he got out his compressed phaser rifle and fired a high energy beam at the bottom of the door welding it in place.
When the frag grenades exploded they made the deck plating shake, inside the corridor the combined explosion and heat partially melted bulkheads and twisted them out of shape, all the Heeran had been taken care of in the blast. From Swift's side of the door way there was a huge dent in the door, meaning it probably wouldn't open again.
"Swift to Iroquois, I suggest emergency beam out. Three people are critical and we are outgunned by superior forces. I have them pinned down but it won't take them long to get through if they are really determined." Swift said over the comm system.
"Extensive damage yes, the scars of war and victory. It's at times like this I wish I was klingon, they know how to celebrate victory. Trying to get a starfleet bridge crew excited about their triumphs is like trying to get latinum from a ferengi." Swift commented as he monitored the weapons systems on the ship. The last thing he needed was for a faulty relay to launch a torpedo.
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
January 03, 2007, 08:57:28 PM
"Commander, Captain, let me take a security team over to the freighter. You would only have to drop the shields for a moment to beam us aboard, it's worth tiny tiny risk. You could even just drop the aft shields and attack head on while we beam out." Swift said as he armed his rifle. "Besides, they are up against a defiant, they won't dare lower their shields to beam any more troops aboard. Once I put down the hostiles repairs can be made unhindered." The ship shuddered and Swift barely moved a muscle.
"A twentieth century reference Ma'am." Swift told her, he was obsessed with things from that time period.
"Ma'am they should be following us now, I can't guarantee it but we must look a very tempting target. However if they calculate our trajectory then it would be logical that they may set up a blockade in the nebula ahead of our current course to prevent our departure. As such if we make our movements slightly erratic it will halt their efforts and also make them think our navigation sensors are out of alignment." Swift suggested.
"Hard to tell in this nebula ma'am." Swift replied to the commander. "But why don't we light the way?" He suggested then charged the pulse phasers and also increased the shields to full power to help the enemy get a reading from their vessel. "Commander Lollock I also suggest leaking out some warp plasma from the port vents. It will look as if we have been hit and will leave a nice trail for them to follow."
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
February 13, 2007, 07:58:33 PM
((OOC: May I also point out that in the book "Homecoming" portable emitters the size of briefcases have been invented by an expert in holographic technology. If you don't know homecoming is the book in which voyager returns home. Thus it is logical to assume that in that time they might be made smaller with or without the Doctor's to study.))

"I wasn't aware we had those on board. But if we have mobile emitters that could solve a lot of technical problems." Swift said, then turned to Lollock. "Sorry. Lets call you Human 2.0, faster, more agile, with extra lung capacity, serrated teeth, and sporty cranial ridges as an added extra. Unfortunately even Human 2.0 still isn't as resilient as Halcyon."
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
February 14, 2007, 03:30:53 PM
"Would I be over stepping my bounds to suggest that Halcyon be given one permanently?" Swift sugegsted, going right past the fact that no one understood his sense of humour. Even though Lollock was part Klingon he still thought she might find it funny. "I mean it is really a discussion for a different time. But it does seem that it would make her an even more effective member of the crew."
"Aye Ma'am." Swift said and kept a constant scan running with a subroutine that told the computer to alert him when it detected Herran vessels. He was glad he got to act as the chief tactical officer for a while,. but it also made him frown. He was already capable to holding the position and fulfilling all of his duties yet once they were back at SS Avalon he would be back to being a no good ensign and it would be years before he got the rank and position that actually challenged him. He sighed and kept an eye on the scan, it was best to take it in while it lasted. After all he would be back to handing out phasers in no time.

((OOC: No offense but isn't there a way we can increase the level of activity? I love this place but it seems I have to wait days between posts. Are there only three of us posting?))
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
February 21, 2007, 12:46:36 PM
"Ma'am." Swift said as he looked at the tactical screen. "They don't seem to be retreating." He put the phasers to maximum strength then paused  in his actions. "Winston Churchill once said 'A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.' Today we have the opportunity to destroy Heeran vessels and I'm ready to take it."
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
December 29, 2006, 05:00:09 PM
Swift ran in to the bridge and came to an abrupt halt, he looked physically out of breath but managed to hold himself with dignity, mainly because he wasn't really out of breath, when you were hiding your genetic alterations you had to fake such things.
"Ensign Apodae Swift reporting for duty sir, I apologise for my lateness there was a mix up in my orders and when you came I was in the middle of training." Swift added, his breath now calm. "Couldn't have you leaving without me."
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
January 16, 2007, 04:28:46 PM
Swift materialised in the cargo bay of a freighter, he was surrounded by crates that held the duranium alloy. Most of it was in sheets ready to be made in to deck plating or bulkheads but there were bars and poles and other variations already cut.
"Three groups, keep the chatter to a minimum. I want to be out of here as soon as I can." Swift ordered, two security personnel walked off in one direction and two others in a different direction. Swift was left standing with a single crewman. "Let's get these things set up."
Swift approached a couple of crates stacked on top of one another's, the problem was that the stacks were put close together. Luckily each team had four pattern enhancers meaning they could just box off the area they wanted and didn't need to move the crates. Normally only three were used as this is normally all that's needed, however Swift had anticipated this little problem so assigned extra ones.
Swift and the crewman set up the pattern enhancers and then contacted the transporter chief to beam the crates aboard, when they disappeared the crewman started to set the enhancers up around a second set of crates. Swift had his compressed phaser rifle in hand ready to fight just in case a few Heeran soldiers were left. All three teams were working in the same way, one man beaming up crates and the other keeping watch.
"Swift to Captain Lurado." Swift said as he pressed his combadge. "I have started to beam the cargo over, I am having to use pattern enhancers to distinguish the alloy from the hull, bulkheads, and deck plating of the freighter so this may take some time."
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
January 29, 2007, 08:26:14 PM
((OOC: For future reference my character wouldn't be looking eager, more sort of cool with a look of indifference and perhaps the slight beginnings of a smile on his face.))

"Thank you ma'am, though it really didn't tax me very much." Swift said with a slight grin. "I look forward to being sent on more missions, hopefully though they will be a little more challenging and a little more fun. I'm sure 'vital' cover that quite well."

"Sir, the Heerani fleet has warped into the freighters sector and are sending out many scout ships. If we keep going at our current rate of speed then we will not avoid the enemy and we will lead them straight to Avalon. My recommendation, Sir, is to lay low for a little bit and then wait and see what they do. We cannot risk Avalon." Nonir said.

"Sir if I may make a suggestion?" Swift said walking forwards a little. "Avalon has two thousand phaser banks and nearly a hundred torpedo tubes, not to mentioned really powerful shields. If anything I suggest we slow down a little and lure the whole lot of them right to Avalon and let the station wipe them out of the sky. If we are lucky there might even be a few ships docked that can come out and join the fray. Either way it's much better then turning round and trying to face them head on, believe me if the station had no armaments I would be the first to suggest it. But seeing as how we have a station with enough fire power to pretty much destroy anything put infront of it, I think we should use it."
"Ma'am I would advise against just throwing them at the Heeran ships, instead I suggest setting the reactors of the probes to overload and arming the torpedoes and making them slowly approach the Heeran vessels. They are bound to tractor or teleport them to their vessel at which point they will explode." Swift suggested as he let off some bursts of phaser fire.
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
January 25, 2007, 08:38:00 AM
"Pack it up!" Swift ordered before the crewman could set up the pattern enhancers around another crate.
"But sir we have only filled two thirds of the available space." The crewman said.
"That's an order." Swift insisted.
"Yes sir." The crewman replied and picked up the pattern enhancers. They then went and fetched the other two groups in the different parts of the cargo bay.
"Swift to Iroquois, six to beam up." Swift said and then dematerialised in a shimmer of light.

Swift appeared in the transporter room, the crewman left and he headed up to the bridge. He had left for a few reasons all of which he hoped would be acceptable.
"I am reporting back from the freighter sir." Swift said to the captain as he walked on to the bridge.