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Messages - Skol

I read about your "assistent". Very interesting indeed. About the experimental warp core, this will be probably the most complex item to install at the scientific resaerch facility, though I am eager to see its results.
*Skol looks at Nocturnus, to mahGNUs, and to T Hain, and than rises his left eyebrow*
Indeed they have mr. Assis. I shall be glad if you stop by my office later and we could discuss this and other issues.
Interessant project Admiral. It would be both bold and usefull.
You look surprise Captain mahGNUs. It would surprise you even more to know the amount of time they used Romulan Ale at the Vulcan embassy, when they faced a hard diplomatic negociation in meetings. During the time I was working in ops at the embassy, that was pretty usual.
*Captain Skol nods back*
*A vulcan enters calmly at the Reseasch Facility*

Greetings Gentlemens, and Lady. I am Fleet Captain Skol, recently appointed to be this Station new Chief of Operations, for those who do not know me yet. I apologise for being late for I was still being seattled at my office. Altought we both arrived almost at the same time at the Starphoenix Planetary base, I welcome you Admiral Nocturnus.

Altought ilegal, Romulan ale has the remarkable efect of making the time "run more smoothly". Not implying that the present company requires such devices. And the flavor is quite, huh, unsual, but very pleasent, if I might say.
*looks at mahGNUs and raises his left eyebrow again*

This is indeed a good idea Captain. I also do not know the local tavern yet.

I see you have quite a few interesting projects here Captain Assis. We will have to assemble a meeting with you, Captain mahGNUs and Commodore T Hain to estabilish the priorits of construction, once the Lancelot arrive with the remaining equipament.