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Messages - Kawolsky

Personal Logs / Personal Log: John Kawolsky
April 13, 2006, 05:51:14 PM
===== Begin Personal Log =====

Security Chief's Log, stardate 59281.5.

 On our way back to Dantor we were attacked by yet three more Romulan-Kazon Hybrid vessels. In the first volley, out shields and propulsion were taken out and just as I thought we were going to be destroyed, the Intelligence starship USS Unity dropped out of warp and defended our escape. If it wasn't for the Unity, I dread to think what might have happened. At the moment, we are safely back on Dantor and I am about to head the Infirmary to get this cut on my forehead sorted out.

===== End Log =====
Personal Logs / Personal Log: John Kawolsky
April 10, 2006, 02:43:23 PM
===== Begin Personal Log =====

Security Chief's Log, stardate 59272.9.

  The unidentified ship turned out to be under the command of Brigadier General Patrick Brown and a group of marines that had escaped the destruction of their ships, the USS Reliance and the USS Harbour Grace. They had commandeered the vessel after they were captured.

  As we discovered that General Brown was in command of the vessel, two more appeared out of nowhere and attacked us. The ship that Brown was on helped us to defeat the enemy and we were able to make repairs.

  Once again, I must congratulate Cadet Scotty on his efforts during the battle. He will turn out to be a fine officer indeed.

  The USS Black Trojan is now on a course back to Dantor, where I can finally get some R & R. I just hope that no surprises lay instore on the way back.

===== End Log =====
Personal Logs / Personal Log: John Kawolsky
April 04, 2006, 11:42:48 AM
===== Begin Personal Log =====

Chief Security Officer's Log, Stardate 59256.1.

  Shortly after arriving on the USS Black Trojan, we were attacked by three Romulan Warbirds. We managed to repel them, but not before sustaining heavy damage to several key systems on the ship. After the battle had ended, Cadet Scotty detected a cloaked ship in the vicinity and with a modified Tacyon beam, managed to decloak it. It turned out to be a small scout ship, scanning our ship's defensive and offensive capabilities. After disabling the scout with a Quantum Torpedo, we beamed the crew to the brig and tractored the scout ship into the shuttle bay.

  Cadet Scotty is performing well. He has managed to complete several tests and has already been promoted to Cadet, Level III. Scott has shown intelligence and skill in both the practical and theoratical exercises. At the moment, Scotty is with me and Commander Balkazar on the Trojan, continuing his training. I have no doubt that he will turn out to be a fine officer and I think I will offer him a position at Starphoenix, when he graduates.

  As for now, we are currently investigating a unidentified ship that appears to be of both Kazon and Romulan design, heading for Kazon space. This is a mystery and apparently has something to do with Admiral Richard Ransom. Hopefully time will tell.

===== End Log =====
Personal Logs / Personal Log: John Kawolsky
April 13, 2006, 11:21:15 PM
===== Begin Personal Log =====

Security Chief's Log, stardate 59282.1.

 Well Cadet Scotty finally got promoted to Ensign I am very happy for him. He has shown skill and intelligence all the time I have been training him. He deserves it. I offered him the position as my XO here at Starphoenix and he accepted. He is now serving under me and he seems to be pleased with his new office! I know that he will perform well.

===== End Log =====
Yeah. When I'm through doing all of the fun stuff, I'd join Starfleet and work my way up to Captain.
I would probably want to fire a phaser the most but I would also love to fly a ship, and then probably join Starfleet.
OFF-Game / Which Starship Is the Best?
March 02, 2006, 10:47:54 AM
That's good too.
OFF-Game / Which Starship Is the Best?
February 26, 2006, 11:44:21 PM
Because of Han Solo? or do you just like the Falcon?
OFF-Game / Which Starship Is the Best?
March 14, 2006, 10:18:48 AM
Yeah but there's only one problem I have with Voyager. How did it survive:

> The Borg
> Species 8472
> The Krenim
> The Kazon
> The Hirogen
> The Malon

and others....?

AND how did they destroy NOT ONE, but several Borg ships, when it is clearly seen that a FLEET of Fedreration ships ( Wolf 359 'Best of Both Worlds', Earth 'ST: First Contact'| ) could not, or had difficulty. At Wolf 359, 39 Starships were lost and 11,000 people killed or injured AND that Cube was still in tact! The only reason they destroyed the Borg ship in ST: First Contact, was because Cpt Picard turned up and was able to provide them with co-ordinates to a weak spot in the Borg Cube. Up until that point, it was clear that they were losing the battle.

Sorry for the rant, but thats what think.
OFF-Game / Which Starship Is the Best?
February 23, 2006, 11:36:08 PM
I think that the Prometheus is the best because it was made by humanity in today's era.
OFF-Game / Which Starship Is the Best?
February 28, 2006, 10:10:21 PM
OK. That's good
OFF-Game / Which Starship Is the Best?
February 26, 2006, 02:01:32 AM
That is true. It makes for a good fighter carrier that can be quickly deployed into a battleship when needed. And it does have very good weapons.
OFF-Game / DO you think that the new proposals...
February 10, 2006, 10:16:53 PM
It just so happens that i am studying this at the moment. (I am 16 and about to do my GCSE's)

Anyway, I believe that it is up to the person unless they are not in the right frame of mind to do so.
OFF-Game / Got a Problem
February 23, 2006, 05:11:48 PM
Oh no Balkazar!!
OFF-Game / Shadow Fleet RPG
April 24, 2006, 04:26:03 PM
I'm not trying to take people from Expansion Fleet but Chris Newberry has got a Star Trek RPG called Shadow Fleet and it is worth checking out. I advise anyone who likes RPG's, particularly Star Trek ones, to visit and perhaps register. Ths link is below. If you could post your thoughts on the site too, that would be great.

http://www.taskforce10.sg-atlantis.biz/forums/" target="_blank">http://www.taskforce10.sg-atlantis.biz/forums/