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Messages - Peter Brown

Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 28, 2005, 04:45:27 PM
The U.S.S Shadow is in Dock at the moment at Shadow station. also a Fleet Admiral Bailey is a good friend of my Commanding officer Flag Admiral Raven
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 29, 2005, 01:22:54 AM
Computer stop Music
Computer access database search for all files Partaining to the current Situation
well well what is going on here if i get out of this mess it will be the last time i go on a stand alone mission
COmputer Record personal Log Fleet Admiral Brown
Personal Log
as of right now the situation has gotten worst General Reed had refused allowing me to head back to the fleet and in one week iam suppose to go on shore leave for three days and go to the celtic bar i heard of on SS Avalon now since i have been  locked in quarters in SS Kenndey under arrest from the FSS i was able to get a coded message back to the fleet i only hope that since iam gone the borg do'nr decide to fet messy the U.S.S Shadow will only wait for me for 5 days before she heads back to base if only i could convince the General to let me go but i can see it from his point of view a stange officer showing up like i did i would use the same measers but i only hope that i could get out of this mess End Log.
Fleet Admiral Brown sits by the window and looks at the stars
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 28, 2005, 04:23:41 PM
I understand all starfleet rules.
oh and my suttle bypass to secuitey system by using code delta12 you will get all my information of my ID.
as you would see this suttle is from the U.S.S Shadow which is the flagship of the fleet.
Any information you need from me do ask.
then Fleet Admiral Brown followed the Officer

ooc:changed my rank to fleet admiral to get rid of any confustion
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 28, 2005, 10:55:05 PM
Fine Major
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 28, 2005, 01:50:48 AM
The runabout enters the dock at Ss Kenndey
is lead to Station Ops then he give His Id to the Voice of the peraon on the Comm.
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 29, 2005, 06:12:59 PM
==^== USS Shadow to Fleet Admiral Brown Please repond  Fleet Admiral Brown please repond I repet Fleet Admiral Brown this is the USS Shadow Please Repond==^==
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 29, 2005, 04:39:47 PM
Fleet Admiral Brown turns and walk over to the bunk and lay down and puts and hands behind his head.
Thinking to himself  i could get a real vacation like that will happend in the five years i been with the Shadow fleet that major he is damm fine officer if i ever did see one at lease the General has good officers, i wonder if my cusions are stationed out here that would really give patrick a shock
then Fleet admiral Brown goes to sleep
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 28, 2005, 12:58:08 AM
==^== Rodger that I understand, Iam the Division Commanding officer of the Shadow fleet on the other side of the Delta Quadrent I have traveled to the most close base of the Expanstion to offer my services until my Fleet is on-line  do you require any more information?.Brown out==^==

ooc: Iam in the sister rpg of this one
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 29, 2005, 01:51:56 PM
Fleet Admiral Brown was paceing then he made hus decistion
Computer who is in Command of this Station
Computer:Access Denied
Computer Record a Message to be sent to General Reed
Computer Begin Recording
From:Fleet Admiral Peter Brown Commanding Officer Shadow Fleet
To:General Reed
I have been in this station for two days I understand that you are holding me to find out who I relly am then in that case why do'nt you come doen here and interview me or contact Section 31 I belive that they would be happy to find out what i know or i could tell you it is all up to you General I will be waiting you andswer or and General the message I sent to Shadow fleet is to have the Uss Shadow wait for me 15 Ly from here so you better check your sensours
Fleet Admiral Peter Brown
Commanding Officer Shadow Fleet
COmputer Sent Message
*then a consoel in Ops started to beep*

ooc: use this url to see whats going on at shadow fleet i think you will be intrested http://shadowfleet.myfreeforum.org/index.php" target="_blank">http://shadowfleet.myfreeforum.org/index.php
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 29, 2005, 04:26:44 PM
*smiles back*
well at least it gives me a vacation from Fighting the BORG
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 28, 2005, 11:15:35 PM
a personal transmission arraived from the U.S.S Shadow to Fleet Admiral Brown
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 29, 2005, 04:15:31 PM
ooc: I tryed to make more intresting tell how much further to what to storyline to go
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 29, 2005, 12:08:41 AM
ooc: thats not what the messages says any way you got it wrong
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 29, 2005, 04:04:45 PM
Fleet Admiral Brown relized that soon they might cut him off of his communacations when he check they did.
He though to him self if he could get to the runabout and
get access to his communacation array he tps his communcator
==^== Brown to Alpha 1 code4567==^==

*then the Runabout sent a sligt comm signal before it was jammed by SS Kenndey8
==^== Suttle Computer:This is the suttle craft alpha one we have been captured by the FSS please if any starship hear this please repond this is the suttle craft alpha one this suttle craft is from the shadow fleet could any starship please repond if they is any section 31 agents who can hear this our Commanding Officer Fleet Admiral Peter Brown would be glad to share information about the War with the Borg.............==^==
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 29, 2005, 03:37:49 PM
the Fleet Admiral started Paceing
Computer Open a Comm channel to the Uss Shadow
==^== Uss Shadow Come in==^==
==^== Uss Shadow here this is Commander Shack its good to see you Sir==^==
==^== like wise is there any word from this base on leting me out of here==^==
==^== No Sir we were warned to stay 14 Ly away do you whant us to come any closer==^==
==^== No this area of space is already in War we do'nt need to make any more problems as we have now and your Orders are to stay in postion for 5 days only==^==
==^== Sir why are you not useing to code==^==
==^== In some why get my self out of here oh and commander have you heard whats going on here==^==
==^== Sir they are at War with a race called the Delta Alliance==^==
==^== Intresting, keep in contact Brown out.==^==