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Messages - Legudon

Battle raged for what seemed like an eternity between the Gallifreyan master and the leader of the Heraani race. Both masters of the psionic arts, the fight was not tipped in the favor of either.

"I must give you credit, heretic," Ar'Krakh projected, as he parried a blow from Drengar. "You are strong. It will be a shame to kill you, you would have made a great servant for the Gods. Perhaps moreso than myself. It is unfortunate that you hold back your potential by catering to the weak."

"You will find that my purity of heart gives me strength, dark one," Legudon responded.

"Really? We shall see how pure you really are."

Legudon was about to strike again, but was thrown back by a psionic wave of immense power. Burning with pain, and seeing his apprentice continue the fight many dozens of meters away, the master watched while dragging himself to his feet.
(OFF: We can leave any time.)

"Every family is my priority. Such is the life of a Gallifreyan."
"Please, Commander, call me either Legudon or Master. I surpassed knighthood before you were born. In any case, if I can count on you, Commander, then I am ready. My warriors will follow your crew to the death."
"Your family is welcome to stay on Gallifrey, easily the safest planet in the galaxy. It would be up to you to see them whenever you return there."
"I won't give you false precepts about our Order, we live difficult lives, and you would be separated from your family quite a lot. But it is a chance to make a real difference in the galaxy. A critical moment is approaching in the affairs of the galaxy, and the Order has realized that we can no longer keep to our cloistered, isolated ways. We must employ the aid of the galaxy in it's own defense."
"Mr. Spock, I hope you don't intend to count favors with me. We have assisted Starfleet many times, and while we appreciate the help you have given in return, I don't expect you to use it as a bargaining chip. And I most definitely do not appreciate your beration of my personal character and my race. However, I know you simply mean the best for those in your charge, that you do not wish to see them harmed. But you must remember that they joined Starfleet willingly, and you must be prepared to sacrifice their lives, as well as your own, for the greater good."
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
November 15, 2005, 01:31:40 PM
*Legudon suddenly appears in Ops.*
"The situation is worse than we expected. The Na'jigat has brought an ally... the Heraan!"
*Legudon appears on the bridge out of nowhere.*
"That may not be necessary, admiral."
*Calm as ever, he walks toward the captain.*
"Surely you remember me, Legudon of the Gallifreyan Order."
*Then he nods at admiral Vorak.*
"And I believe we have met before too. I have some good news for you, Avalon Station was not destroyed. There was much damage done, but the station withered the storm. You, however, may not be able to unless I help. You were unfortunate enough to be in the direct flight path of the Na'jigat and the Heraan."
*He nods at the viewscreen.*
"Apparently, something has caused them both to turn around and flee as fast as they can, despite the fact that total victory was very near for them. This has never happened before, to my knowledge, and their behaviour is most puzzling, as I have not yet been able to determine what it is that draws them to it, or causes them to flee."
*He looks at Sanchez, and then at Kelli Lauren.*
"I have obtained some new energy and powers from defeating some of the Heraan, at least that's one advantage for us Gallifreyans that we didn't know about until now, and I should be able to cause serious damage to the attacking Heraan, giving you a chance to return to Avalon Station."
*He walks closer to the tactical officer.*
"Ms. Lauren, I believe your name is? If you would permit me, I'd like to make a brief use of your tactical console. I intend to fire phasers at the Heraan, while focussing on mental energy and invisibly channelling it toward the Heraan using your phaser beam. This will cause an unexpected blow, after which I expect they will retreat."
*Then he looks at Sanchez and Vorak.*
"With your permission too, of course."
*The ship shudders heavily under impact once more.*
*Legudon closes his eyes and begins pushing buttons on the panel. At first, nothing seems to happen, while the ship shudders under impact once more. Then, Legudon begins to hum slowly, and several lights on the control panel begin to flash erratically. Seconds later, a beam like that of the ship's phaser and yet different, appears on the viewscreen, being shot from the Evolution toward the Heraan ship. It keeps a constant beam on the Heraan ship for a few long seconds, and then suddenly... it explodes violently. Debris flies in all directions, and once it is clear that no part of the ship is intact, the ships behind it appear to cease fire, and seconds later turn around to flee as fast as they can. Many more seconds go by, until Legudon opens his eyes and removes his hands from the control panel. He nods at Omicros.*
"Thank you, Mr. Omicros. You have done well, though you may require a recovery rest now."
*Then he turns to Vorak and Sanchez.*
"The danger is avoided for now, and will not return immediately. The other ships have joined their body of Heraan and Na'jigat flight, to a location yet unknown to us. However, I still suggest not to waste time in returning to Avalon Station, where you will find your comrades awaiting you."
*Legudon looks at Omicros.*
"Thank you for your offer, Mr. Omicros. As I am the only Gallifreyan Agent present, I can probably use a little help. I sense you have some mental powers that may help. Please put your hand on my arm to exchange energy while I work on this panel."
*Legudon begins pushing buttons on the panel of Lt. Cmdr. Lauren.*
*Legudon nods.*
"There will be a time where we will be calling on your services. But that time is not yet."
*Legudon disappears into nothing again.*
U.S.S. Rivendell / Mission 11: "Impromptu Heroism"
August 06, 2007, 01:53:22 AM
The Council immediately began an uproar.

"Silence!" Master Legudon called, and the Council subsided. "Tell us more. How do you know, young Taurik, that they are in league with the Heraan?"
*The voice of Legudon the Gallifreyan telepath agent resounds through the head of Taurik again, momentarily.*
"Fear not, we shall watch over your safety during your journey. You are a Vulcan, suppressing all emotion, but we read all, your entire being... we sense your fear. Soon we shall meet, and you will understand why we have called upon you..."
*The voice fades away again.*
*At that moment, the sounds of Taurik's surroundings seem to fade away, and the echo of another voice grows stronger... At first, Taurik is unable to make anything of it, but after some moments, he can begin to understand certain words clearly...*
"Taurik... Taurik... You must listen... Very important..."
*A singular voice now resounds clearly in his head, only for him to hear...*
"You must not fear us... We are the Gallifreyans, and we use ours and your telepathic abilities to communicate... There is no use looking for us, we are not anywhere near you... At least not physically. But we have been observing you for some time now... You have endured the tests of the Q, and for a reason. You have faced the greatest danger your universe has ever seen... the Na'jigat we call them... the beings of energy who have escaped from the Galaxy Core... For longer than the count of time, we have fought them, held them at bay... And we have done so without help of any other races except for the Erendir... And as the Erendir perished, we have grown weaker... The Na'jigat will increase their attacks, and we will not have enough Telepathic Agents to hold them at bay much longer... We need help... and though we are reluctant to contact other species, we have no choice in this matter... We need your help... You have the abilities, you can be trained... What say you?"
"It is a wise choice... We will meet soon, Taurik, near Gallifrey... We will meet at the outer borders of the Great Barrier... Only you now know where exactly I mean, for it is now in your mind... You need no coordinates, just follow your intuition and you shall find us... Until we meet again, Taurik..."
*The voice slowly fades away in Taurik's mind.*