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Messages - Ryan Reynolds

Starphoenix Station / CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
July 16, 2003, 02:38:17 AM
Commodore T'Hain, is there a third-in-command position. that I could maybe help with. I am here every day to post, but I have nothing to post to.
Starphoenix Station / CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
July 16, 2003, 05:50:40 PM
thank you for that statement.
Starphoenix Station / CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
July 16, 2003, 04:01:02 AM
My apologies Will Karelia, I was not sure what was to be done. I retract my request.
Starphoenix Station / CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
July 13, 2003, 02:24:42 AM
Commodore T'Hain, I am wondering what is going on with this division, what I mean is that I am the only one posting in the Starphoenix Marines area for a week now.

Name: Ryan Reynolds
Rank: Major
Position: Chief Engineer
Ship: USS Cortez

Starphoenix Station / CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
July 15, 2003, 02:41:30 AM
Yes that sounds like a good idea.
I believe there are several openings on the Cortez. Maybe you would like to be posted there?

OFF: all up to the Commodore.

*seeing that his ship could not contribute anymore to the mission since it seemed that there was a new faction, The Delta Alliance*

"Helm ready ship to return to Starphoenix, as soon as the ship is ready"

Since we have already embarked on the trip to DS12,

notify the fleet that we are forming up under their dorsel section.(bottom of ship)

All station heads run your diagnostics now while we wait to arrive at the station

Stand by to attack, once the fleet has set out we will outflank the RC ships.

OFF: yeah that is what I meant, ensign popped into my head it should have been lieutenant.(marine)

Good, how are the weapons systems?

Prepare all stations for battle positions

OFF: this is going to be tough if we don't know who has what job that is already a member here.

OFF: I am here

OFF2: this mission isn't working with so few crew members:(

oops sorry I almost forgot about this guy.
We have been ordered to escort the Sequoia, Evolution, and the Tiberon to battle the RomulanCoalition fleet at Deep Space 12.

All personnel please report to your respective positions and confirm readiness.

*hearing the red alert claxons going off*

good, how is the team doing on the station?

Ensign: I am reading that the team is still in engineering

Reynolds: ok, ready weapons arm all phaser banks load torpedo bays, ready at a moments notice.

OFF: it will be easier if all of you put your job in the signature.

OFF: yeah the new orleans too http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

OFF2: now all we need is helm.