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Messages - Peter Brown

Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 03, 2006, 06:14:12 PM
*Peter Was standing in a corner and he steped out of the shadow*

I will go on my own to regain control of the Essex

Crewman: sir I mu..

Save it crewman check your Computer Intelligence Command Protcol A-2

Which States that and Inteigence Flag officer can go into hostail Terrory

Crewman:Yes Sir

Admiral Ransom I will re gain control of the Essex I was appreande of your situation

Crewman Site toi Site Transport Deck 42 Section 50 U.S.S Essex-A
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 29, 2006, 12:30:56 AM
well Iam not an Enginer Jeff Its just earler in my ceear in starfleet I was.

==^== Brown to Balkazar  Commander I will try to keep the Forcefeilds up but there is damage in the power reactors I can give you 20 minites tops before that deck  loses power ==^==

Computer Power Up Back up Generators 1 thue 20
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 05, 2006, 10:58:14 PM
*A brite Light filled the entire Room and everything shook as the U.S.S Essex-A blew up and every one was thrown onto the floor*
Station Ops / Ops Communications
June 29, 2005, 05:56:43 PM
Station Ops / Vice Admiral Peter Brown-Office
January 09, 2006, 04:43:32 AM
* In the Middle of the Room was an Oak desk and behind it was a family Pictures the Caption read  " L- R    Captian Peter Brown,Commondore J.G Richard Ransom, 2nd Lieutennent Patrick Brown, Cadet Richard Brown."* and ther was a Picture of the U.S.S Aries on the wall as well*

Peter Walk into the Officer he looks at the Pictures on the Wall.

Wow now that was a long time ago  I was just Finishing my Command with the Aries  and Uncle Ransom just got COmmondore wow we should all get together and have a Family get toether.
ooc:can Shadow Fleet join in on this Mission?
U.S.S. Rivendell / Mission 8: The Battle of Avalon
January 05, 2006, 10:57:50 PM
* a blue hue was see as a person beam on bor the Bridge*

COmputer:Identey COnfirmed  Vice Admiral Peter Brown

Commander Freeman firs things first do not treat me as an Admiral treat me as an fellow officer I was just on bord the Essex and re took her but the Virus that the Dark Psi Warrors inputed spend the entire time trying to actvated the Self Dustruct on the Essex which they were able to do in 10 minites the Essex will blow they even disabled the override to self distruct

Crewman:Sir, the Essex is Powering Engines and is heading Away at Full IMpluse

*A brite Light filled the entire Room and everything shook as the U.S.S Essex-A blew up and every one was thrown onto the floor*
ooc: if you whant, you can ask me as rd in Command of Avalon Div i would have the codes to, open the doors
U.S.S. Eschion / Crew Reporting
November 01, 2005, 03:51:15 AM
Vice Admiral Peter Brown
Commanding Officer Vnaguard Intellignence

The U.S.S Shadow I was in Command Of her but we left her to dwift as no Crew showed up the Shadow is from the Orginal Shadow Fleet so hopfuly we can keep her
U.S.S. Nautilus / Mission 1: On The Way
June 29, 2005, 05:58:58 PM
*a faint transmission is heard over the speakers*
==^== Suttle Computer:This is the suttle craft alpha one we have been captured by the FSS please if any starship hear this please repond this is the suttle craft alpha one this suttle craft is from the shadow fleet could any starship please repond if they is any section 31 agents who can hear this our Commanding Officer Fleet Admiral Peter Brown would be glad to share information about the War with the Borg.............==^==
Castle Guard Operations / Intelligence Section
October 06, 2005, 02:33:36 PM
*Peter is beamed into his office*
Computer lockout all Access to Intel Section to Intel Agents Auroization BrownAlphabelta2ZuluBreacker5
Computer:Lockout engaged
COmputer Actvated Intel Comm Array Athroxation
Computer:Intel Comm array on-Line
Computer Actvated all Sensour Blocks and Tranport Inibbters

Computer Send Message to Intel Agents in Secter 10412 Romluan Cell
COmputer:Standing by
Ordered top get to Tash ire outpost 175 to gain acess to  Romluan Secure file A-23453-B90323-D-35353Belta34534-Secure Access-Tash Ire sector Command 63535235-B-253.
Computer Send Message
Computer:Messages Coded and Sent
Peter then goes to his Desk and looks over some Intel reports
Castle Guard Operations / Intelligence Section
September 11, 2005, 09:28:42 PM
Vice Admiral Brown enters the Intelligence section.
Computer Confirm Brown,Peter Vice Admiral  Intel Section Actvated all Sensour posts.
Ensign how many agents are out in missions
Ensign: 3 sir
Castle Guard Operations / Intelligence Section
September 26, 2005, 02:47:27 PM
Iam on a Intellagence Mission you may join into the Mission if you whant.nut if uyou do'nt join the Mission  You got time off until October 2nd

Vice Admiral Peter Brown
Vanaguard Intellagence Chief