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Messages - Pierre Louis Assis

Starphoenix Station / Holo Suite #1
March 23, 2003, 12:48:33 AM
*walks in*

Computer, enable programmer mode. Load personality patterns Assis Alpha-0034-Gamma-Phi.

Patterns loaded and ready. Programming mode enabled.

Computer, enable visual sculpting mode and load appearence pattern Assis-Epsilon-997.

Pattern loaded and ready. Sculpting mode enabled

*the image of a young woman wearing a science uniform with no pips appears, smiling*

Run program

*computer beeps*

Hello SARAH, how are you?

- I do not think there is a possible answer to that question sir, but if you are refering to the integrity of my program, I am fine.

Good... I'm going to update somethings and upload more scientific databases to your memory banks today and then we will start working, ok?

*three hours later*

Hum.. let's see how you perform today... Computer, run experimental warp core program. Authorization Assis-2643-Kappa.

*the room turns into something like the main engeneering of a ship, though the warp core is smaller and there are small nacelles next to it*

So SARAH, let's get to work. You take the intermix console and I'll work on the field harmonics.

Starphoenix Station / MEDICAL BAY
November 08, 2003, 02:53:20 AM
=A= Assis to Sullivan =A=

Understood, sir. I'll do my best to make the base look it's best when you arrive.

Starphoenix Station / MEDICAL BAY
October 18, 2003, 12:29:10 AM
*a nurse comes rushing into the room and activates the EMH. after half an hour of neuro synaptic stimulation, the patient starts regaining counsiousness and opens his eyes, confused*

Hum... where... am I?

*the EMH responds*

You are at Starphoenix Base's Medical Ward. You suffered severe neurological stress and would have died if I had not been activated. *turns to the nurse* Good job, nurse Paskington.

*turns to Pierre*

How are you feeling?

*looks still a bit confused*

Hum... Well, I think... What happened to your uniform? *looks to the Doctor surprised to see his different uniform* What day is it?

Today is Stardate 56794.3 *the doctor replies as the nurse leavs the room, looking shy* Our uniforms were changed just after the Borg battle, sir.

*Pierre looks more confused*

56794.3? That's almost two months! How?! The last thing I remember is activating the warp field shielding system and a big green glow.. Probably a Borg tachion torp... No.. it can't be that, can it?

*The Doctor looks to Pierre with an outraged face*

Well, how would *I* know? I'm a Doctor, not a theoretical physicist!

*Pierre smiles*

Thanks, Doc... Computer, end EMH program.

*The Doctor vanishes, his mouth open as if he'd just protest again*

*Pierre steps out of the boibed and taps his comm badge*

=A= Assis to T'Hain =A=

*the commbadge beeps oddly*

=A= Assis to T'Hain =A=

*the commbadge beeps oddly again*

Hum... Strange... Computer, where is Commodore T'Hain?

*the computer beeps and responds*

Rear Admiral T'Hain is not in the base.

Oh.. I see... Perhaps Commodore Marou knows where he is...

=A= Assis to Commodore Marou =A=

Commodore, I have just recovered my consciousness at the medical ward. I've tried to reach Commodore T'Hain, but he seems to be off base...

Starphoenix Station / MEDICAL BAY
October 16, 2003, 10:14:21 PM
*a body beams into one of the bio beds. while he is not injured, his breathing is heavy and slow. the bed's alarm goes off, indicating crytical life signs*
Starphoenix Station / MEDICAL BAY
October 19, 2003, 02:59:45 PM
*his face turns white*

He is dead then... A brave and bold vulcan, indeed... I suppose his funeral has already taken place, didn't it?

I wish I could have said goodbye to him...

*cleans throat*

Well... I must honor him doing my very best to make this base thrive. Who is our new CO? You, Commodore?

I need to know what the Science department can do to help the base.

*smiles politely, looking a bit puzzled by the relationship between vulcans and romulan ale*

Gentlemen, Ms. Mirez... Shall we proceed to the Pixies, then?

Unfortuately, sir, I haven't. I have spend almost all the time since I arrived putting the Research Facility together and programming simulations for my work on a holosuite, while my hologrid doesn't arrive.

I was about to analyse the data I collected from the simulation whe you arrive, sir. I believe you are aware of the nature of my research...


And this is Lt. Cmdr. James Stuart Junior, responsible for the archaeology department and for the astrometrics sensor array, which is a project that I and Captain mah'GNUs are working on and will be completed after the Lancelot deploys the sensor probes around the planet.

*Yawns after a long day drawing schemes on his PADD, alone in the empty future Research Facility*

Well... Going to get some sleep... I hope that the engeneers call me soon...

*Leaves for his quarters*

A very logical remark, Capt. mah'GNUs... *smiles* And I believe that all the interesting things have already been seen so if the Admiral agrees, we could stop by the Pixies and have lunch...
*turbolift doors open. every one walks out.*

That, Ms. Ayala, is a specially designed intermix control console, but it is not fully assembled yet. Without getting too technical, I, or more precisely my assistent SARAH, will use this to adjust the intermix formula in real time. That means that she will be able to adjust the amount of matter and anti-matter that goes into the core and the way they pass through the dilithium crystals... This is important to help me control the way the subspace field is created, but I can't explain any more without giving a lecture on General Relativity and Advanced Warp Field Theory... *smiles friendly*

I believe you will like to meet SARAH when we go to the bar...

*turns to the officers*

And right there will be installed my experimental warp core. As I said before, the simulations I ran gave me some interesting data to work on and I hope that within six months or so, maybe less, I will be able to test the core design on a real ship! Most exciting... *smiles*

That would be a great improvement on our security precautions!

Well, if there are no further questions, let's proceed to the second floor, where the Warp Field Research Laboratory will be installed once my experimental warp core arrives.

By the way Admiral, I would like to discuss with you on a later ocasion if Starfleet could send me an old Oberth Class ship, for the final steps of my research.

This way, please...

*heads to the turbolift. after everyone in he says*

Second floor. Security clearance Assis-Alpha-5-8-9

Clearance accepted

*the turbolift starts moving*

*Walks to the sole computer pannel on the room and taps commands into it*

There, there! This will help me keep track of all the comm. I just wish they install the computer core asap, so I can put the computer on voice command mode... *sighs*

Let's go then.

*leaves for the Pixies*

OFF: This will now continue at the Pixies thread

*turns to Skol*

Not so complex, since I designed it myself, but we will need a special power grid and a lot of care when we instal the anti-matter tank...

As for the force field Captain mah'GNUs mentioned, I have already asked Lt. Cmdr. Stuart to see what parts of it we already have. There are only a few components that will have to be brought from Avalon, but I am sure that the field will be in place in no time after we get the parts.

*goes to the computer console on the wall*

Computer, display the image of the experimental warp core from the recordings of the experimental warp core program on holosuite one. Authorization Assis-2643-Kappa.

*computer beeps and a picture appears on the screen. it is quite similar to the main engineering of a ship, but the core is smaller and there are two small nacelles in front of it, some twenty meters away*

See Admiral, Ms. Mirez... This is how the roome will look like when we finish installing everything! Beautiful, huh?