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Messages - Sarah Garcia

OFF-Game / What is happening to the corporation?
May 03, 2003, 08:12:31 PM
WOW! I 'm away a week from a computer, and ALL this happens! LOL *hates exams* hahaha

K, anyway, I know I'm gonna sound super lost, but nobody's leaving, right? (fine, I'm not 100% awake yet -it's SATURDAY!-, but that's what I understood! lol)
I know I'm not the greatest example of a RPG member, since I don't post THAT often & blah blah blah, BUT! when I promise to post, I post!
So I'll try to post as often as I can, and.. come on TEAM! (wooooohooooooo! *applaaaause!*) <-- lol sorry I'm kinda weird today LOL

PS: Susann Winterspoon, good luck! *thumb up* You have the coolest Uniform ever! LOL =P

OFF-Game / Miss Expansion 2003
March 16, 2003, 08:44:02 PM
Hey! It's MY system of MY campaign! lol (btw, I'm also Sarah Garcia, Reporter for the Corporation!) <-- so check THAT out! lol

(Edited by Sarah Garcia at 9:45 pm on Mar. 16, 2003)