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Messages - Zynth

The Emerald Isle / Banquet Room 1
July 23, 2003, 07:54:17 AM
OFF: who so you have in starphoenix?
The Emerald Isle / Banquet Room 1
July 23, 2003, 12:33:08 AM
OFF:ok,is this the right rank,and stuff,sooo,what to do,what too do.(LOL)
The Irish Clover / The Irish Clover
July 27, 2003, 05:07:09 AM
OFF:Im in oregon.

(My characters here: Arlweyn,Zynth,Ionias,Lucas Bailey, Conner McCloud, and Vinnie Tetirini)

Operations Center / Reporting In
July 24, 2003, 08:12:11 PM
*enters hastily*

Sorry im late, there was a small fire in the Irish clover,everythings fine now,umm, welcome...

*realizes dickenson is not there*


*sits in his chair and looks thorough his computer*

Operations Center / Operations Center
August 11, 2003, 06:08:16 AM
OFF:I didnt mean anything against omega,its my favorite division,im just being prepared,who knows what the romulan coalition have up there sleeves.

"Aye Sir."

*leaves, hurrys to send distress call*

Operations Center / Operations Center
August 11, 2003, 03:47:43 AM
*runs to the admiral*

"Admiral, i have a friend stationed at starphoenix,if we need help, i could contact him,and he can let the co know, then he can get his ship here quick,the last i heard was that he was heading towards the dark passage...???"

*enters running, with Vinnie Teterini,Conner McCloud and Lucas Bailey*

"Mr. Damen, Might we be of assistance, we can fly fighters, even though we seem like were from the prehistoric age."

OFF: the last line is a joke,even hough all four are mine...just wanted to apologize.--LB

*all four hop in a  fighter, and do the pre-flight check*

Zynth: Systems Green,all go.

Teterini: Systems green, im go.

McCloud:System Green, lets klick ass.

Bailey: Same here,green, ready to go.

Mr.Damen, you  ready?

(Edited by Zynth at 7:12 pm on Aug. 13, 2003)

Omega Division Archives / Operations Center
August 11, 2003, 06:08:16 AM
OFF:I didnt mean anything against omega,its my favorite division,im just being prepared,who knows what the romulan coalition have up there sleeves.

"Aye Sir."

*leaves, hurrys to send distress call*

Omega Division Archives / Operations Center
August 11, 2003, 03:47:43 AM
*runs to the admiral*

"Admiral, i have a friend stationed at starphoenix,if we need help, i could contact him,and he can let the co know, then he can get his ship here quick,the last i heard was that he was heading towards the dark passage...???"

OFF-Game / Problem with Furcadia Fleet
July 25, 2003, 02:58:44 AM
Hey,how come when i go to register with the new Delta Fleet,it says something about software not avalaible  or something like that.......??? Mirror Universe->Delta Fleet
"i'll take the 3rd in charge sir."

OFF:Which avatar? senior admiral,vice-admiral....?
i can try to get some friends of mine to join.

"Zynth reporting, i would like the position as 3rd-in-charge."
OFF: You would make a fine military recruiter.LOL, Did you mean Omega Station Security Cheif/CO,because that is taken by my other character,Vinie Teterini.
If you look in the message form ther is a list of positions availabe for the Tiberion, Sequoia, and the station.
What position are you interested in Mr. Ru afo? Medical,Science,Tactical,Security,Command,etc...