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Messages - mimas elfeneye

Operation: REBORN / Roll Call
November 23, 2007, 05:25:00 PM
l'll be here regulary....
ur wish is a pleasure
U.S.S. Normandy / Mission 5 "The Great Blue Yonder"
December 09, 2007, 09:27:58 AM
mimas was abruptly torn from his mental meditation, and found himself behind razagal;

He quickly regained his mind

"why you little....." he closed his eyes, and focussed on the heraan commander.

'... c'mon...' he thought to himself.... 'just one psyonic blast, into his central brain, he must die now, or at least pass out.... just ..... one.... concentrated psyonic blast.... to make... him.... collapse'
U.S.S. Normandy / Mission 5 "The Great Blue Yonder"
December 08, 2007, 08:13:02 PM
Mimas suddenly sat up straight....

he turned somewhat to sit comfortably, and began to chant an ancient chant... which would get him into a mental trance....

With all his might, he send out a mental wave... a wave which would have the telepatic imprint of a full battalion marines flanking the heraan from the right...
To make the telepatic messega as imposant as he could, he forced all of his mental powers, it had been so long since he had to use them.... he did not know how long he could do this
U.S.S. Normandy / Mission 5 "The Great Blue Yonder"
December 07, 2007, 10:59:40 PM
mimas standing behind john, whispered:
l wish we could teleport some explosive device into the wave, it would sure save a lot of our own ppl....
November 25, 2007, 09:51:14 PM
l would like to use one of ur holorooms, l would like to run some simulations with new tactical manoeuvres.  Is that possible?
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 7
June 29, 2006, 08:37:56 PM
what are they fighting over?
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 7
June 30, 2006, 03:34:34 PM
please allow me to think over my answers for scenarios 1 & 2, in the third case, i would kindly decline such an offer... Replicators can be used for multiplication of mass destruction weapons... if l have no guarantees that this is not the case, l will not agree with such a trade...  The fact they offer us so much millitary equipment suggest this species is war-minded... l dont like replicators in the hands of war-minded beings...
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 7
June 29, 2006, 07:54:58 PM
***Listens very attentive, then thinks awhile
If you were to maintain your assaults on Calos, the only result will be that the federation will send reïnforcements.  Maybe, you want to consider to join the federation after all... I mean, that way, Calos cannot attack you, without consult of the federation alliance.
Furthermore, the federation could help you in the development of your technology, which would make you less vulnarable.
It could, all things well considered, bring peace to your planet...
*** thinks awhile, then writes down notes in his notebook...
Sir, being ambassador of the federation, l take it, l can have contact with Fed HQ, and with the ambassador of Calos.  So, before l would have met you, l would have spoken with the ambassador of Calos... especially inquiring information on the reasons of the dispute, and their position towards accepting you, and your planet, into the Federation...
And, another thing, sir, I sence a lot of fear, in your character, as if he has good reasons not to trust the federation, some counter in the past of some sort...
I take it, this planet is beyond the Federations Border... if that is the case, I surely would recommend Fed HQ to presure Calos government to ceize their attacks, since they are violating inter-spacial law... are they not?
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 7
June 29, 2006, 08:57:51 PM
how about, proposing to Calos, which has a superiour technology, to defend its neighbouring planet, when Federation enemies should make an assault on planet X.

Planet X and Calos could sign a treaty, which commits Calos to defending planet X in times of war... That would not require planet X to join the Federation, but it could become allied with Calos. We, as Federation, could ask the planet X permission to build a defence system in its space...
I am sure Calos would not mind to use its superiour technology on defending his neighbour, and therefor itself, rather than on war, which only weakens their forcers and costs innocent deaths, like wars always do.
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 7
June 30, 2006, 12:37:39 PM
I see
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 7
June 30, 2006, 07:46:18 AM
Thank you, sir,
Yes, I have a question...
Why would the ambassador, of a species that does not want to join the Federation, come to the ambassador of the Federation...
It would seem more logic, that the Calos representative would have made this coversation...  I found it strange...
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 7
June 29, 2006, 08:22:47 PM
And why, might I ask, would Calos want to leave the Federation?
They have benefitted a lot, since they signed the treaty.  Since I am ambassador of the federation, you surely cannot expect me to go an ask someone, anyone, to leave this institute.  Unless ofcourse, there is a benefit for Calos, which can persuade them into a ceize of hostilities.
But, I must warn you, it's not because Calos leaves the Federation, that they will be harmless, and defenceless. Surely you are aware that their technology is superior to yours...
Hm, ... if I understand the workings of the federation correctly, we might intervene, when an overpowerd race tends to overrun a weaker species.
Maybe, I can work out a deal here.
Let me talk to Federation HQ, if they cannot make Calos stop the hostilities, they probably wont disagree on expelling Calos. If Calos then still commits acts of war, the Federation might consider to send a "peace-army"...
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 7
June 29, 2006, 10:40:01 AM
***knocks at the door, enters

Excuse me for interrupting

I am affraid it took longer then expected to figure out where I should go to...

Cpt Archer suggested, that I follow the diplomacy class, I hope I can still join...
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 7
June 29, 2006, 08:33:53 PM
Planet X promised to stop the assaults, if Calos left Federation.
If Calos stops its hostilities, planet X should not attack Calos, that would result in a war with the Federation, which is not what they want.
So, what I think will happen, is that Calos will sign a treaty in which they declare to stand down arms, and begin diplomatic negotiations, maybe even offer help, but what I fear that will happen after, is that planet X will not stop attacking.
I think, personally, that planet X, is the agressor here...
Does this answer your question? sir?
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 7
July 03, 2006, 09:22:27 AM
Scenario 1, sir, I would start talks with both species, convincing them that the dispute they are having amongst each other, might be solved in a diplomatic way, if both of them would join the federation.  That is the only non millitary sollution l can find.  l also was thinking of sending a peace-force, or constructing a defensive millitary border to seperate them... but, l strongly recommend these options as the last measurement to take... it could result in a mlllitary conflict between the federation, and both species now joined against a common ennemy.

Scenario 2...

Maybe a bit strange, sir, but l live by the golden rule to pay no attention at non constructive remarks... This results mostly in either the pessimist to shut up, since l am not responding to his remarks, or the pessimist realises his childish attitude, and starts giving constructive comments,...

If not well funded, and if the sole purpose of non-constructive comment, is to delay, stall, or sabotage meetings... these comments deserve no more than what they deserve: no attention..