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Messages - Lord Trek

Matt wasn't prepared for what he saw. The creatures of this planet were nothing Matt had ever seen. Once Matt adjusted to what he was seeing he started to fire at the spiders. At first the phaser fire just bounced off the spiders, but after a couple modifications the phaser fire made the spiders drop dead When Matt hured Balkazar give the order to retreat to the structure nearest to them Matt rushed to it while still firing at the attacking spiders.

"Lt. please come this way" Matt said as he pointed Munro to the hanger. Munro fired again and then ran towards the hanger while Matt and the other officers on her heels.
The spiders just kept on coming. When Matt heard that the Captain decided to use the ship to fire on the spiders, he was relieved. Hopefully these spiders will stop attacking, Matt thought. For now they were still coming and Matt kept on firing waiting for the Skytoucher to do her magic.
U.S.S. Skytoucher / Reporting in
April 10, 2005, 12:06:35 AM
Matthew Parayagua reporting in for duty. I was assigned the rank of ensign and I am a security officer.
Parayagua enters the bridge. He had just met the Captain on the turbolift. It was kind of intimidating at first, but the Captain put me at ease.

"Ensign you should go report to the bridge," commented Captain Laurdo.

"Yes, sir," responded Matt, which is what he liked to be called.  Now he was here, on the bridge of the USS Skytoucher. He walked to the Lt. and said," Reporting for duty, Lt."

"Welcome aboard, ensign," replied Lt. Doniger,"well as you see there is almost no one on board right now." It was true since Matt had arrived he had seen a few people, and saw others heading to the shuttle bay.

"I did get that impression sir," replied Matt.

"I see that you have training at Operations," remarked Doniger.

"Yes, I do," Matt said quickly.

"Well, for now take that is your station, and when the Captain returns he will put you where he wants," said Doniger. Matt couldn't believe it. He was going to work  at Operations. He was a security officer, but his dream was to become Chief Operations Officer of a ship and hopefully this was his step foward.
OCC: Okay, sorry that I haven't posted in what its like a month a half or more, but I have been in the hospital, and extremely busy catching up on all my school work. Now that I have finished with all my school work, I can finally start to post again, sorry that I haven't been around.

On: Matt was on when Captain Lurado got into the turbolift. Matt acknoledged his superior officer and decided to stand quiet.

"Ensign, Parayagua you will accompany me to the surface of the planet," the Captain said.

"Yes, sir," Matt said, now with a sick feeling in his stomach.
"Captain, we're being hailed by Admiral Owens," Matt said.

"Ensign, I didn't know you were assigned to the bridge," Lurado.

"I assigned him there for now," Doniger said.

"Okay," replied Lurado,"that good. If you do a good job I'll make you ass.cheif of operations."

"Sir the Admiral," said Matt.

"Oh yeah, I answer in my ready room. Balkazar you're in charge," said Lurado as he was walking to his ready room.
It was really strange for Matt, to hear what was happening with the Doctor and the alien aboard. Matt never realized that things can go so wrong so quickly, but Matt was hoping that everything could go right.

Off: Well it seems that I can't really do much, since I'm a security officer. If there is anything that I can do please let me know.
Admiral's Welcome Desk / AVALON DIVISION
April 07, 2005, 10:01:42 PM
Matthew Parayagua reporting for duty. I am a human and I would like to work in tatical or security.