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Messages - Zenakto

The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
June 19, 2003, 10:36:56 PM
*Takes hand off of console*
It's gone...
It told me how to destroy the ship, then it just dissappeared...
*looks at the ship centered on main viewer*
Mr. Boh, Our weapons as they are now will do next to no damage to the ship, it seems that it IS Species 8472, and they seem to have "Assimilated" a Borg vessel, what little damage we do will regenerate in less that a minuite. The Being gave me very specific Blueprints for a very powerfull weapon, a type of Antimatter Beam. it will be fed through the Deflector Dish, and take up an enormous amount of energy. it will leave us with just enough energy to warp back through the Hole with full shields, to avoid the MAJOR shockwave of the destruction of the reactor inside that... Thing.

You needn't worry about the being, It wants this Thing destroyed as much as we do, all damage it's done is just Self-Defence, It's living in the 5th level of the computor core right now, that explains everything "Odd" that's been going on. When we enter the Hole, it will leave the ship and close the Hole behind us, to prevent the Shockwave from devastating Our Universe.

If You don't Mind, Sir, I would like to begin construction of this Weapon immediately with the assistance of Mr. Nyax.

*Signals for Jacen to follow as he leaves the bridge*

(OFF: I may not be able to Post for a while again, so just say that I'm staying down there to operate the Weapon untill I can get it hooked up to the Computor.)

(Edited by Zenakto at 3:38 pm on June 19, 2003)

The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
June 06, 2003, 11:00:24 PM
*stands waiting patiently for the captain's decision.*
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
May 31, 2003, 05:34:27 PM
I think my parents are going to block the internet, I have an Idea why. They've been asking me over and over about poppups, and about how tricky they are, and If I've         ally clicked on one, and about this certain one that doesn't have a close button, and on and on and on.
Apparently, they think I downloaded something on here, I don't know what, but I think it's some scratchcard thing (Windows keeps trying to shut it down properly whenever I re-start or shut down the computor)
Anyway, If I stop posting than that's probably why.
I MIGHT be able to get on sometimes, but not too often.
I AM unconcious, so that should play out all right.
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
May 27, 2003, 01:58:03 AM
*taps controlls on console*
Yes they are...
How much further do we have to go?
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
May 24, 2003, 05:57:23 PM
Good, than the instalation was a complete success.
*retuns to post*
Shall I keep the nacelles ready in case we need to make a quick exit?
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
June 05, 2003, 03:20:47 PM
With your permission, Sir, I'd like to go investigate the computor core myself, I'll take any precautions you will give me, or not go at all, It's your choice.
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
May 30, 2003, 09:24:18 PM
*the console still crackles with electricity, If lstened to in just the right way, it could possibly sound like the purr of a great cat after it's kill...*
*the cracling stops, the small amount of smoke disperses, revealing the damage done to the console. Half of it, if it were cleaned off, looks to still be usable, but just a glance at the other side proves this wrong. The surge of electricity had made a hole in the controll panel, right where Zenakto's hand was when it blew. If the reason were unknown, it would seem to have been caused by a phaser on High power, but not Quite set to dissintigrate.*
*Zenakto opens his eyes, and manages to gasp:*
*loses conciousness*
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
May 18, 2003, 10:13:07 PM
Well, I must say, Congradulations, Commodore.
Yes, I am posted in engineering.
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
May 25, 2003, 02:59:39 AM
I am sorry if I upet you, But I have already said I am ready to go.
Try to calm yourself sir, Getting angry will not get you anywhere.
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
May 26, 2003, 04:30:57 AM
*taps controlls on console*
Power is diverted from weapons systems, available at your console... Now.
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
June 27, 2003, 09:42:55 PM
*The Being left to close the hole, and it is doing it's best to let the Shadowfire through and not anything else. The weapon was fired just before Warp, and the enemy Ship's Armor is dissintegrating, allowing the blast to hit the ship Directly, with no interference. As the Shadowfire Warps through the Hole, the Ship blows in an explosion that rivals the Big Bang itself. The Shockwave is visible as a Green Sphere, travelling at astonishing speeds. If the Shadowfire had stayed in that Universe, they would have been reduced to sub-atomic particles. But they didn't, they had passed through the hole, and now the Being was working twice as hard to Close it, but despite it's best efforts, a small portion of the Shockwave got through, Though not as powerfull as the rest of it, this Pre-blast was enough to do some damage. The ship is tossed around, and several asteroids in the cluster are destroyed, some by the sheer force of the wave, others by collisions. It was all of their shield modifications that saved the ship, but they were still heavily damaged, reduced to Impulse power, on emergence power, and drifting...*
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
May 20, 2003, 03:03:53 PM
If we enter the anomaly and some kind of "Time burst" occurs, Trinary shields wouldn't protect much against TIME. The temporal shields would guard against any harmfull Time interference.
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
June 01, 2003, 11:11:49 PM
(OFF: We have something called "Cybersitter", that blocks poppups, but if it doesn't have a close button... than perhaps it's "Hitting" the download button instead... I'll have to see if that makes sense to my parents. Also, I hope you don't mind, I'm going to say that the ship clears the "Hole" now.(I think we've had enough trouble with that now))
*Suddenly, the ship leaves the anomaly, though the end was not percieved. As it exits, everyone feels relieved, but in a physical sense, if not a mental one too. but their worries are far from over, for they still have yet to dicover what is wrong with the 5th level of the computor core...*
OFF: I'll leave it up to someone else to describe this "Other Universe". I'll most likely be able to get on for the next three days, after that, it doesn't look too good...
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
June 13, 2003, 05:03:20 PM
No, our weapons won't work against it, they'll just be reflected back to us, access the Deflecter Dish and anti-matter container, I'll set up the link between the Warp core and the Dish.

TRINITY!! Get over here and help Jacen!

The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
June 09, 2003, 02:30:44 AM
Yes, Sir.
*examines console*
I don't believe there is any cause to worry, the console does not appear to be connected to the power anymore, it seems to have just... melted. Perhaps a byproduct of the power surge. even if it were connected to the computor core, it wouldn't be able to do anything about it. The damage is extensive, even with regenerating capabilities, I would suggest replacing it completely.
*holds hand to head*