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Mission 5 "The Great Blue Yonder"

Started by Andrew Yates, November 28, 2007, 05:58:34 AM

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"Ensign, I'd prefer to handle the computer infiltration; being the only one that can read Heraan without translation, I can complete the job much faster."
Major Raszagal, Starfleet Marines 17th Battalion
Templar of the Gallifreyan Order

Aaron Cloud

Cloud starts to make his way when the artificial gravity suddenly stops, causing him to trip and start tumbling.

A few minutes pass with Cloud tumbling freely in the air, his face turning a blotchy ashen color.

~Ugh, this isn't helping.~

He grasps onto something, anything, and straightens himself. He starts making his way to engineering.

He arrives at engineering.
Aaron Cloud
Lt. Commander
CMO - U.S.S. Normandy
http://siriuscolonyrpg.freeforums.org/portal.php" target="_blank">Sirisu V Colony RPG

John Moore

John stood ready behind a barricade to the right of and behind Balkazar, and turned to check that his men were prepared.

"Here they come to die." he murmured, almost to himself.


<Having immense fun as he bounced off the walls and found his way to command chamber where Raszagal was>

"Private meatbag, is it possible to download my thoughts into the ships computer core without the loss of life to this body?" HK asked seriously.
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a318/admiralkarelia/HK47.jpg" border="0">


=^= "All marines get to your stations and make sure the gear, puma's, and pelicans are locked down and secure.  Make sure medical bay and armory are fully stocked.  Then get all the marines back onboard the Lothlorien." =^= Balkazar finished saying over his combadge as he hurried to the bridge.  Upon exiting the turbolift he was accompanied by 1 marine in full combat gear.

"Excuse me, General.  I hope you dont plan on coming on this lil field trip with us." Balkazar asked the general.

~"I think he is and so is the Admiral.  Such high ranking officers on such a trip is bad."~ the voice telepathically told Balkazar.

~"I know but I cant do much about it unless you want me to shoot them and throw them off the ship for their own safety or confine them to the brig."~ Balkazar telepathically told his symbiote.

~"You have done it before havent you?"~ the voice asked telepathically to Balkazar.

~"Yes but they were a brig general and major general.  An Admiral and Lt. General is another story.  They could rip me to peices."~ Balkazar telepathically told his symbiote.

~"Ahh, good point."~ the voice telepathically told Balkazar.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

William Richerd

Major Richerd saw the symbol and looked right at the Admiral and General. Having been a Captain of Security on Frontier, he had been briefly briefed on the symbol, but kept a confused look on his face at the moment.

He walked over to the Admiral and General and stood waiting for orders, since all the computer banks were locked out at the moment.

However, his mind was reeling, the implications of this could be disastrous to all space travel in the galaxy, and that was something that could not be taken lightly.

((I did a research of Omega... and it seems that any officer above the rank of Captain, and Captain should know about the Particle... and I was for a time Captain of Security. But if I have gone over the line, I will delete this post.))
http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/5811/starpheonixidricherdscopy8gy.jpg" border="0">
The security of this organization is number one


Dolan continued to take inventory.  He saw a curious contraption and reached out to turn it to get a better view.  Once he touched it, he was shocked and collapsed.  A sudden rush of memories consumed Dolan's mind.  Previously blocked memory engrams were stimulated to the point were Dolan felt all of his memories at once.  When the flood of memories overloaded his senses, he became unconscious and lay still on the floor, with an occasional twitch.
William "Voyager" Dolan
Lieutenant Junior Grade
U.S.S. Normandy
Chief Science Officer
http://www.expansionfleet.com/ships/ambassador2.gif" border="0">
Ambassador class specs: http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html" target="_blank">http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html


Raszagal seethed, and used a telekinetic push to hold HK47 to the far wall. "You think that's funny? I've been fighting the Heraan for longer than you've existed! My people have been fighting the Na'jigat before either humans, or your Traquel masters, climbed out of their primordial oozes! We've been fighting them since before this galaxy EXISTED!"

Raszagal took a moment to breath, knowing her power, mixed with anger, was a bad combination. "And this is the thanks we get," she continued. "Snide remarks from a puny piece of equipment that wouldn't have seen the light of day if it weren't for the Order."

She begrudgingly released her psionic hold on the droid's frame. "Next time," she said softly, "I'll ask for help if I need it."
Major Raszagal, Starfleet Marines 17th Battalion
Templar of the Gallifreyan Order


"Interesting, im a droid who feels nothing and doesnt even know the meaning of a joke.  Im only stating the obvious.  So your rage isnt part of your attraction to my hunk of metal self then I take it? Hmmmmm, very well.  Humans tend to like to assist each other, so since you spent so much time with the humans in your younger years then you would know they protect each other even if the other person gets mad.  Im only doing the same thing that I have seen from my Marine brethren.  But such attention to myself with your wonderful power would suggest a mating ritual attempt." HK said as he left the room to report back to the Col.
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a318/admiralkarelia/HK47.jpg" border="0">

Aaron Cloud

As this all happens Cloud can't help but curse.

"Kriffing ship, not again!"

Cloud starts shouting orders just as weapon embankments activate in the medical bay, aiming at he nearest crew member. The computer/ship says something in Heraani language and starts to fire. Cloud and the others, not hit, jump into action. They grab the wounded who made it to the bay, and get them to safety.

The weapon turrets continue to fire, as he comms throughout the ship.

=A= Cloud to anyone, Cloud to anyone. This kriffing ship has weapons in the medical bay! Me and the others are pinned down. Need help, fast. =A=

Weapon fire continues to sweep the rom.

(bit of a twist)
Aaron Cloud
Lt. Commander
CMO - U.S.S. Normandy
http://siriuscolonyrpg.freeforums.org/portal.php" target="_blank">Sirisu V Colony RPG

Andrew Yates

(( http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('>

I see how it is... lets all forget about the bulkhead that crushed the admiral... lol jk))

*...Yates finally regained consiousness from the brutal landing. No bones were broken but there was a deep cash on the side of his neck and he deffinatly had a number of broken ribs. He struggled standing up becuase he had a hard time catching his breath and breathing. He looked around the bridge and as he did his blurred and slowed vision as you would get from shell shock cause him to fall to his knees. He regained him self then stumble to a chair that was still attached to the floor and sat...*

"Not... exactly as I would have imagined it. Captain what is our situation?"
http://img456.imageshack.us/img456/1322/yatesprofile2ah.jpg" border="0">
Admiral Andrew Yates
Avalon Division
Executive Officer
Member of the Starfleet Command


<HK was so enjoying himself till he noticed what the Heraan commander attempted to do and Raszagal's timely intervention.  HK cleared himself a way threw the mess of soldiers holding the line as his arm blades went in every direction at the same time in a endless wall of blades.  HK kept inching himself backwards while at the same time slowing the Soldiers down as he decapitated and disembowled them of their body parts has he sliced, cleaves, peirced, and slashed threw the pathetic Heraan soldiers.  What weaklings he thought hoping to have a real challenge soon.  He knew these were just the underlings.  He continued to fight knowing no fear or death nor fatigue as he fought threw the night>
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a318/admiralkarelia/HK47.jpg" border="0">

Simon Rajnus

<Turning to Dolan>

"Ah the nanites, yes they will remain in the ship, when damage is taken they will self activate and start repairing the most critical systems first.  When the damage has been taken care of they will return to their dormant state only to reactivate again when damage is taken.  If they need more nanites then they are programed the replicate when needed.  But dont worry they wont go rogue and turn against you.  Ive put in a program that if they turn rogue and harm starfleet ships or personel they will kill themselves or if someone tries to take over the nanites they will destroy themselves.  Essentially, becoming useless.  Ive been around for a along time, Ensign.  Anything I build I make sure to protect them to prevent take over from another source." Simon said with a smile.
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">


<Balkazar kept firing as he covered his marines retreat back to the inside of the ship but was shot in the shoulder.  It went clean threw, however, it started to heal rapidly and he was a lil perplexed but never showed it>

"I healed you, its a benefit for having my race inside of a host.  We can rapidly cure almost any ailment or wound." the voice said telepathically.

"Very nice." was all Balkazar said quietly to himself.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


Dolan decided that he shouldn't mention he had seem things go far more extreme than Balkazar was going now.  He was also sure that the Federation would not sentence anyone to death.  He didn't even recall the last time a death sentence had occured.

Dolan understood silencing orders too well for his comfort and decided to follow these orders, however insane they were.

"Well, Colonel, I was creating a prototype phaser bank design in Cargo Bay 1 before going to the bridge and then we..." Dolan hesistated, unsure if the robot and the woman nearby knew about the Omega Directive, before continuing, "...were diverted from our original course and came here.  It had its own power source and was planned to have its own shielding, automated firing, and several other improvements.  If it survived the crash, I could finish building it and, with some help from any one with programming experience, can finish the phaser bank's programming.  We could then deploy it on the other side of the Heraani ship, provided we can salvage deuterium from the Lothlorien's warp core or any of its fusion reactors to power the phaser bank.  From whereever it is deployed, the phaser bank will begin firing on the ship, where would depend on how it is programmed or if we have time to create a console that allows us to select an area of the ship.  If they have any sense of self-preservation, they will focus their ship's weapons on it and possibly send some soldiers to deal with it.  If we place the phaser bank in a easily defended position, marine casualties should be minimal, depending on if the phaser bank is then focused on the approaching Heraan or maintained on the ship.  While the Heraan are distracted with the phaser bank, a team of marines could storm the ship.  Depending on what condition my phaser design is found in, the parts we can salvage - thank goodness I replicated all of the needed materials before leaving - the amount of personnel able to help, the amount of coding we need, and where we decide to place it, it may take anywhere from several hours to maybe even a week, if we have to do everything from scratch.  However, there is a major flaw with any plan to take the Heraani ship - they might just leave the planet if they come under attack."

Dolan hoped that his rambling was somewhat comprehendable and that the Colonel realized that it depended on a lot of "ifs".
William "Voyager" Dolan
Lieutenant Junior Grade
U.S.S. Normandy
Chief Science Officer
http://www.expansionfleet.com/ships/ambassador2.gif" border="0">
Ambassador class specs: http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html" target="_blank">http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html