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CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office

Started by T Hain, January 20, 2003, 05:32:11 PM

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Allright then, I will go to my ship and prepare it for the mission.

*steps up from his chair*
It is a good thing to work with Starfleet as partners...and we will do everyting in our power to protect the freighter..

I Wish to be part of the Union

Pierre Louis Assis

OFF: I'm new into this, so I'm sorry for any mistakes.. : )

* Walks respectfuly into office *

Good evening Commodore, I'm Dr. Pierre Louis de Assis, theoretical physicist from Cochrane Institute, Paris. I've been looking foward to work with you here at Starphoenix. My fields of expertise include Warp Field Theory and Astrophysics and I am currently researching a way to use a subspace warp field as a shielding device. I hope I can be of some help around here.

*Smiles nervously, trying to be as "starfleetish" as he can*

Major Pierre Louis Assis
CSO- StarPhoenix Planetary Base
CO - USS Lattes

Katie Marou

OFF: THain is away right now and he's not posting on a regular basis. So you may ge your shipment in anytime you want. Just when you wanna let the ship dock post in my office that the ship is docking and I'll give my ok if THain isnt back.
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-kmmarou.jpg" border="0">

T Hain

*sends a message to the ship that just arrived in orbit*

Permission granted to dock, We have been awaiting your arrival.

Very Well Mr. Assis

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-THain.jpg" border="0">

Sir, me and Captain Assis have been working on a project that might need a shuttle pod for a field trip on the planet surfice. Is it possible to provide such shuttle?

Pierre Louis Assis

I must say that even though we cannot help them, as we have no combat ships, we are directly threatened, sir. I have not yet determined their exact position at the time of their distress call, but they were less than a day and a half from here at warp 5.

It is still too early to say anything, but we are a very, very vulnerable target. We have not yet established a defense grid and we are somewhat far from help.

From what I have seen from the starcharts and the sparse sensor data I have, since we haven't a sensor grid online and I'm having to get the delayed data from the Avalon sensor network, the closest friendly ship is the USS Evolution, that was heading to the fluidic gate.

They are still far fram us, close to the asteroids, but they are the closest to us, last time I looked. And that data is some two days off...

Major Pierre Louis Assis
CSO- StarPhoenix Planetary Base
CO - USS Lattes

Pierre Louis Assis

*stands outside the CO office, wlaking from one side of the waiting room to the other*

I hope I am not late to this meeting...

Major Pierre Louis Assis
CSO- StarPhoenix Planetary Base
CO - USS Lattes

David Azerkopf

why???,whats the biggest size???
David K. Azerkopf
Rear Admiral-XO
Windsor Division


Fleet Admiral Nocturnus, do you wish to proceed out to the base facilities and start you're inspection, Sir?

I'm sertain that Captain Assis is eager to show you how our scientific facilities are coming along.

We can then proceed to 'Heimdal's Pixies' for food and drinks, and then visit OPS, Security and Medical.

As the Chief of Security on the base, I will be escorting you - Sir, Commodore T'Hain and Ms. Ayala where ever you wish to go, Sir.

Captain mah' GNUs
Tactical/Security Chief
Starphoenix Planetary Base - Dantor

Aaron Grey

OOC:ummmm, t'hain i've still not been able to log on as Mathias,i've done,Password:ekul387, Username Mathias Cloud, that i swhat i was e-mailed,ohhh boy,its about 4:00 now (PST-oregon)see ya.
Aaron Grey

T Hain

Vorak takes care of the Webpage as far as updating who is who and what rank on the ships... I mainly just need help in keeping track of the goings on here on the board and watching the threads and making posts as a high ranking officer as needed etc.
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-THain.jpg" border="0">

Ryan Reynolds

thank you for that statement.
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Ryan.jpg" border="0">

Richard Halfdale

This is Karelia's new character, Commodore.
Vice Admiral Rick Halfdale
Executive Officer
Division StarPhoenix


Hello Commodore
You wish to speak to me....

OFF: sorry I am so late...but I waited for a reply of some officers...it seems I am the only Cardie right here now...

I Wish to be part of the Union

Katie Marou

off: lol thats good http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'> but just so you know I'm going on course tomorow and I wont be back till the 18th. http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'> cya then.
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-kmmarou.jpg" border="0">