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Mission 2: Unknown Nebula  

Started by Sirius Kos'ur, February 13, 2004, 12:02:29 AM

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Irene Jamsen

Commander O'neal;

                  " I fear as many as two dozen or so ships

could enter."

Commander Irene Jamsen
Chief Medical Officer

I am sorry for the disturbance. Out of roleplay. as i did not sepak in. To be sure all angers could not be there. I am told that the CO was told expained or talked with or something by Vorak yesterday when i spoke with him. He says it might have been a misunderestanding. As i hope it is not a dislike of the people here. I have seen other division people do things with there same status at many other places. With no discrimination or anger to them. I have explained the matter of internal Affairs many times of why and who. If Epsilon would like to have someone to assist me for the sake of joint missions then it would be gladly accepted.

Leela Kaz

He's right, Vorak and i did discuss it. VOrak thinks that it may of been a missunderstanding. But im only concerned about the interuption of the simming.
Name: Leela Kaz
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Position: Chief Science Officer
Vessel: USS Evolution

Irene Jamsen

=^= I pick up Twelve Karzon Soliders and they are  

heading my way stand by for beamout. =^=

Jamsen activates the transporter. Lifts the shuttle off.

"Phasor fire at the ship Commander"

Commander Irene Jamsen
Chief Medical Officer

Doug Oneal

*The main turbolift doors open and Doug and Jamsen walk onto the bridge *

"Captain , we would perfer to make our report in person . Shall we go into the ready room?"

Captain Doug O'Neal
Commanding Officer USS Endurance

Doug Oneal

=/\= Understood Lt. thank you =/\=

How do you want to handle this Captain?

Captain Doug O'Neal
Commanding Officer USS Endurance

Doug Oneal

*Commander Burns walks into room filled with officers *

"Please Commander have a seat, for those of you that don't know this is Lt.Commander Burns he is head of security of DS18, he also is one of the best security tactians in the fleet. He will be serving as an advisor ,trainer and leader for this mission. After which the Hazard Team will become a permanent part of the Endurance.
You are all in here because you have the necessary skills to pass the training Lt.Commander Burns is going to give you. Before I announce the positions of this team understand this, this is a dangerous division of Starfleet. By accepting this added responsibility you understand that you will be one of the first officers to respond to an emergency such as the one on the Kazon station. Because of the extreme danger the team is voluntary, after postings are announced you have the option to accept or decline your posting. With that said the Hazard Team will consist of the following:

Main Team
Lt. Nelson : Team Leader
Lt. Frucal
Ensign Jennings *npc
Ensign Scott*npc
(With the possibility of Lt. Andropov who is with the Captain at the moment.)

Secondary Team
Commander O'Neal
Lt. Harrison
Lt.Commander Jamsen
Ensign Rydell *npc

The Secondary team is for extreme emergenices only, this team is made up of members of the senior staff and our talents need to be focused onboard the Endurance holding off the enemy ships. With that said, I need everyones answer to their posting."

Captain Doug O'Neal
Commanding Officer USS Endurance


"Lt. Cmdr Burns...please go ahead and start the program....we are all ready"
http://venus.walagata.com/w/argonath2/1member.gif" border="0">

Sirius Kos'ur


(Edited by Sirius Kos'ur at 11:48 am on Feb. 25, 2004)

"You still need to explain why you brought us into this divisions mission?? Or even mentioned it. The current mission is not open to everyone. so your comment is not entirely true."

Sirius Kos'ur

i miss a day and look what happes all #### breaks lose yes Charles Tucker you may stay and investergate But you will do in your own fourm ill set you up you own fourm. if there is one more post about his on this board on any other mission board i will get you banned from it okay i dont mean to be strict but this is takeing up alot of our simmers time and will to sim. I will moderate your investergation so it wont bother my crew that much.

=/\= ALL simmers continue to post like the posts with worf didnt happen =/\=

Doug Oneal

*Looks to Jamsen as she sits in the seat to Doug's left.*

"That is a fear we share, if this nebula station can hide entry to this quadrant . The question returns to how many ships will arrive before we can detect and stop them. Any theories?"

Captain Doug O'Neal
Commanding Officer USS Endurance

Leela Kaz

Name: Leela Kaz
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Position: Chief Science Officer
Vessel: USS Evolution

The words to me and accusations have taken it farther than intended. I am not one to leave with mixed impressions. My question is will this division use the couresey i did for t he sake of division to division work. If the only thing i am looked bad for is interuption then i say again that i spoke out of roleplay. what others do or talk about is not to my doing. Yet it seems all of the people point to me on that situation.

(Edited by CharlesTucker at 5:51 pm on Feb. 26, 2004)


"SIR I HAVE GOT EVERYTHING!!.....lets get out of here!"
http://venus.walagata.com/w/argonath2/1member.gif" border="0">