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Ops Communications

Started by Nocturnus, May 21, 2003, 10:42:50 PM

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I would never sneak off to celtic Corner Commodore......I would sneak off and hide in a corner in the Thong store to watch a Certian Female.....But never the celtic corner *laughs silently to himself* http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

But as you wish.......Hope we can get some excitment soon commodore......
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


*walks into ops after beaming from Dantor*

*noone is really in ops other than officers doing there daily jobs*

*walks into his office, grabs a padd and heads for engineering*
EF Starfleet Command | S.S Avalon CO | In charge of the U.S.S Iroquois, U.S.S Normandy, S.S Avalon, and the Dantor base | Mission Planner.

Tara Lollock

Yes, i agree completly Colonel.
Name: Lollock, Tara
Rank: Captain
Position: Commanding Officer
Vessel: USS Iroquois

"Act and you shall have dinner. Think and you shall be dinner." - Klingon Proverb
"You never know when Starfleet may call upon you to perform outside your comfort zone." -Commander Tara Lollock
"Die well!"
"Today is a good day to die"


=A= USS Lancelot for Station Avalon =A=
This is commander Sutter asking clearance to undock station Avalon. Our destination is Starphoenix base and we have buildingmaterials onboard.
We also have 2 high-ranked officers joining us...

=A= Commander Sutter out =A=


"Very good, thank you Mr. Montrell. It appears life is quiet again here at the station. It is now a matter of when the Corporation returns to reopen the negotiations, after Mr. Winterspoon suddenly became ill."
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

Roland Burma

=A= Thank you Admiral, will do =A=

The Messiah of the Loxian Exiles


=^= Vorak to Montrell =^=
You may expect, as humans would call it, one of those days.
=^= Vorak out =^=

"Mr. Vertanitick, Mr. P tan, please accompany me to the J.A.G. department."
*Vorak enters the turbolift.*

OFF: continue at JAG office forum.

Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


OFF: could someone please acknowledge the distress call of the Skytoucher? The ship is in great distress and needs help, and the Evolution is just sitting there and doing nothing while it could go out and help and save lives and all that good stuff lol
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

Stephen Logan

Off: The main one I was concerned to be missing is this one.

On: =/\= SS Avalon this is the USS Amsterdam.  We are contacting you with a request to dock and pick up the Gamma division new Ambassidor and the supplies for SS Utopia to start making the streamrunner class ships. =/\=

Commanding Officer
USS Amsterdam

OFF: I will do that from now on. Thank you.

ON: None that is urgent. However, The USS Rivendell came in pretty badly. Commodore Hedford,Major Chellick, and myself have decided that it should be a number one priority. I would like your permission to post extra egineering teams to work on repairs.


*Hedford was surprised by Admiral Montrell's words but did obbey the orders*

"Understood Admiral"

*Commdore Hedford walked to the turbolift and ordered it to decent*

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Hedford.jpg" border="0">

stephen sisko

=A=Runabout yukon to ss avalon message acknowledge engaging all mooringsand dropping to manuvering thrusters=A=

Name:Stephen Sisko
Rank:Vice Admiral
Position: Chief of Tactical Operations/Commaning Officer Deep Space Eight/Castle Guard/Division Chief Engineer

stephen sisko

=A=Ops this is the lasha, can you reduce power levels by 50 percent, we will be partially powering up the warp core to half power=A=
*Sisko walks over to the engineering station and adjusts power flow*
Commander Janeway, looks like the lasha will be done re-fitting in another week.  I will need officers to help on her shake down cruise.  I could  use a good officer like you for that.  Will you join me?  If you would like you can join me on the Lasha, or contact me on the Lasha!

*Sisko walks over to the door and leaves heading to transporter room I to beam over to the Lasha.*
Name:Stephen Sisko
Rank:Vice Admiral
Position: Chief of Tactical Operations/Commaning Officer Deep Space Eight/Castle Guard/Division Chief Engineer


Here is Mr. Alf i am affraid i have to go now. I have a meeting With Admiral Hobson.
1st LT. Mitchell Nesbitt (Marine Doctor)


Mark grinned, "No sir, I think you look younger than my brother,"
http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c155/JulieSanders/MarkLoisStarfleetBeta.jpg" border="0">