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Started by Nocturnus, September 14, 2003, 03:59:23 PM

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You've missed out on a lot on the planet. its seems the ops building we were to use was full of stasus pods. We found a whole new species down there!

Ok exactly how many turrets are ready?

I'de like to have a few of them deployed in orbit for some increased security. It seems this race was nearly brought to extinction from that felian species i have been hearing about lately. Also it would be good to test them out as well.
EF Starfleet Command | S.S Avalon CO | In charge of the U.S.S Iroquois, U.S.S Normandy, S.S Avalon, and the Dantor base | Mission Planner.


"Lets just say im the last of my kind in this quadrant of space.  Hows the repairs going.  Ummmm, you may want to check the gel packs.  Doesnt look right." she said.
http://www.cinematografo.it/cinematografo/allegati/2870/jessica_alba_2_230.jpg" border="0">

Kirby Oak

*Kirby smiled at the child.*

"Hi there. My name's Kirby."
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v246/jigj119/other/STKirby.jpg" border="0">
-Ensign Kirby D. Oak


'Of course, my apologies if I over stepped my bounds.  Just want to get to know someone ill be working with on the Evolution is all."
http://www.cinematografo.it/cinematografo/allegati/2870/jessica_alba_2_230.jpg" border="0">


I dont have time to think it over with you.
See you later Hol he said and walked to the turbolift.

Jeff Keach

*hears this through his combadge*

=A= I am ready now but I would like to be fresh for the re-fit after the funeral if you don't mind =A=

Avalon Division
Executive Officer,
Second in Command


"Well, I think I have everything to run that diagnostic. I will head down to the Computer Core now."

Detrell grabs his toolkit and heads for the Computer Core.

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Detrell.jpg" border="0">

Chris Chellick

We can start as soon as you and Mr. Detrell are ready.
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Chris.jpg" border="0">


"I see, well let's have a look then."

Detrell moves to the console of Mr Chellick and reads the data.

"So these internal software conflicts are the cause of your strange behaviour some minutes ago?"

Detrell grabs his toolkit and removed some plating.

"Mr Chellick, could you start with a level 3 diagnostic on Hermes internal circuitry. I will help you in a minute, after I have seen the status of the isolinear chips here below."

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Detrell.jpg" border="0">


"Thank you, Mr. Detrell."
Hardware Extended Remote Multi-functional Embedded System
Information is useful to manage tasks. Please, clarify your demands.
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Hermes.gif" border="0">


OFF: ooooops, I posted in the engineering dep. while I meant to post in the science dep lol sorry. I'll copy my post there too http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>
Major Embries
Chief Science Officer Avalon Station
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/id-embries.jpg" border="0">

Eugene Archer

"Oh my, really? Damn, I always miss the fun stuff."

*laughs amusedly*

"Well, sir, they've completed 25 turrets so far. I will deploy them in orbit of Dantor in a few hours, according to Balkazar's grid plan."

"I have also heard some rumours about some alien race that is supposedly threatening the Federation. You don't happen to know more about that, do you?"
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Archer.jpg" border="0">

Kirby Oak

*Kirby looked at her in surprise.*

"150...? But, you look human. I mean, I know it's possible, but... how?"
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v246/jigj119/other/STKirby.jpg" border="0">
-Ensign Kirby D. Oak


OOC**I corrected my last post http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>.

<Akia simply hugged Alexia tightly scared of the young Ensign, unknowingly to him, Akia picked up Oak's toolkit with his mind and dropped it on the floor>

"Oh Oak, im so sorry.  I hope nothing is broken in your toolkit?" she said apologetically.
http://www.cinematografo.it/cinematografo/allegati/2870/jessica_alba_2_230.jpg" border="0">

Kirby Oak

"I don't really remember it all that well, but I'm sure I didn't understand it too well at the time. And my father was there. In fact, he became a little overprotective. But again, this isn't stuff I prefer talking about."
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v246/jigj119/other/STKirby.jpg" border="0">
-Ensign Kirby D. Oak