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Classroom 8

Started by Thomas C. West, January 25, 2006, 07:21:39 PM

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Chris Newberry

"I know. The reason I visited the training room was so that I could watch your training."

Thomas C. West

West snaps to attention along with the other Cadets.
Fortes Fortuna Audentia --- Fortune Favors the Bold!

Nathen Keller

*Nate grabs the high powered rifle off the gun rack and aggressivly thrusts it into the chest of the cadet.*

"This is not some game son, when you look through that sight your not looking at some animal your looking at a human being. Someone who has a life and a family. And when you pull that trigger your taking that all away. Sniping may seem an easy task but you have no idea. You are far from even being close to being able to fire this weapon correctly and efficiantly."

*He holds the rifle against his chest firmly waiting for him to take it from his hand.*
http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/6562/starpheonixidkellercopy4uo.jpg" border="0">
http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/9340/kellerpo3.jpg" border="0">

AK Dutton

Dutton came aroound and hit the gas then the brake putting the puma in to a spin then regain control this is to see if Jase could hold the gun steady and keep on the gun.
((occ: oh and i can only check this at school so i cant post as much as i like))

Nathen Keller

*Nate runs up to Raynor and speaks into his ear.*

"Jim, I just got a message from Colonel Powell. He has some news for us. Oh and I think we have neglected our cadets progress and have not bumped them one level yet. So what do you say ta pumping them to Junior cadets?"

OCC: Junior Cadet = 3 stripes =P
http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/6562/starpheonixidkellercopy4uo.jpg" border="0">
http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/9340/kellerpo3.jpg" border="0">

Thomas C. West

OOC: So...am I still in the training holodeck or what?
Fortes Fortuna Audentia --- Fortune Favors the Bold!

Patrick Brown

ooc\' the holo training is over now Captian Raynor is in charge
Name:Patrick Brown
Postion:3rd in Command 17th SFMC

Jim Raynor

(OFF: Remember, the Puma's got a three-man max. Imagine the Warthog from Halo.)
Major Jim Raynor
Commanding Officer, Special Forces Division
23rd Battalion, Starfleet Marines

Nathen Keller

*...Nate was walking by the Holodeck and a number of cadets exited along with their instucter. Nate glanced and gave a double take and realized it was James. He approached and gave him a slap on the back...*

"Captain James Raynor! Damn its good to see you. So I noticed you have settled down to a quiet life here. I was wondering if you would like a hand keeping these marines on there toes?"
http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/6562/starpheonixidkellercopy4uo.jpg" border="0">
http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/9340/kellerpo3.jpg" border="0">

AK Dutton

yes sir! (dutton Lines up along with all the others)

Simon Rajnus

*without alerting sensors a deltaflyer drops out of warp and cloaks*

"Understood Agent N, Beaming yourself and the ensign on board now."

*then in an aura of Blue light the 2 disappear and enters warp for dantor*
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">

AK Dutton

Dutton arrives at the holodeck at the requested time

Jase Jellico

Jase immediately jumped up into the turret, eager to give it a try.
2nd Lt. Jase Jellico
Bravo Company
Phoenix-Alpha Squadron XO

Jase Jellico

Jase groaned and sat up, touching a sore spot near his hairline. When he looked at his hand he could see blood, he didn`t know how badly he was cut, couldn`t have been too bad, he wiped the blood away with the back of his hand, "That hurt like hell." He stood up and watched the Captain help Dutton to his feet, "Little easier on the corner next time, mate."
2nd Lt. Jase Jellico
Bravo Company
Phoenix-Alpha Squadron XO

Nathen Keller

*Nate grins and returns the Salute then speaks to the new young officer.*

"Welcome abourd Lieutenant. The uniform suits you. Now alls we need is Dutton to report in then we may begin our trip. The shuttle is capable of wapr 7 so the journy should not be too long."
http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/6562/starpheonixidkellercopy4uo.jpg" border="0">
http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/9340/kellerpo3.jpg" border="0">