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Mission 3: Construction of the asteroid base

Started by Peter Svensson, January 12, 2004, 02:46:58 AM

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Max Brooks

*Walks through the corridors behind Director Svensson*

Well I must say sir, I am curious about the purpose of this secret station. Is there anything you can tell me?

Max Brooks
Chief Tactical Officer
USS. Phoenix

Jeremy Sullivan

Interesting food choices... But they all sound just fine... My business on this ship is more of an urgent matter so if we can get these formalities over with as soon as possible it would be much appreciated....

Alexei Chekov

*raises his eyebrow and smiles. he takes Voya on his arms and they start dancing. Chekov seems very at ease with the rithm, as if he danced to that song a thousand times*

You are very beautyful tonight, Miss Voya.

Alexei Chekov
XO - USS Phoenix

Alexei Chekov

Oh my... Hold your thoughts Miss Voya, I'll be back before you can notice...

*kisses Voya's hand and darts out of the holodeck*

=A= Chekov to Sullivan =A=

I'm on my way Admiral.

*arrives at the transporter room panting slightly*

Sorry for the delay, Admiral.

Alexei Chekov
XO - USS Phoenix

Zeon Lyn Voya

OFF: *bangs head on desk* Last week I finally get to see the new star trek movie on HBO. So I'm watching, all into the movie, I'm at the part when Data shoots through space to the clone guy's ship, and ZIP! the TV cuts out. Not only did I not get to watch the end, I had to buy a new TV! *grumbles*
http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Voya.jpg" border="0">
Miss Voya.

Peter Svensson

"Good. Very good. Everyone take your stations, and leave orbit around planet Dantor. Set course to our final destination, outer asteroid field of the Dark Passage, warp 6. It isn't too far away from here. Engage!"
You will be judged, the way you judge...
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Svensson.gif" border="0">

Alexei Chekov

Well, I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to show you the officer's deck as soon as we get off our shift...

But now, I think the Director would rather have us at the bridge. This is, after all, a delicate mission and I'm in charge of overseeing the drilling and coordinating the engineering teams.


Let's return now...

*they both enter the turbolift*

Alexei Chekov
XO - USS Phoenix

Alexei Chekov

*the away team arrives at the cargo bay and each gets into a work bee*

=A= Chekov to away team =A=

You may leave the cargo bay. The hull plating has been transported into the asteroid cavity.

=A= Chekov out =A=

*the bees fly into space one after the other*

=A= Chekov to Phoenix =A=

Bees are away. Keep a transporter lock on us, just to be safe.

=A= Chekov out =A=

Alexei Chekov
XO - USS Phoenix

Max Brooks

Engineering reports structural integrity fit for construction, sir.
Max Brooks
Chief Tactical Officer
USS. Phoenix


*Takes a step on*

Very Nice...

Hmmm, Security team with me... We will set up the internal defences...

Huw Smith
Starfleet Intelligence
One Man Army

Max Brooks

Well, I guess she wants to meet us in the Black Burn Pub. http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

Permission to accompany you aboard the station, sir.

Max Brooks
Chief Tactical Officer
USS. Phoenix

Peter Svensson

"This region of space is far more hostile than Starfleet originally had anticipated. Loxians, Torrans, Romulan Coalition... and that is far from the worst. I received recent reports on some energy species called Na'jigat. Nothing is known about them yet, but appears that weapons are useless against them. Even the Borg are powerless, and that says alot. We NEED to establish an Intelligence and Section 31 presence in this space, if we are to keep the borders of the Federation safe."
*At that moment, Svensson, Brooks and CHekov arrive in the transporter room and take place on the platform. An ensign operates the controls.*
*The away team dematerializes and beams down to Starphoenix Base.*

OFF: Svensson, Chekov and Brooks now post in Starphoenix/Marines Division, Station Ops forum. And remember we're supposed to make them believe we're simply Starfleet officers. :P The rest of the ship crew can continue posting here. http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

You will be judged, the way you judge...
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Svensson.gif" border="0">

Alexei Chekov

*they arrive at the Captain's briefing room*

After you, Admiral.

*the Admiral enters, followed by Chekov, Voya Brooks and Huw. the long table used for the senior staff briefings has been covered with a fine sheet of andorian silk, embroided in silver and blue geometric patters. The Admiral sits and then all the others do the same. Chekov straightens his shirt*

I hope you like Gakh, Admiral.... *smiles* No, don't worry... It's just a joke I used to make whenever Captain Svensson used to go to my house on Earth to have dinner on our shore leaves...

Though I really hope you like Andorian food, along with a Vulcan salad and special Betazoid pastry.

Alexei Chekov
XO - USS Phoenix

Zeon Lyn Voya

Voya steps onto the holodeck, her eyes darting around the room with curiosity. A grin manifests on her face as the tango music begins slowly, its tempo becoming quicker as she steps towards the center of the dance floor. She spins around, back to Chekov, her red dress fluttering then dropping back down to her thighs, "Venga aquí, Señor Chekov. ¡Ahora, bailaremos!"
http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Voya.jpg" border="0">
Miss Voya.

Jeremy Sullivan

"Its quite alright, Well I shall be heading down to the surface to discuss some things with your captain.  Hopefully you shall be seeing your crew members soon."

"Transporter Chief, Energize"

At that moment Sullivan is transported back down to the station security office