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Operations Control

Started by Vincent Garhart, January 09, 2006, 04:53:48 PM

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Hobson exited his office.
"I have completed my own report, it is on your desk Mr. Garhart. You may have it as well Ambassador. I thank you very much for coming at my request, and hopefully it results in more organization, which was lacking in this case".

James Madison

"Investigation? No. But it does not startle me that Dantor is the center of another problem. We'll have to see what it is now."
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/dougherty_matthew.jpg" border="0">
Admiral - High Command
Avalon Station CO

Richard Ransom

*Looks at Chris then looks at the viewscreen*

Computer disable all Internal Sensors from Operations

Chris, if I do that they will have my head but seince you have save me on many ocations, uses this Command code and it will Disable the Secuitey

*on the Padd*

=====Padd Information======

Secuity Override Code:Beta4Tango4Delta5FSS5Delta4

=======ENd of Informatin======
Chris that was the Code the FSS Agent left in the COmputer system I hav'nt puge it yet Iam giveing to one Minite to get off the Station then Iam Scrambleing my Fighters to go after you.

*Chris disapers*
*2 Minits later*

==^== Ransom to Fighter Squaren Fire on the unknown ship and disable it==^==

Computer return to normal operations

*Richard Leaves Ops him self and heads toward the Fighter Bay to were there is one Fighter that he has access to a Scorpion Class as Richard was only able to get 3 for him his xo and 3rd incommand*

==^== Ransom to Starwin, Meet me in the Scorpin Fighter bay we going after Mr.Newberry==^==

==^== Ransom to Richerd assume COmmand of Frontier Station==^==

*Richard and Dean Enter the Fighter Bay*

we are going after him if its the last thing we do we will each take 5 fighters as our cover and follow him

*Richard climbs in his Fighter*

==^== Computer Prepare For Launch==^==

******************Fighter Alpha-One************

Computer launch

*Richard Raise the Sheilds and Armed Weapons*

==^== Beta Sqauren your with me==^==

*Richard flew after Newberry Vessel*

Computer open Pirotiy One Signal

==^== Lt.General Powel, This is Fleet Admiral Richard Ransom of Frontier Division we have Lt.General Newberry in our mists and we are undergoing a mission to Capture Him Ransom out==^==

*Richard thinkinh Chris you damm Fool you will have the fleet after you*

COmputer open fire
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

"Docking cleared, welcome back to Frontier James".

Richard Ransom

***********  Fighter Alpha-One************
==^== Tom, this is Sudden I see why you whant to speak to me Privitely well we do need an Xo then the Job is yours I will be returning to Frontier Station in a Week and I will be mataining the Sector Lockdown until then.you are to Assume Command of the Station until I return Ransom out==^==
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain


"Admiral, can you please accompany me to the Stations shuttle bay, sir."

James Madison

Madison picks himself up from the ground after the shaking.
"I'll be in Engineering. Have all damage reports sent to me!"
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/dougherty_matthew.jpg" border="0">
Admiral - High Command
Avalon Station CO

Richard Ransom

well Tom one of the reasons he trust INtel is that they are the ones who saved them from a wing of Romluan Ships. what we have to do is let him he can trust us but there is an other idea we have;nt considered we are asking Andros to station Fighters on our Station why do;nt we up grade ours Fighters.
*turns to Crewman*
How many Fighters do we have.

Crewman: 200 Sir all in the Fighter Bay

Tom James what do you think of this Ask Andros to help us Upgrade Our Fighters
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

OOC: I am going to have to respond with 'Uh?'...when did someone attack the station? No need for discussions about it, Excessive OOC talk is no good at all.

=A= All is well. We await your return. Frontier Out. =A=

"It was an eventual intention. Commander Cook has not been seen recently on duty. But there has been no thought to actually destroy them yet, that would work well if there would be a way to where the Chronasians did not know we still had one".


=^= Nesbitt to Ransom please disreguard my last meesage I will talk it over with Admiral Hobson and see if we cant get to an agreement on this=^=
=^=Nesbitt to Hobson I would like to thoughrouly apologize for my past behaivor I just was upset because I felt my job was not being taken serously and that it was just being shlufed off. I was held responsible for the kidnapping of Ransom and i just got a little carried away trying to protect the station. Once again i apologize and please extend my apology to the ambassador.=^= Also i would like to be kept apised on the current situation with the Romulan and with the Windsor also i would like to have a security checkpoint for all the people working on the Windsor as we dont need it gone missing again. Please understand my concern!
Your Royal servent,
Commodore Mitchell William Nesbitt III
1st LT. Mitchell Nesbitt (Marine Doctor)

James Madison

"Not very, their are main systems that control the separate replicators. I'll have my new officer work on it. I'm going to be busy up here between the Rivendell and this new event i'll have to put the Windsor on hold."
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/dougherty_matthew.jpg" border="0">
Admiral - High Command
Avalon Station CO

Frank Gordon

"Ok. I think i've earned some R&R. This entire ordeal has been a shock to me. No doubt High Command will be as confused as I. Purphaps they will wish to end it at once."
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/1ID-Gordon.jpg" border="0">


=^= Do i have pemission to take my shuttle back to Vulcan Since i am no longer of service here?=^=  =^= Prince Nesbitt to space dock crew i will be leaving on the imperial shuttlecraft soon please have it prepaired!=^=  =^=  Aye sir right away=^=
1st LT. Mitchell Nesbitt (Marine Doctor)

Richard Ransom

******Fighter Alpha-One******

*3 1/2 Hours Later*

Computer what is current speed

Computer:Warp 3.297

Computer what would be the E.T.A to Dantor

Computer:6 Days

Computer continue Scan for  the unknown Vessel, and scan for unknown power signtatures

*Richard taps the Ship to Ship Communcator*

==^== This is Alpha-One,Beta Check in==^==

==^==Beta One checking in==^==

==^==Beta two checking in==^==

==^==Beta Three checking in==^==

==^==Beta four checking in==^==

==^==Beta five checking in==^==

==^==Beta six checking in==^==

==^== This is Alpha-one, we will stay on this course until we reach Dantor then Drop out of Warp to recharge the Warp coils you are to scan the area for the unknown vessel we saw back at Frontier==^==

Computer power down Primary  Shields and Primary Weapons but keep Secondsry Weapons and Secondary Sheilds at Half Power

Computer Display area Starchart

*the starchart Appered on Screen*

Computer using Frontier Station as a Starting Point how far in a Borg transwarp hub will it take a vessel to go to the outer reaches of System J-21

Comuter:58.4 Lightyears

almost 60 Lightyears  the Fire kights are  72.7 Lightyears form Frontier  he could be heading there but that would be the logical place to go.

Computer using a Beta-Search Pattern what is an Adverge speed a search vessel must go to scan the area

Computer:Warp 8.7

a Starship, well when we get to Dantor we will plan the next move with Powell
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain