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U.S.S. Tiberon Mission 6: Temples of Sordinan

Started by Nismos, January 14, 2004, 07:58:55 PM

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Lazarus spoke up,
"Sir, we could try taking all weapons power offline and diverting thier power to Life-Support or ship Energy"
Fred Lazarus
XO USS Ticonderoga


http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Nismos.jpg" border="0">
"Perhaps today is a good day to die. Prepair for ramming speed RAMING SPEED!"-Worf


*The away team dematerializes.*

OFF: away team now post in Alliance HQ board, Temples of Sordinan forum.

Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

Tom Karelia

"Commander, we're losing structural integrity! Helm control is down! Energy stores now at 93 percent and falling!"
Lt. Commander Thomas Karelia
Chief Helm Officer, U.S.S. Tiberon

"Lieutenant Torres, there is no one on Deck Nine who doesn't know when you're having 'intimate relations'."
-- Seven of Nine

Event Horizon

*The swarm of energy keeps moving closer, and as firepower is hitting, it absorbs the energy and grows even stronger...*
"Na'jigat likes energy... Na'jigat Lords of the Universe becoming stronger... Want more energy... More...*

OFF: as you will discover, no weapons have effect on the Na'jigat whatsoever. If anything, they like to absorb the energy amount that comes free by a phaser burst or torpedo explosion. If you read the USS Evolution forum (Avalon Fleet) you will see what happens to the poor ship :P

Tara Lollock

Name: Lollock, Tara
Rank: Captain
Position: Commanding Officer
Vessel: USS Iroquois

"Act and you shall have dinner. Think and you shall be dinner." - Klingon Proverb
"You never know when Starfleet may call upon you to perform outside your comfort zone." -Commander Tara Lollock
"Die well!"
"Today is a good day to die"


"aye sir, hailing frequencies open....sir...they arent responding!"
http://venus.walagata.com/w/argonath2/1member.gif" border="0">

Tara Lollock

=/\=Bridge to Admiral Vorak, We are within range of station Avalon.=/\=
Name: Lollock, Tara
Rank: Captain
Position: Commanding Officer
Vessel: USS Iroquois

"Act and you shall have dinner. Think and you shall be dinner." - Klingon Proverb
"You never know when Starfleet may call upon you to perform outside your comfort zone." -Commander Tara Lollock
"Die well!"
"Today is a good day to die"

Tom Karelia

"It would take a #### of a lot of power to make torpedoes more powerful than the ship. If only there were an asteroid around here, we could saturate it with high-energy neutrinos from the deflector..."
Lt. Commander Thomas Karelia
Chief Helm Officer, U.S.S. Tiberon

"Lieutenant Torres, there is no one on Deck Nine who doesn't know when you're having 'intimate relations'."
-- Seven of Nine

Tom Karelia

"Yes, Admiral."

The massive and beautiful Avalon Station appears on the viewscreen, along with the planet Rivox, which the station orbits.

"Shall I contact Operations and request docking clearance?"

Lt. Commander Thomas Karelia
Chief Helm Officer, U.S.S. Tiberon

"Lieutenant Torres, there is no one on Deck Nine who doesn't know when you're having 'intimate relations'."
-- Seven of Nine

Nismos Meridian

"Set a course Lt. Karelia, warp 8.Engage."
OFF: Let's roll
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Nismos.jpg" border="0">
"Perhaps today is a good day to die, prepare for RAMMING SPEED!"-Worf

Tara Lollock

(OFF: Should we create new characters on Alliance board)
Name: Lollock, Tara
Rank: Captain
Position: Commanding Officer
Vessel: USS Iroquois

"Act and you shall have dinner. Think and you shall be dinner." - Klingon Proverb
"You never know when Starfleet may call upon you to perform outside your comfort zone." -Commander Tara Lollock
"Die well!"
"Today is a good day to die"


Sir, i dont know what it is!...but it is large!...i think it might be dangerous if the away team stays down in the temples!!....
http://venus.walagata.com/w/argonath2/1member.gif" border="0">


Lazarus thought for a bit...

"...It would only be torpedos, we could divert power from phasers, and even the warp core, there has to be enough power, even it it would take life support, I can run computer simulations, but we seem to be running out of time!"

Fred Lazarus
XO USS Ticonderoga

Daniel Nerotis

"Admirals, Commodore, Captain." http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

Nerotis took a empty spot on the transporter.

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Nerotis.jpg" border="0">
"That!" target="_blank">http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfle....t;That! is the exploration that awaits you. Not maping stars and studying nebula, but charting the unknown possibilities, of existence." -- Q