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Mission 1: Assistance at DS20

Started by Julia Rellek, April 21, 2004, 12:28:22 AM

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William Wallace

Mr Braxton as soon as you have time please make you way to sick bay for a record for medical file on you.
William Wallace
Executive Officer
USS Lothlorien NCC 12588

William Wallace

OFF: D'oh i knew I forgot to mention something. Gee a person that is completely new to Star trek.

ON: Quickly moving away from Tactical to make way for Chief of Security,  Commander is there another space that you would like me to fill. I would get board down in the sick bay, Unless there is something to do down there.

William Wallace
Executive Officer
USS Lothlorien NCC 12588


OFF: Unless you are infants, take time and stop the arguments on this ship. I have the suggestion, do not post any more OFF messages.

 "Tactical, what have you got on readings? Mr. Wallace, prepare a probe for possible use"
Fred Lazarus
XO USS Ticonderoga


"Red Alert, All crew report to battle stations! Prepare for attack boarding, those are the only two things thier current actions spark to me"
Fred Lazarus
XO USS Ticonderoga

Sirius Black

Black enters the bridge

"What should i do Commander"

USS Skytoucher Chief Engineer
Lt. Commander Sirius Black


"Then let's give the warbird its match. Prepare a spread of quantum torpedos, take us at full impulse above the warbird, fire all ventral phasers at will, target thier bridge. Fire!"
Fred Lazarus
XO USS Ticonderoga

Sirius Black

off: The Commander informed me his computer isn't working were he went.

Black came from the Engineering bridge station and sat in the command chair.

"ETA on arrival to DS 12?"

USS Skytoucher Chief Engineer
Lt. Commander Sirius Black

William Wallace

Watching how they made mincemeat of us I think we need to be ready to go in with no shields and pary that is works but we need to get repaired first.
William Wallace
Executive Officer
USS Lothlorien NCC 12588

Sarah Hawkens

OFF** FREDDERS BACK ILL BE NICE.......Fredders back ILL BE NICE@!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ON** Capt going to high warp....ETA 2 days.......

*2 days later*

Theres Omega sir.....Sweet home sweet home.......

Sarah Hawkens

OFF**No matter what i say in off ill be accused of something but im used too it.....Ill be away for about 2 days then ill be back and you can put up with me more http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'> Bye bye

ON**Goes and gets some R&R.......in my quarters for awhile**

William Wallace

Off: yes and nothing happed. It is like Helm/Ops ignored it or is non exsitant.
William Wallace
Executive Officer
USS Lothlorien NCC 12588


"Target thier sheild generator then Mr. Black. What is thier status?"
Fred Lazarus
XO USS Ticonderoga


"Aggreed. Lt. Sage, take docking procedures. Captain, would you like me to go to the station and meet with the officers of thier docking bay about repairs? Or would you like to, or both of us, or the entire crew?"
Fred Lazarus
XO USS Ticonderoga

Gary Fisher

(so far just your XO has, but if you go onto the station then you would post there.)
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/paris_owen.jpg" border="0">
Gary Fisher
Former Starfleet Engineering CO
Nova Division


"Yellow Alert"

*taps comm badge*
 "Mr. Black to the bridge, we could use you at tactical while engineering is quiet"
Fred Lazarus
XO USS Ticonderoga