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USS Unity

Started by Simon Rajnus, March 06, 2006, 08:42:18 AM

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=/\=Proud, sir? I doubt that. If you can, get me some more engineers and ill try having it finished in a week. By the way, when is the captain expecting to get under way?=/\=
Lt. Reg Hiller
Chief Helm Officer
USS Mannon

Alex Bodean

Alex comes to the bridge.

"Captain, we have two weeks to get the ship back in working order"

Hands the captain a PADD with his repair priority list.
http://www.sfctonline.org/bodean.jpg" border="0">

John Kerry

Commander Kerry taps the internal comm system.

"All Senior Staff, report to Captain Rajnus quarters in 1 hour."
Cmdr. John Kerry
Commanding Officer
Frontier Station

John Kerry

OCC: Well, wait for you.

"Hows the repairs coming along Alex?"
Cmdr. John Kerry
Commanding Officer
Frontier Station

Simon Rajnus

"My Security forces can handle it.  Yes, we are Intelligence.  Possibly the only intelligence you will ever see.  It was bye need we came here not anything else.  We need medical supplies and my engineer got his xtra parts, the rest we can handle."
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">

John Kerry

John sits down in one of the chairs.

"Won't say a word about this Captain."
Cmdr. John Kerry
Commanding Officer
Frontier Station

John Kerry

"Where would that be;. There is almost no places left that is safe for us anymore."
Cmdr. John Kerry
Commanding Officer
Frontier Station

Richard Brown

*stands up from leaning on the wall*
Sir, if we are to dissaper we will have to do it Right as Chief Tatical Officer and Cheif Operations Officer this is what we have to  to make sure we will be able to leave Avalon without them knowing and to disapere
1 st we will need the secuitey override for the space doors then we need to get to Avalon Operation and go to Engering Station 2 and release all the obliticals to the Unity also we will need to use that Station to Delete the Transponder Code and Prefex Codes of the Unity from the Avalon Database then we need to get into the Secuitey Office for Avalon and Delete all Sensor Logs of the Unity then we leave but when we leave we get some one to delete the Sensor logs of the Unity and we disable the Transponder
Name: Richard Brown
Rank: Lieutennent
Poston:Cheif Tatical/Secuitery Officer
Station:U.S.S Normandy

Alex Bodean

10 minutes after the meeting the red alert sirens start going off all over the unity.

=A= Engineering to Captain =A=
The core appears to be destablizing sir.
http://www.sfctonline.org/bodean.jpg" border="0">