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Started by Vorak, September 09, 2002, 02:53:32 PM

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A year is 365 days......(366)
But what are 365 days..I remember the day of the crash like it was yesterday.
I came home from school and turned on the computer...i was talking on msn when I was told I had to turn on the tv...when I did this I saw the images of the crashing planes..it was terrible..that day the tv was the centre of information and horrible pictures...

This day will always be in our memories.....it will never fade away

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Where this is a struggle for power, their will always be devistation and war.

but yes the tradegy was very distrubing even for us over in australia.

I remember being asleep and being woken by the telephone of a frantic friend, Christian brothers would understand this.

"Is this the end of hte world, America (Super Power) has been dealt a strong blow."

I'ms ure many could imagine who has ever listend to their sunday school teacher or church priest/pastor at some point in time, that the world could end.

It was very unsettling and I was well rather devestated.

Our church on the sunday just gone, replayed the whole tradegy signifing it's impact to the world and how much damage could be done iin such a short of time.

Reading hte news over hte past few days it seems again something big is going ot happen.  Iraq will not relinguish it's stand on weapons of mass destructions and thus the power must be disposed of.

Destruction and death will always sadden me.  Live out your days my friends and always look forward to the following sunrise with smiles on your faces.

"To whom do you fear the most.  THe person who says they will kill you? Or the person who's still thinking about it."

I must tell everyone this before I give my thoughts on 9-11. I'm a messianic Jew (meaning that I am a jew that believes in Jesus as the messiah).  9-11 was the greatest tragedy to hit us since Pearl Harbor. We ask why, especially me. Here is my explanation of why. We have thrown God, the diety on whom America was established. We have slapped our forefathers in the face and expected to be an invinsible nation. The same was said for the Titanic, they said "Not even God could sink this ship." Of course, as you know, it sunk on its MAIDEN VOYAGE. God hates to do this to us Americans, but  we have forgotten who created us, who made us the nation that we are. Please forgive me if I've offended anyone here. You  don't have to listen to me. Just think about it if you seem interested in what I've said. If not, just forget I've said anything. http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

I am American. I'm not 100% jewish I live in Montana and have not always observed the Jewish ways. I started doing that about seven years ago. so I do understand:)


1.) Yes, it is your RPG
2.) I never said killing and destruction was a favor.
3.) We are after one person. Osoma Bin Laden. The other casualties are unfortionate.
4.) I never said I was...or wanted to be "extreme".
See each crisis as an opportunity. Never believe you have learned all you need to know. And whenever possible, find a way to turn an adversary into an ally. - Admiral/Ambassador Spock
-----Ambassador Strider; Retired Starfleet Admiral-----
I.D.I.C. - Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations


I agree..but Bush has been chosen...who is this possible? if more ppl are against his dissisions?
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Hedford.jpg" border="0">


Some Vulcan wisdom...

Ideally, do no harm. Harm speeds up the heat-death of the Universe, and indirectly, your own.
More practically, do as little harm as possible. We are creatures of a Universe in which entropy exists, and therefore see no way of escape, but we do not need to help it.

Harm no one's internal, invisible integrities. Leave others the privacies of their minds and lives. Intimacy remains precious only insofar as it is inviolate: invading it turns it to torment. Reach out to others courteously: accept their reaching in the same way, with careful hands.

Do no murder. The spear in the other's heart is the spear in your own; you are he. All action has reaction: what force you inflict, inevitably returns. The murder of the other is the murder of your own joy, forever.

As far as possible, do not kill. Can you give life again to what you kill? Then be slow to take life. Take only life that will not notice you taking it. To notice one's own death increases entropy. To die and not notice it increases it less, but still does so.

Cast out fear. Cast out hate and rage. Cast out greed and envy. Cast out all emotion that speeds entropy, whether it be love or hate. Cast out these emotions by using reason to accept them, and then move past them. Use in moderation emotions that do not speed entropy, taking all care that they do not cause others pain, for that speeds entropy as well. Master your passions, so that they become a power for the slowing of the heat-death.

Do no harm to those that harm you. Offer them peace, and offer them peace again, and do it until you die. In this manner you will have peace, one way or the other, even if they kill you. And you cannot give others what you have not experienced yourself.

Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


Problem solved.....(Ithink). Am I right Vorak, did we solve the problem?
See each crisis as an opportunity. Never believe you have learned all you need to know. And whenever possible, find a way to turn an adversary into an ally. - Admiral/Ambassador Spock
-----Ambassador Strider; Retired Starfleet Admiral-----
I.D.I.C. - Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations

Tomas Goransson

Precisely. http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>
http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-tomas.jpg" border="0">