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Chief of Security's Office

Started by David Tuller, November 30, 2003, 10:00:14 PM

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David Burns

OOOHHH I see, theres no reason that you cant work and get some too!!

Well shes VERY devoted to Starfleet and on the ride over here i found out that she loves sports and athletic stuff.
Especially hoverball adn rock climbing. MAybe that would be a good first date (hint hint) http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>

Lt. Cmdr. David Burns
Chief of Security
Deep Space 18

David Burns

((OFF: im on special assignment aboard the Endurance))
Lt. Cmdr. David Burns
Chief of Security
Deep Space 18

David Tuller

Tuller entered the untouched office; he was followed by Burns.

"Here's your office Cmdr."

Burns walked over to his private replicator.

"Don't bother asking for something; the station's replicators keep going on and offline."

Rear Admiral David Tuller
Divison XO, Epsilon Division

David Tuller

"Hmm, thank you Cmdr. If you'll excuse me."

David left Burns alone in his office.

Rear Admiral David Tuller
Divison XO, Epsilon Division


Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

David Burns

Lt. Cmdr. David Burns
Chief of Security
Deep Space 18

David Burns

Leaves and head towards "Bottoms Up"
Lt. Cmdr. David Burns
Chief of Security
Deep Space 18

David Tuller

"Um, this might seem a bit weird, but is there anything you can tell me about Lt Frucal? Like stuff that wouldn't be included in a formal Starfleet Profile."

'Oh please give me something.'

Rear Admiral David Tuller
Divison XO, Epsilon Division


The door signal sounds.

"Riker gets a padd out of his office typing in a note on it and attaches it to the door

Note[ Mr. Burns. I Stoped by today to meet you. If you could either come to my office or tell me when you return. I come to see you are the chief of Security on the station i would like to meet the crew of the station myself.

Major John Riker
Station XO

Commodore John Riker
Epsilon Station CO