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Docking Bay Four

Started by Sarah Parker, August 20, 2004, 01:39:32 PM

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Sarah Parker

*waits until the other officers leave the shadowy ready room. She looks up to him with rather poignant eyes, a frown tugging at her lips.*

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Parker.jpg" border="0">
S. Parker.


*Montrell was still sitting and thinking about the words of Admiral Parker. Did she mention a "being" that they "gathered". It would be best to put Commander Janeway on this case. Maybe Major Embries could examine it. Montrell stood up and pulled his uniform. He walked to the door and it slid open. First he had to talk to Commander Janeway and then he had to go to JAG. He needed to prepare the "Loxian"-case.
Montrell touches his combadge*

       =A= Admiral Montrell to Commander Janeway =A=
"Miss Janeway, I have an order for you. Please proceed to the Cargobay of the USS Lothlorien and locate a container containing "scientific material". Admiral Parker told me it's a being that they gathered, which should be handeled carefully. Relocate this container to the Science Labs and inform Major Embries. He is to perform medical and scientific studies on the being. You are free to use any security measure you seem necessary to perform your order as best as possible. I hope you have enough information to perform your task, if not do not hesitate to contact me"

                =A= Admiral Montrell out =A=

Admiral Montrell walks out of the room and heads for the JAG Office.

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-montrell.jpg" border="0">


=^= I'm on my way. Embries out =^=

OFF: Can someone please respond to the questions in my off-game post at the science dept. forum, regarding this creature? Thank you.

Major Embries
Chief Science Officer Avalon Station
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/id-embries.jpg" border="0">

Mike Nickerson

Mike enters the large observation room overlooking the internal docking structure of Avalon Station. He goes over to the docking ramp of the nearest ship from StarPhoenix base and oversees the transfer of the wounded to the Observation Deck. He starts barking orders to random nurses and security officers there.

"Alright, we need to get a triage facility set up in here. Get anyone who's critical to the Infirmary, otherwise, start setting up cots and portable biobeds. You there, Ensign, go to the Infirmary and get me 5  field medkits."

He sees Major Embries over in a far corner of the O-Deck, and motions him over.

"If you're not busy, Major, I could use anyone I could get my hands on. The medical staff onboard the station is quite underhanded."

Fleet Captain Michael Nickerson
Chief Medical Officer,
Avalon Station
"Far be it for me to turn up the chance to be a hero..."

Aidiran Miller

I was told to report here...from SP


OFF: A new topic has been created in the Ops forum, called "Preparing the restoration of Starphoenix Base". Please concentrate your Starphoenix-related discussions and posts in there. The posts you have made in this forum regarding Starphoenix (as of Morga Harf's collapse) have been copied in there.
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

Kathryn Janeway

*enters the docking bay folowed by a herd of medical and repair teams and enters the lothlorien and goes to admiral parker*

ma'm i brought repair and medical teams onboard is there anything else you need

http://www.startrek.nl/images/head-janeway.jpg" border="0">


*The being awakens from her deep slumber only to find she is not where she intended to be. Her blue hues study the tiny contained room she's locked in curiously. She easily slides off the bio-bed and crouches. Staying low, and twisting her head to see this way and that, she proceeds to what seems to be an exit. Baffled at the invisible barrier, which she would later learn is glass, she pounds at it with her delicate hands, shouting what appears as jibberish.*

"Rop no eip! Rop no eip mek!"

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Akasayuniashirakomas.jpg" border="0">
Tou Akasayuniashirakomas Munich d' Tel Pache Dunorre Laminatcha Sina Tekbat


"Miss Janeway please coordinate the rest with Miss Love and make sure that every wounded is taken to Sickbay. I want a full report on it after this is all done."

Montrell nods to Miss Janeway and Love and then walks past them towards Admiral Parker. Parker and Montrell moved away from the group officers.

"Miss Parker, don't take it all upon yourselve. You have acted like everyone of us would do, and you did a remarkable job!"

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-montrell.jpg" border="0">

Sarah Parker

*Parker's sorrow subsides. She smothers it and attains a countenance of no emotion once more. She stands in a rigid manner and peers down to the seated admiral.*

No weakness.

"Please see that your men see all of my injured crew to sickbay. Your station's doctor has his work cut out for him. You will have a status report in due time, but please allow me some time to gather my thoughts."

*She begins to proceed out the door...*

"And one more thing, Montrell. I don't take possible threats lightly. Our rescuer mentioned taking heed for a being we gathered...I wish for a security and medical team to collect it and have it on lock down until further study can be made."

*she exits with her regular, powerful stride.*

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Parker.jpg" border="0">
S. Parker.

Kathryn Janeway

=/\=janeway to major embries please repotr to the station sience i'm bringing you something ineresting=/\=
*points at 2 security officers*
jones carter come whit me
*leave heading for the cargobay whit hte 2 security officer*
http://www.startrek.nl/images/head-janeway.jpg" border="0">


OFF: I'm already at my science department again, I was told that the being would be brought over there for me to examine it. And could finally SOMEONE please tell me what this unknown being is all about?http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/confused.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='???'>
Major Embries
Chief Science Officer Avalon Station
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/id-embries.jpg" border="0">

9 of 11

9 of 11 reporting. Forgive me for my absence, but I lost conciousness after being beamed aboard the Lothlorien. I wish to help in the rebuilding of Starphoenix.
OFF: For anyone who doesn't know, I'm the Security XO from Starphoenix. I'm just here 'cos I was told to be here and I don't want to go AWOL!
You are the Cancer, I am the cure