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Mission Statement

Started by Jonathan Mason, December 28, 2003, 06:13:27 PM

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Nailo Tpolish

*Wonders into the room covered in dust*

Hehe were all still here, I have been deep undercover in Avalon Division

I am a low ensign but i know some things....

*Shakes head to get rid of dust*

Sorry i havent posted in ages

Nailo Tpolish
Head of Black Ops
FSS Division

Nailo Tpolish

one month...

I am still in my deep cover position...

I am really getting good intel, but i cant report it http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'>

Nailo Tpolish
Head of Black Ops
FSS Division

Jonathan Mason

All members that can access the mission planning forum, please report there.

OFF: I believe that is everybody right now.

http://www.phoenix-federation.com/cgi-bin/intel/ikonboard.cgi" target='_blank'>http://www.phoenix-federation.com/cgi-bin/intel/ikonboard.cgi
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-JMason.gif" border="0">

Jonathan Mason

We have a new mission in case you didn't know.

but no one is posting anymore http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('>  I have tried by bringing some of my characters over from intel (they are supposed to be joining us on our mission)

http://www.phoenix-federation.com/cgi-bin/intel/ikonboard.cgi" target='_blank'>http://www.phoenix-federation.com/cgi-bin/intel/ikonboard.cgi
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-JMason.gif" border="0">

Jonathan Mason

As soon as we haved enough people reporting in we will begin the mission.

I have outlined a full mission plan and presented it to Admiral Vorak. This outline is posted in the mission planning forum of Starfleet HQ.

As for now the mission is to go to Khazara Station, the Romulan station. From there it is classified. http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

http://www.phoenix-federation.com/cgi-bin/intel/ikonboard.cgi" target='_blank'>http://www.phoenix-federation.com/cgi-bin/intel/ikonboard.cgi
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-JMason.gif" border="0">

Nailo Tpolish

Sigh, I think we might need to call in the big guns, Start advertising everywhere...

If we arent better by February, i think we might have to call it quits and be absorbed into Inteligence division, and just say we are a part of them http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('>

But that is a LAST RESORT!

Nailo Tpolish
Head of Black Ops
FSS Division

Jonathan Mason

I have some good news. The Intel Division has agreed to join our mission. So once everything is ready they should be arriving to our station first and then we will then need to await the arrival of our ship's crew.
http://www.phoenix-federation.com/cgi-bin/intel/ikonboard.cgi" target='_blank'>http://www.phoenix-federation.com/cgi-bin/intel/ikonboard.cgi
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-JMason.gif" border="0">

Jonathan Mason

that does not sound too pleasing. absorbing into Intel.

why by february?

http://www.phoenix-federation.com/cgi-bin/intel/ikonboard.cgi" target='_blank'>http://www.phoenix-federation.com/cgi-bin/intel/ikonboard.cgi
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-JMason.gif" border="0">