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USS Evolution - Mission 4 : Exploring Corporation Space

Started by Randall Sanchez, July 07, 2003, 01:36:58 AM

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Randall Sanchez

"Red alert! Do as Mr. Taurik says!"
He glances at Councelor Keriadoc.
"You were right, about this Galen Winterspoon. He IS bad news! Darn!"

The ship shudders and shakes heavily and the red alert claxons blaze. Some panels explode, and on the screen Sanchez can see that the ship is going adrift.

"Sanchez to engineering, drop us out of warp before we explode in a 1000 pieces!
Reroute all energy to structural integrity!
Mr. Yugiman, try to get us into the nebula at all costs, even though its at impulse power!
And can someone tell me what on Earth has hit us??? Science? Operations?"

Captain Randall Sanchez
Captain USS Evolution
Avalon Division
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-sanchez.jpg" border="0">


This is Very Remarkable, This will go into the Histories of almost every Race In the Delta Quadartent!
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Yugiman.jpg" border="0">
"Then Why Don't You Know Row, row, row your boat?" -Bones From Star Trek IV: Final Frontier

Bryan Hannah

Hmm... I dont know. Can we hail it, or does it understand binary code, or what?
Lt. Cmdr. Bryan Hannah
Chief Medical Officer
USS Evolution

Nick Brooks

OFF: Have fun http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

*walks over and sits in the captains chair*

Nice, I could get used to this...:)

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Brooks.jpg" border="0">
http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/medals/starfleetcross.gif " border="0">


Is there anything we need to know about this "S'Par'Ta" base, Counsellor?
Captain Taurik
Commanding Officer
U.S.S. Rivendell - NCC-84540-B

http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/starfleetcross.gif" border="0">http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/redcrest.gif" border="0">
Master of the Gallifreyan Order
Member of the Gallifreyan Sentinel Caste

Daniel Reeves

Ship's landing struts are holding. terrain is solid and holding it's composition.
"May the Prophets guide you" - Bajoran
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Reeves.jpg" border="0">

Randall Sanchez

OFF: welcome back Yugiman http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

Engage! How long until we get there? And send them the following transmission:

=^= USS Evolution to USS Sphinx =^=
We have received your distress call and we are on our way to help you. Please try to hold on as long as possible, we will try to be there as soon as we can.

=^= Evolution out =^=

Captain Randall Sanchez
Captain USS Evolution
Avalon Division
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-sanchez.jpg" border="0">

Randall Sanchez

"Good, good! Scan for their weakest shield areas, and give those places a full load! Once there are openings in their shields, we can do some considerable damage, and the USS Sphinx can beam out Locturnus!"
Captain Randall Sanchez
Captain USS Evolution
Avalon Division
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-sanchez.jpg" border="0">


http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Yugiman.jpg" border="0">
"Then Why Don't You Know Row, row, row your boat?" -Bones From Star Trek IV: Final Frontier


(OFF: You know, its not really a Ten Forward. It was called that on the Enterprise-D because it was on Deck 10, forward section...
Captain Taurik
Commanding Officer
U.S.S. Rivendell - NCC-84540-B

http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/starfleetcross.gif" border="0">http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/redcrest.gif" border="0">
Master of the Gallifreyan Order
Member of the Gallifreyan Sentinel Caste

Vurak Spock

Yes, Commander Taurik.  All systems have been checked and diagnosed. I have sent my report up to Captain Sanchez and a report shall be sent to you Commander Taurik. The ship should be ready and willing and able to go. We are battle ready, Sir. I would be a bit cautious sir of the Warp Engines for a leak has been detected, but with the repairs made. The Warp will function normally. I will do a periodic diagnosis check in that section of the Warp Engine to make sure of its functionality otherwise, you are ready to go. On your orders, Commander.

(As he finished responding to Commander Taurik, he looks toward Lt. Lindsey and responds:)

Lt. Lindsay, I am doing fine. I graciously thank you for your concern for my welfare, but I am very used to this kind of conditioning. I am mighty obliged by your concern. Thank you.

( He looks toward the commander.)

I am ready, Commander Taurik.

(You see him determined and ready and alert, but you still see lightly marked rings in his eyes. )

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Vurak.jpg" border="0">


Tactical Officer standing by, Captain.

(Edited by Taurik at 7:24 pm on July 3, 2003)

Captain Taurik
Commanding Officer
U.S.S. Rivendell - NCC-84540-B

http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/starfleetcross.gif" border="0">http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/redcrest.gif" border="0">
Master of the Gallifreyan Order
Member of the Gallifreyan Sentinel Caste

Nick Brooks

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Brooks.jpg" border="0">
http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/medals/starfleetcross.gif " border="0">

Randall Sanchez

"If we fire on them now, it is we who have provoked the fight. Because if that is truly a cloaked vessel pursuing us -and we cant even be sure of that- it may have other reasons. But perhaps we should direct the Evolution into the nebula itself, that will make it more difficult for the cloaked ship to track us. Helm, set a course to the nebula, warp 7. What's the estimated time of arrival in the nebula?"
Captain Randall Sanchez
Captain USS Evolution
Avalon Division
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-sanchez.jpg" border="0">

Nick Brooks


I'll have it to you as soon as possible, Captain.

*Walks on to the turbolift*

Deck 3.

*The doors close*

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Brooks.jpg" border="0">
http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/medals/starfleetcross.gif " border="0">