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USS Skytoucher - Mission 2: The Van'Gu Cluster

Started by Vorak, October 04, 2002, 04:07:13 PM

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Zack Mannion

Even though *he continues*, your reasons are starting to pursuading me more and more...

*A torpedo suddenly flyes out from the skytouchers laucner, towards the container. Peter throws himself to the weapkns console and fires a phaser burdst so the torpedo are destroyed...*

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/id-zmannion.jpg" border="0">

Tomas Goransson

Well, what about repairing the engines? That is a first priority, all engineers and all persons with engineering knowledges are ordered to help with the work. Security shall be posted on the ship. I don´t want another intruder again.... I are in sickbay and talks with the Yzakians.

Annika, you have the bridge.

*Leaves for the sickbay*

http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-tomas.jpg" border="0">

Tomas Goransson

Strange... Well, go the the edge of the cluster so we can intercept any reply from HQ.
http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-tomas.jpg" border="0">

Tomas Goransson

Yes. But first, will you join me in my quarter on the station to have a drink or a meal perhaps?
http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-tomas.jpg" border="0">


This is a direct order as Division CO for the CO of the USS Skytoucher to please catch up on there weekly reports.
As you have not been updating, i have been getting into trouble so please make that report asap!

Vice-Admiral Julian

EF Starfleet Command | S.S Avalon CO | In charge of the U.S.S Iroquois, U.S.S Normandy, S.S Avalon, and the Dantor base | Mission Planner.


Lt. JG. Waterskimmer
Helm - USS Skytoucher
"Fear should sometimes be respected" - Captain Janeway

Grady OScott

*Enters from his ready room*
Hello Commanders Bloom and Goransson!
ooo! What do we have here? New crewmen? Hello there Lt.s ......? What, I think I have seen you before.
Captain Grady O'Scott,
CO USS Skytoucher

Tomas Goransson

http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-tomas.jpg" border="0">

Peter Svensson

As for the ship moving... it might be a result of the subspace wave interference still.  The computer is probably -how can i say- confused and its algorythms are messed up."

*He turns to the captain again*

"Sir, I understand you don't wish to send both me and Mr. Mannion to help the Yzakians with repairs on their ship, but if you send him over there, may I make myself useful meanwhile and try to get the ship's computer back in working order?  After all, I'm an engineer."

You will be judged, the way you judge...
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Svensson.gif" border="0">

Zack Mannion

*Walks from the Yzakian transporterpad*

Hello sir. I am Lt. Mannion and this are Lt. Svensson. We are here to help.

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/id-zmannion.jpg" border="0">

Geert de heer

Geert this vessel dropped out of warp near the federation vessel.
he pushed some buttons on this main Panel and he came on the screen.

This is geert the heer.
I'm sending data about a system in the cluster that I'm owing from this moment.
Its not a big system 4 planets not more.
Only 1 M-class that's where begun to build my new home.
Your welcome to stop their.

M (Head of CIB)

Tomas Goransson

*When she entered*

Bloom, come here I want to show you something I discovered whilst doing some reasearch.

*She comes to the computor screen and Tomas presses some buttons, there the crew manifest on the USS Excalibur.*

Do you see, Bloom? No trace of neither Svensson or Mannion aboard that ship. There is something whery wierd going on here, and I am this close of finding it out! I can feel it all the way down to my feets!

(OFF: Heh, Ms, annika, come over here. Oh, what it is hoth in here, I´d better remove all clothes and I thjink you´d do the same. LOL Was thjat what you expected? Well sorry, I am engaged already. http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>)

http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-tomas.jpg" border="0">


"What?? How is this possible? What the #### is going on here?"

Pax turns to another officer.

"Contact Yzakia Prime and inform them of our problem!"

Officer: "I cant sir, even the communication systems are unavailable to us!"

At that moment, the doors to the bridge open, and two people walk in: Peter Svensson and Zack Mannion, both armed with phasers...

"What is this supposed to mean? What do you think you are doing?" Pax yells furiously.

Yzakian Representative Pax
~ Violence can only create even more violence, but peace starts in your own heart. ~
http://www.expansionfleet.com/images/Pax.jpg" border="0">