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Mission 11: "Impromptu Heroism"

Started by Taurik, April 11, 2007, 12:29:05 AM

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As the Rivendell neared the vortex, T'lana noted massive amounts of zero-point energy emanating from it.

"Mr. Sarpedon, bring the vessel within 500 meters and then come to an all stop."
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Givrillian Sarpedon

Sarpedon's fingers began flying erratically over the controls.

"Reversing, Full Impulse."

=^=Helm to Engineering=^=
"I need full power to the engines without disabling the weapons and defence systems."
=^=Helm Out=^=
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<Notices Tlana come onto the bridge walking rather awkwardly>

"Hmmm, Cmdr.  Should you be laying down while we deal with the Heraani threat?" HK47 said before he relieved the tactical station to one of the ensigns and left the bridge.

<HK47 activated his combat program.  Next thing the bridge crew new he had several weapons attached to him as they appear of out thin air as he activated his recall device (Summons his babies).  Then HK47 started to go threw the ship searching out the Heraani spies>

*On deck 4 a fire fight broke out as several heraani spies fired there weapons at HK47.  HK just stood there taking the beatings as his shield absorbed plasma fire.  He activated what appeared to be a machine gun like weapon and fired plasma bolts at the heraani soldiers.  Not caring about the damage dealt to the ship he blew out a few panels as the heraani spies were mowed down by the plasma bolts.  HK continued to go threw the deck till 20 more jumped out and attacked him.  He was surrounded 10 in front of him, 10 in the back of him cutting him off from retreating.  He wasnt planning on retreating as the Heraani soldiers fired all at once.  The shield absorbed more of the plasma bolts, HK threw a stun grenade to the back of him and it blew up automatically stunning the heraani in the back cutting off his escape.  Activating his flame thrower he fired it at the ones in the front of him.  Several of the Heraani spies started to catch fire as the flame thrower continued to burn them.  In mere seconds several of the heraani were dead from massive fire damage as there charred corpses lay there and there buddies stood there shocked as they were mowed down by HK47s machine gun.  Activating his swords on both arms he stated* "Im so going to enjoy this." he said relishing in the fight.

*Then he charged the stunned Heraani cutting off there arms as HK47s shield goes out by to much damage from the heraani spies.  HK47 recieved plenty of dents as he melee'd the heraani spies.  HK47 made short work of the spies as they all slumped to the ground bleeding everywhere from the holes in there bodies and armor*

"Ohhhhh, I miss the fun of fighting and killing." he said with glee.
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a318/admiralkarelia/HK47.jpg" border="0">

Bran Tragare

<tragares takes in the actions of the bridge,noticing the captain in conversation with the doctor, he reaches towards his chest communicator and taps it screamin>

"Red alert, security to the bridge we have intruders, tragare to sick bay prepare a bed for a vulcan whos been chest shot possably a heart wound by phaser"

<by this time tragare has reached T'lana he noticed the doctor stil hasnt moved>

"dammit doctor move she may have 2 hearts but she could suffer pulmanary cascade failure do to shock if im corect that was federation phaser but its still out of time sync other damage could have occured"

<as he speacks he prepares for t'lana to be emergency transported to sick bay>
Ship: U.S.S Rivendell
Name: Bran Tragare
Rank: Ensign
Position: Tactical

Holographic Officer Beta

<As Beta transferred his program to the same room as his storage locker, he retrieved his mobile emitter and transferred his program into it.>

"Hmmm. I have a feeling that HK droid doesn't only want to start a fight with the Henaari."

<Manipulating his projection to make himself once more solid, Beta proceeded towards the last known position of Ensign Torbin, to assist in what ever task he had prescribed himself, but weary of any more Henaari there might be left.>
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<Kassie gets up and crawls back into her chair, then tries to figue out what was damaged>

"Captain, decks 4-6 are going to decompress, evacuation of those decks are underway, erecting lvl 10 forcefields in those areas.  That last hit took rear shields down to 50%, and we lost rear torpedo tubes.  I estimate we can have the rear torpedoe tubes up in less then 2 hours." she said as she tried to keep up with the damage reports coming in.
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Morgan Freeman

Morgan had been through the ringer many times before, but he had never experienced an event as rough as riding in the wake of T'lana's slipfighter.  Had he known where the bathroom was in this craft he would have thrown up.  However, not wanting to leave a mess, he forced himself not to.  

Looking out the cockpit window, Morgan noticed a lifeless Starfleet Station.  

@@T'lana, it seems that Avalon is having a problem.@@
http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii86/Jedi1701/MorganBanner.jpg" border="0">

The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain.   - Scotty

Givrillian Sarpedon

Hmm, that's odd. I don't mean to be rude, but I thought Vulcans didn't show emotion?

Oh, and greetings, HK47 <Nods to HK>
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Bran Tragare

<tragare walk's over to the tacticle station works over the controls,then speaks into his communicator then turns to the captain>

"it is done sir and i added a frequency modulater incase they are randomly changeing thier frequencies and mr beta i hope you dont mind but i reprogramed your holographic program so you wont need a tricorder you should be able to see them yourself now also hk47 can see them to if he checks theses same readings as the captain gave me"

<he hands hk47 the readings >

"and captain i can set up the ships internal sensors to isolate the intruders and isolate them in lvl 5 shields "

OOC: this is only if we are done stalling and ready to get on with the volution mission unless me make this part of the misionm maybe talk to eveolutions captain
Ship: U.S.S Rivendell
Name: Bran Tragare
Rank: Ensign
Position: Tactical

Givrillian Sarpedon

Well in that case I believe I would use either a Beta or a Beta-3 maneouver, to give tactical the best chance of inflicting damage. I would probably use the Beta maneouver however, more chance of damage being inflicted.
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"moment ensign, im working on it now."
<hands fly over consol>
"ah, there we go." he says as the new crewman appears on deck.
confucius say:
"War does not determine who is right, war determine who is left."
"Man who stand on toilet is high on pot."
"Do not provoke these explorers, they may turn to exploring new ways to kill."
      ~klingon commander Golkoth to his captain when confronting a Federation ship~


"If you say so Morgan and yes it is Vulcan Brandy, you do like Vulcan Brandy don't you? If not I can replicate something for you."
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OOC: Trust me, I am just as bored with this as you, it would help though if our illustrious Captain actually got on with it. http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'>

T'lana listened to what Mr. Sarpedon was saying and then walked over to his station to look at the readings for herself.

"Interesting, it seems there is a rift in spacetime. Lock on to that location and magnify."

The main viewer shifted to a different spatial grid and magnified to the spacetime rift.
The unusual thing is, the rift looked remarkably like a blue-white energy ring, perfectly symmetrical.

"Fascinating, just to be sure though."

=A="All hands red alert, Commander to the bridge."=A=

"Helm,  move to the location of the spacetime rift."

T'lana moved back to science station and began scanning the spacetime rift, which seems to exist in all dimensions, in essence making it an Interdimensional Portal.

OOC: How's that?
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T'lana closed the hatch and powered up the main drives, the Kelata lifted off the tarmac.

Computer: :"Quantum Induction Core 100%, Quantum Slipstream Drive, functioning within normal parameters. Phased Plasma Pulse Canons and Micro-Quantum Torpedo Launcher online, Ablative Armor Generator and Active Camouflage in standby mode."

T'lana made sure the Away Team were secure in the rear passenger bay and went back to command when she was satisfied that they were stowed away properly.
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Givrillian Sarpedon

=^=Rivendell to T'lana=^=

"Understood. Energising."

Tapping controls on the console, Sarpedon accessed the site-to-site transporter, and locked onto his targets. Initiating the transporters, they energised in Shuttle Bay One.

=^=Bridge to Shuttle Bay=^=

"You're all set Commander. Let me know when and I'll open the bay doors."

=^=Bridge Out=^=

He had no idea what they were planning, so he decided to do his best and follow their movements on external sensors once they were clear of the Rivendell.
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