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Mission 11: "Impromptu Heroism"

Started by Taurik, April 11, 2007, 12:29:05 AM

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Bran Tragare

"captain a security team is ready sir to help in the evacuation of the eveolutions away team shall i have them go to the transporter room,and would like to ask permission to accompany them with hk 47 if that is possable he would be an asset with his abilities"
Ship: U.S.S Rivendell
Name: Bran Tragare
Rank: Ensign
Position: Tactical

Givrillian Sarpedon

Sarpedon sat in one of the chairs of the Kelata and sighed, resting his head on his fist. The ship's teleportation device was contantly activating and deactivating, and since whenever the ship did anything, T'lana ordered it remotely, He had begun to feel rather useless.

"Hmm, maybe I should be back on the Rivendell, helping with the evac order that was sent to us?" he wondered out loud, running anonther sensor sweep with his free hand. It came up the same as the last, nothing out of the ordinary except the power readings from Avalon Station.

Deciding that he should at least try and see how the craft worked, he moved to helm and looked over the controls. After a little bit of experimenting, he had found which controls to use to manoeuvre the ship, and began flying around the station while running sensor sweeps.

If I'm needed, I'm sure that T'lana will call for the ship. he thought to himself.
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Morgan Freeman

"I would be delighted to accompany you T'lana."  Morgan says ready to go.
http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii86/Jedi1701/MorganBanner.jpg" border="0">

The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain.   - Scotty


"Hmmmm, HK47 probly didnt tell you because to him thats a classified subject.  But yes the Multi-vector assault mode has been used plenty of times.  Its only used when more then 1 ship is needed and only if the situation is most dire."
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Kassie.jpg" border="0">


T'lana was fascinated by all these suggestions, she'd give the new crew one thing, they are enthusiastic.

"Captain, it would be logical to take the Kelata in first for reconnaissance, Mr. Tragare could assist. If the time I have spent on this vessel has shown, it is that caution is the better part of valor."
http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/meritoriousservice.gif" border="0">
http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d128/AeiLanTenie/MyCharacterBanner.jpg" border="0">

Dean Starwind

*...Dean turned int he direction of the robotic voice. He was curious as to who it was...*


*...He said under his breath. He has never been to fond of Star Fleets allowing him to just show up and participate in a ships activities with out the proper authorization. He knew that if he were still an admiral he would have had the machine dismantled immediately...*

OOC: I don't have much time to go an read through all thats happened so can T'lana could you give me a sum up of whats going on?
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/ross_william.jpg" border="0">
Commander Dean Starwind
Executive Officer
Uss Rivendell- NCC-84540-B

Holographic Officer Beta


<Beta broke into a run, heading for some nearby trees.>

"Follow me! Get under cover of the trees, and keep an eye out for more Heraani troops!"

<Once everyone was under the cover of the trees, Beta ran in the direction of the coordinates T'lana gave him, ordering the Away Team to follow.>

<As they ran, they saw three Heraani creeping silently ahead, towards the treeline, where they obviously thought they would have open shots at the unaware away team. Beta and two of his team opened fire on the run. Trees were left with smouldering holes, but so were the Heraani>

=^=Beta to Kelata=^=
"How far away from the overhang does the treeline stop?"
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Holographic Officer Beta

"Understood. We are on our way there now."

<Beta and his team moved towards the location T'lana had given them, always keeping a watchful eye out for enemy warriors.>
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Sagittarii: "that would not be appropriate at present, but we do want to stay in touch, so I am giving you a Slipfighter. They each have their own AIEs and charts on all known slippoints, you are welcome to take one on the condition that you do not  try and copy the technology but you can use the Slipfighter."

Talking to Rhiannon,

"Take T'lana to the Slipfighter Bay, it wont fit into the Kelata but I am sure that Morgan can follow you exactly T'lana...true?."
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Holographic Officer Beta

"Captain, may I suggest we transport samples of the wreckage onboard for future analysis after the Heraani ship has been destroyed? It never helps to go in blind should we meet them again."
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http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/christopherpikemedal.gif" border="0">


OOC: Not much if a cavalry, but oh well...


T'lana rounded the reactor just as Taurik's back was against the wall, noticing three of the attackers on the ground, T'lana deactivated the fighting pike mode and aimed the forcelance at the aliens and fired continuously.

The forcelance caused the area around the dodging Heraani to sizzle as the electromagnetically encapsulated, superheated plasma was ejected from the alien weapon.

T'lana new she couldn't beat these aliens in melee or hand to hand, but a hail-fire of superheated plasma was just as effective, as two Heraani fell to her attack despite their  parrying with their energy blades.

Stopping to let the forcelance cool for a second, she loaded two Effectors into the magnetic coil chamber, that while plasma is being used is stored in a magazine built into the forcelance.

Hoping the forcelance had cool enough, T'lana turned and aimed at the Heraani that were now trying to attack Taurik.
Noticing an opening in their attack, T'lana fired the two Effectors hoping that the explosive tipped smart-bullets noticed the opening as well.
One Effector found the opening in a Heraani's defences and dug itself into the Heraani's side and exploded, killing it instantly with the anti-proton charge leaving a gore ridden corpse.
The other Effector wasn't so lucky, as the Heraani heard the tiny MPDD of the effector at the last moment, bouncing of the out electromagnetic field of the energy blade, the Effector had no time to alter course and dug itself into a bulkhead instead; exploding on impact.
All was not lost though, as the concussive force of the anti-proton explosion, knocked the Heraani to the ground.

The forcelance had cooled sufficiently at this time, so T'lana fired multiple plasma bursts at the creature while it was trying to get back up from the deck.
He died in the agony of searing heat, as the plasma bolts found their mark, leaving the creature smoldering on the melted deck floor.

T'lana fell to the floor exhausted, thanking the designers and builders of the alien weapon known as a forcelance, for their ingenuity and ability to make effective lethal weaponry.

After catching her breath, T'lana stood shakily and made her way to Captain Taurik, using the biometric sensors of her tricorder to check for any injuries. Satisfied she re-holstered the tricorder and deactivated the forcelance, giving it time to cool.

"I take it they were Heraani captain?"

Looking around to see Morgan behind a coolant intake, T'lana went around to see if he was alright, noticing his current upset  state, she gave him a hug and stated;

"Are you alright Morgan, we need the reactor up and running, there is only 23 minutes of usable atmosphere left."

T'lana helped Morgan to stand, who shook himself off and appeared to get to work.
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Holographic Officer Beta


=^=Away Team out=^=

<Beta's team came close to the edge of the overhang.>

"OK, we have just less than two and a half hundred meters from the end of this treeline to the over hang. We don't know what's out there, for all we know, there could be a stealthed ambush. I will go out with Antares and Krasen. The rest of you, cover both us and your own backs from within the tree cover.

"You two, follow me."

<Beta and the two officers he chose crept in a slow crouch from the tree cover.  Antares had one hand holding a Type II phaser (the Type IV slung over his shoulder) and in the other, a tricorder sweeping the area for anything unusual.>

<As they got closer to the overhang, Beta told Antares to keep watch while he and Krasen crept forwards on their stomachs to see below.>

Krasen*Low whistle* "That's one big fortress."

Beta "That's what it's meant to be." <Beta shook his head. They were talking in low tones unlikely to carry far, but he wanted to be safe.> "Keep unnecessary chatter out of it. We don't want an ambush."

<As Beta looked out over the landscape below, he tried to locate the Evolution crew.>
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<Works at her controls while answering the crewmen>

"Warp 9.995 to be exact.  This type of vessel was put into production for rapid deployment to fight against the borg and rapidly became a sorta flag ship in the fight against the Heraani.  Along with other deadly enemies."
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Kassie.jpg" border="0">


Taurik leaped directly from his seat into the air, his khala flying into his hand and igniting as if it had a mind of it's own. He landed on the deck, his blade having already severed one of the assailants' bodies by the time he came to a halt.
Captain Taurik
Commanding Officer
U.S.S. Rivendell - NCC-84540-B

http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/starfleetcross.gif" border="0">http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/redcrest.gif" border="0">
Master of the Gallifreyan Order
Member of the Gallifreyan Sentinel Caste


T'lana had finished her examination of the entire vessel by the third day and decided it was about time she left the Rivendell.
She might not be able to go back to Vulcan for a while, but then there was no logical reason for her to do so, even if T'lana would like to see her parents again.

Lieutenant Commander T'lana left the Rivendell for the Celtic Corner Bar, it was logical to a point, but the main reason, is that ever since her ordeal, T'lana disliked being alone, even if she would never admit it.
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