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U.S.S. Skytoucher Mission 8: The Secrets of Dantor

Started by Comm One, March 02, 2005, 03:37:15 PM

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*Meanwhile in the ready room, Rasmain had finished reading the transmission from Admiral Montrell. He took a deep breath and leaned back. Many thoughts were crossing his mind and most of them involved Captain Skon's health.*

"All right, I need to prepare the arrival of our new Captain. Admiral Montrell is right, I can see him when we return to Station Avalon. We need to deal with this mission first!"

*Rasmain closes the desktop viewer and walks out of the room. He immediately enters the bridge and walks to the command chair. He sits down and took a look at the large viewscreen*

*He then turns to the OPS Station and adresses the ensign behind the console*

"Ensign, put me on the ship's intercom"

Ensign: "You are on Sir"

"All right. This is a message that concerns all crewmembers of the USS Skytoucher so please listen carefully. You are all aware of the condition of Captain Skon. Unfortunately, doctors have come to the conclusion that he will not come out of his coma on a short notice. That's why Admiral Montrell has assigned a new Commanding Officer to this ship. I will resume my tasks as First Officer so there will not be a huge change in command. Our new Captain will arrive during our mission at Dantor and you will be notified when he's aboard. Thank you for your attention, Commander Rasmain out"

*Rasmain nods to the ensign who ends the transmission*

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Rasmain.jpg" border="0">

Lucas Bailey II

Fred Lurado

Lurado exited the turbolift as it halted at the bridge. At his first sight of the bridge, he took notice of every detail. He then went to the First Officer. "Commander, good to meet you finally. I know only so much about the ships current situation. Perhaps it would be best that I be briefed, short if time is short, but briefed nonetheless".
CO - USS Skytoucher

Fred Lurado

OOC: Again, I thank you for the advice. I am sure I can handle it from there. Roleplay isn't a new thing for me, trust me http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>

The shuttle was now very near the ship
"Shuttlepod 5, requesting permission to dock in the Skytoucher's shuttlebay" The pilot came onto the Comm. Then the captain spoke after. "I look forward to meeting everyone, I will make for the bridge when we dock".

CO - USS Skytoucher

Fred Lurado

OFF: I am here. I have clearly not been able to get here, had I been able to leave notice I would have. There is no need to kick me out of the postion.

Lurado stood. "Admiral? If your need is urgent I can speak with you here, now. I do not see what could need a private channel. However if you insist I can talk with you in my ready room"

CO - USS Skytoucher

Tim Russo

**The Doctor and I make our way to the Turbo Lift and we get it.

"Transport room 3"

**The turbolift takes us to the  deck and we get off.   The Doctor and I approach Transporter room 3 and we walk in prepared for the away mission.
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Russo.jpg" border="0">


*Rasmain sits down behind the desk in the ready room and turns on the desktop viewer. The Starfleet insignia could be seen and underneath it, it said to await an incoming link from Station Avalon. Suddenly the screen changes and Fleet Admiral Montrell was to be seen*
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Rasmain.jpg" border="0">

Bill Doniger

Doniger stands from the command chair.

"Everything is in shape in Engineering i'll remain on the bridge Captain."
Bill Doniger

Comm One

"Well, it's a little bit too late now for that, we are both already on board. From our investigations of the creature, I can already tell you that it appears to act on instincts, and does not have a language we can yet understand. The creature does seem to speak a primitive language, but the universal translator has not yet been able to decipher it. As you can see, the creature is humanoid in form, but appears to often move in various ways, crawling on hands and feet, jumping, and so on. I assure you that if you do not threathen the creature, it will not harm you. And as it is, I am acting on orders of the admiralty of Avalon Station."
http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/6403/commone4yz.jpg" border="0">
Grade 5 Director  Comm One
Delta Alliance Officer
CO of the ASC Revox
http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/alliance-general.gif" border="0">http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/alliance-contact.gif" border="0">

Niamh kelly

OCC:P just to let you know Im here,

*Kelly stood watching the situation on the bridge develop.*

Enterprise please visit


captain your call.......*as balkazar was waiting for a response from the captain he has a brief conversation with one of the guards.........."go and prep about 3 other security teams..........10 in each team.....with full battle gear and heavily armed....Go..."...........Then the Guard carries out the order to prepare a couple more teams to head for the transporter rooms.......*

Captain with your permission.......and from our last experience on the planet.....I suggest that we have atleast a field doctor or 2 with each security team that will be accompanying us down there ?........
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

niamh kelly

*Kelly tried to stop herself vut couldnt.*

"Admiral I understand your wanting to study this creature but It is my duty to point out that you are in direct violation of starfleet "alien" human rights laws against using living animals for study. We no longer inslave animals for food and study is no different. I find this course of action savage and barbaric and tipical of 21st century human behaviour, I thought your species had movied past that, It appears I was incorrect, however you are Human, your free to choose."


*Rasmain stands up from his chair and walks to the helm console where Comm One was sitting*

"Comm One, what will be our ETA at Dantor?"

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Rasmain.jpg" border="0">


OFF: Due to total inactivity of Starphoenix divsion - of which the base's construction this topic is supposed to be about - the storyline may have to be altered a bit. If Starphoenix Division has not picked up reasonable activity by May 10, it will be closed down permanently, and we will conclude the reconstruction mission with the spider attack story, where the spiders render the planet uninhabitable, and Starfleet is forced to abandon Dantor permanently. I suggest beaming over to the planet again (and thus posting in the topic on Starphoenix Division that's alraedy there for it) to continue the mission of the spiders now. Thank you.
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


OOC**Fred I wasnt Accusing you of not being a captain.......Since I never saw your name before on any of the Expansionfleet ships before I just assumed you were new to the role thats all I Was implying http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

Vorak: Ohhh That mission..........Well...........I think you should tell Fred that one http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'>.......Im not too good at remembering

BTW Im here for another week http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'> Next tursday is when ill be gone

IC**Balkazar slightly opens his eyes and sees AK staring at him*

*Balkazar then pushes ak playfully out of the way so Balkazar can sit up and then yawns*

(Edited by Balkazar at 11:04 pm on Mar. 3, 2005)

http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">