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USS Evolution Mission 14: The Last Flight

Started by Randall Sanchez, April 20, 2006, 10:24:59 PM

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<Grinning broadly to Captain Sanchez>

"Ill go get my weapons ready from my customized fighter.  Its attached to your hull nice and secure.  So ill leave and ready myself for the incoming battle.  Do you wish me to reinforce Taurik on the surface ?" Blaze said with a sneer.

Randall Sanchez

"Fire torpedoes, spread launch! Forget about repairing anything, it soon won't be necessary any more!"

OFF: Uh a shuttle?? The whole plan was that Sanchez would actually make it with his shuttle to the planet!! Because we've got a whole dramatic scene for the Evolution's final destruction planned.
Captain Randall Sanchez
Captain USS Evolution
Avalon Division
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-sanchez.jpg" border="0">

Randall Sanchez

"What do you suggest we do then? Be a sitting duck until Starfleet comes to collect us and throw us in the brig? Even with maximum warp, we'll be lucky if we make it to Loxius before the Rivendell does, that ship is faster than us any day even if the Evolution were in top shape!"
*He taps his commbadge.*
"Sanchez to Spock, we're going to maximum warp, so I need you to keep the ship in one piece until we're there!"
Captain Randall Sanchez
Captain USS Evolution
Avalon Division
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-sanchez.jpg" border="0">


"Yes, while maintaining a close but passive eye on them at the same time."

Taurik looked about the bridge. "Returning here brings several vivid memories to mind."
Captain Taurik
Commanding Officer
U.S.S. Rivendell - NCC-84540-B

http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/starfleetcross.gif" border="0">http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/redcrest.gif" border="0">
Master of the Gallifreyan Order
Member of the Gallifreyan Sentinel Caste

Jesse Nofftz

( Turning towards Lt. Commander Lauren and hushing his voice)
Ma'am, I beleive it would be prudent to send a team aboard Rivendell to "coordinate" with them.
Lt. Jesse Nofftz
Assistant Cheif of Security
USS. Evolution

Kelli Lauren

"Either way, they aren't going to take kindly to our... 'borrowing' this equipment. As I said, someone's going to get hurt."
Commander Kelli Lauren
Executive Officer
U.S.S. Evolution - NCC-14320-A

William Wallace

Getting up I move to the Turbolift with Commander Spock. So lets go look over these problems.
William Wallace
Executive Officer
USS Lothlorien NCC 12588

Morgan Freeman

The Evolutions sensors indicate that the Rivendell is matching course.

=A= Captain Sanchez, this is Commander Freeman of the Rivendell.  My orders are to bring you back to Avalon station, however, those orders do not say when.  You stand a better chance coming back in one piece with the Rivendell with you.  =A=
http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii86/Jedi1701/MorganBanner.jpg" border="0">

The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain.   - Scotty

William Wallace

Yes Commander.

With that Will left for the deflector contorl room

after about ten minutes he had completed it and soon enough it pops up as a new weapon on the screen of Commander Lauren.
William Wallace
Executive Officer
USS Lothlorien NCC 12588


<Spock was standing near bye as he was getting reports in from engineering as Sanchez got done talking to Kelli>

"Sir, I believe we can mask our trail if we so to speak disappear off there sensors, if we could trick the Rivendells crew into thinking we went one way when we actually went another, a Decoy if you would, Several hundred Evolutions showed up on there sensors, it would be like looking for a needle in a very HUGE! hay stack."

"Commander Lauren, dont try to pull the Engines because there voice activated only bye my voice alone, you should stand bye your captain in whatever he chooses to do.  Your here Voluntarily, Im here, because my Loyalty is to my Captain, no one else.  Engineering is my field Kelli, not yours, you stick to security, and let me worry about the engines.  Understood ?"

"Dont worry about the engines tho, my team is keeping a close eye on them and if the warpcore decides to buckle I will drop the Evolution out of warp myself!."

"Oh, and I diverted what systems we werent using or dont have to the phaser array, tho it is jurry rigged so I dont know how long it will stand the pressure of being shot."

OOC**Sorry Kelli, Spock is Very protective over his ship and you threatening to pull the plug on his engines didnt help things lol.  You messed with his baby http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'>


"Hey, it's me, Enoch, open for both the legal and the illegal, specialized in the latter. And remember, if I don't have it, surely I can find someone who does!"
*Enoch smiles.*
"So what can I help you with, captain?"
Enoch, Camelot Medieval Store
Drop by, you may find something you never knew you wanted, and remember... if we don't have it, surely we can find someone who does!
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Enoch.jpg" border="0">


Taurik almost cracks a smile. "I suggest we hurry. We are no doubt short on time. The war must not start without us."
Captain Taurik
Commanding Officer
U.S.S. Rivendell - NCC-84540-B

http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/starfleetcross.gif" border="0">http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/redcrest.gif" border="0">
Master of the Gallifreyan Order
Member of the Gallifreyan Sentinel Caste

Randall Sanchez

"The war has already started, but if we hurry we can still make it there before the end and influence it for the good. Let's head back to the bridge."
*The doors of the bridge slide open, and both Sanchez and Taurik enter.*
"Resume course to Loxius, maximum available warp!"

OFF: And now everyone should act surprised of course http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'>
Captain Randall Sanchez
Captain USS Evolution
Avalon Division
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-sanchez.jpg" border="0">

Jesse Nofftz

OFF: As you wish my lord!http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/assimilate.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':assimilate:'> lol

ON: Captain Sanchez, I have detected a large number of enemy ships on long range sensors. They apparently have not detected us. I recommend we try to keep it that way for the moment.
Lt. Jesse Nofftz
Assistant Cheif of Security
USS. Evolution


*Robert returns to the bridge after leaving to handle the problem of the stations crew remaining on the ship. He walks out of the turbo lift also wearing civilian clothing. He walks up to his consul and starts working with the LCARS Screen.*

"Captain, I have sent the stations work crews back on a one hour break so I have somewhat increased out ever so shortening window of opertunity. I have also stopped the disassembling of the phaser arrays but unforunitly all the portside phasers have been removed and the straboard side ventral array needs to be adjusted and fixed back in place but i am positive it can wait for when we clear the station. Sheild generator is still intake but the long range scanner has been removed and is currently in a cargo bay in the station. If yiu give me a team I can get it back ASAP. With out that we will  not beable to get to loxius on time and possibly get lost in space. I highly recomend we bring it back to the ship."
Robert Nonir
Cheif Operations and Cheif Helm
Uss Iroquois
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/branson.jpg" border="0">