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USS Evolution Mission 14: The Last Flight

Started by Randall Sanchez, April 20, 2006, 10:24:59 PM

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Randall Sanchez

*Sanchez looks at his bridge officers when the voice of Vorak resounds.*
"Don't respond. Give him static or something, but ignore the message."
*He taps his commbadge.*
"Sanchez to engineering. Mr. Spock, we need warp speed NOW. How much can you give us?"
Captain Randall Sanchez
Captain USS Evolution
Avalon Division
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-sanchez.jpg" border="0">


Taurik sighed. "Yes, as a Starfleet captain, and as my friend, you have earned the right to explain yourself."
Captain Taurik
Commanding Officer
U.S.S. Rivendell - NCC-84540-B

http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/starfleetcross.gif" border="0">http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/redcrest.gif" border="0">
Master of the Gallifreyan Order
Member of the Gallifreyan Sentinel Caste

Randall Sanchez

"Allright, people, this is the moment! Helm, full impulse power toward the docking bay doors, engage!"
Captain Randall Sanchez
Captain USS Evolution
Avalon Division
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-sanchez.jpg" border="0">


**VSS Kelata**

The sensors onboard the Kelata, showed one third Rivendell maneuvering into beaming position and several Loxian vessel maneuvering in for the final blow that would destroy the Evolution completely.

Baphomet decided it was time to take action and to test the Kelata in actual combat.

"Computer, energize Phaser and Meson canons, load Quantum torpedoes."

She would try to cripple the vessels, but would destroy them if need be.

"Computer, initiate attack pattern wraith-1."

The Kelata cloaked and was weaving in between the smaller vessels and decloaked firing Meson pulses at the engines, shields and weapons of the Capital ships; decloaking and veering off before they had a chance to respond.

"Computer, attack pattern viper-2."

With that the Shuttle switched to Phaser canons, decloaked and began making high speed attack runs at the fighters and shuttles, once again recloaking before they had a chance to respond.
All the shuttles and fighters were disabled, unfortunately the capital ships would need more persuading.

Baphomet decloaked the Kelata and fired a volley of micro-Quantum torpedoes from the aft launcher, some missed while others hit their mark.

But it would be illogical to persue the battle any further, so Baphomet headed back to the Evolution and the first segment of the Rivendell to help with the emergency beam-out of all the Evolution crew to the Rivendell, at least the ones that didn't make it to the Lifeboats and Shuttles yet.

=A=VSS Kelata to USS Evolution and USS Rivendell=A=

"Lt. Commander Baphomet to Captain Sanchez and Commander Freeman, I am ready to help relay the mass beaming protocol."

=A=VSS Kelata Out=A=

Jesse Nofftz

OFF: Hi, I'm Lt. Nofftz, Assistant Cheif of Security, I am pretty much caught up with the storyline so for my sake I am just going to jump right in the storyline.
ON: *Jesse walks out of the turbolift and takes a seat at a console which monitors security functions throughout the ship.*
" Commander Lauren ( lowering his voice so Captain Taurik could not hear)all security teams are in position and awating further orders. We are prepared to defend ourselves if the Rivendell crew members beam aboard.
Lt. Jesse Nofftz
Assistant Cheif of Security
USS. Evolution


"Great." Spock said from Orpheus's response.

*Spock began making the last minute changes as the blast doors to the warpcore began to seal*

"Everyone out of engineering, MOVE!." Said Spock in a hurried voice.

*The engineers and crewmen scrambled out of Engineering and heads for the escape pods*

=^= Spock to Bridge =^=

"Engineering as been compromised all crewmen are heading to there escape pods and im enroute."

Bryan Hannah

"I see."

Hannah stalls for a moment, locking eyes with the captain.

"Captain Randall Sanchez, under Starfleet Medical Regulation 121 Section A, I, the Chief Medical Officer of the U.S.S. Evolution, hereby deem  you unfit for duty, and relieve you of your command immediately."

He let that sink in for a moment, and added, "Now, as the ranking officer onboard, I order you to evacuate the ship."
Lt. Cmdr. Bryan Hannah
Chief Medical Officer
USS Evolution


*He looks to Kelli with a slight grin.*

"If you would like I think i can also manage to grab a single phaser array to be placed on the port side, but only one. I cannot have too much to handle we need to get in quick and fast and leave swift and undetected, or we can weld you to the portside with a phaser and the can show them your fury..."

*He gives a wink of respect and awaits the captains reply to his plan*
Robert Nonir
Cheif Operations and Cheif Helm
Uss Iroquois
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/branson.jpg" border="0">


OCC: Umm Spock your in engineering and you could not have possibly heard Kelli and Randall's convorsation.


"Captain, Im getting report that the starboard nacell is breaking off. It seems it was being removed right before we commandeered the ship. We need to find someplace to stop and hide so that we may repair it. I looked into cartography and there is a neblula 2 light years away that we can hide out in so that we may repair that nacell and install the array and fully install the Scanners. I am not sure how much longer it will stay intacted."

=/\=Nonir to Spock=/\=

"The starboard Nacell is comeing loos, is there any possible way we can hold it in place until we can stop to repair it?"
Robert Nonir
Cheif Operations and Cheif Helm
Uss Iroquois
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/branson.jpg" border="0">

Randall Sanchez

*Sanchez sighs and motions to a chair.*
"Please, sit down. Don't worry, I ordered my crew to do nothing while you're aboard this ship."
*Sanchez takes a deep breath.*
"I know that what I did seemed like an act of treason, a crime, or however you would call it. But I did it for the greater good. For so many years, I put my life on the line for the greater good, in the name of Starfleet. And now I am awarded with a promotion to admiral... for which I am very grateful of course."
*Sanchez considers his next words before he speaks again.*
"With my actions, I don't intend to bring harm to anyone. If that had been the case, I'd have opened fire on the Rivendell long before, but even if it wasn't your ship I couldn't have done it. My mission here, my personal mission, is one of a rescue. War has broken out between the corrupt Loxian government, and the Loxian rebels and outlaws. It is the outlaws that kept the Loxian government in check, because otherwise they would be on our throats here long before. Especially after the damage we've suffered from the Na'jigat and Heraan, we are easy prey. If the Loxian government had nothing better to do right now, they'd launch a full attack. I have seen it before, their major fleet, back in the Dark Passage at Vontak Nor, and ironically, if it wasn't for the intervenence of the Na'jigat I wouldn't be alive to have this conversation with you now. If the Loxian government wins this war, they will focus on us next, and we won't have the time to recover our strength in this sector before they do."
*Sanchez looks at Taurik, who doesn't say anything yet, and then sighs.*
"But that is not the only reason I'm doing this. As a friend, I feel I need to tell you the other reason too. Zayan, who was appointed as Loxian representative on Vontak Nor by Starfleet, well... how do I say this in Vulcan terms... we had what you would call a Ponn Farr-like... umm... meeting. And she is now pregnant of me. But her sense of duty made her leave my ship without me knowing it, and I found out that she is now at Loxius, fighting against the Loxian government. What is more, the latest news is that she was captured, and being well known to be a long known enemy of the Loxian government, she is scheduled for execution. Who knows what will happen to the unborn child. And I can't let that happen, Taurik. I just can't. I pleaded to admiral Vorak to get a ship, any ship, to go to Loxius, but he refused me. I had no other choice but to steal the Evolution, and go out there myself. The ship was decommissioned anyway, nobody was going to make use of it, so who cares whether it's in the docking bay, or making a final voyage through the stars to aid someone in dire need?"
*Sanchez takes another deep breath.*
"I am well aware of the actions I took, and I will likely lose my commission as a Starfleet officer when I return. And I will accept the reprimants of my actions, but I hope you understand why I have to do this. I can't just sit and do nothing, knowing that the one I love is out there, with my unborn child in her womb, about to be painfully killed. Sometimes being human goes beyond a sense of duty to Starfleet, and sometimes we need to set aside the rules to do that which is ultimately right. If I could go back and make the decision again, I'd choose the same thing all over. Taurik, my friend, if you take me into costudy now, innocent people will die out there. And to hell with the Prime Directive, Starfleet is already involved with the Loxians due to the agreements that were made on Vontak Nor long ago. Please let me do the right thing here, for if I can't and Zayan dies, I will resign my commission anyway as it will be to no more use to me."
Captain Randall Sanchez
Captain USS Evolution
Avalon Division
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-sanchez.jpg" border="0">


*Robert holds her close and he whispers into her ears.*

"I do not know what will happen... but I know... no matter the obsticales... the distance... the time... I will always be here for you and there is not a thing that can prevent me from ever seeing you.. ever since the day I met you I have always gotten these sensations that over whelmed me.. like "the butterflies" as the old 21st century folk would say. When ever I look into your eyes I always feel secure and I feel that this is right and that we belong.. it has been some time since the last time I felt these feelings for another women. And I never want them to go away.. in a way, Ftima, you give me a reason to get up in the morning.. I.. I... I love you.."
Robert Nonir
Cheif Operations and Cheif Helm
Uss Iroquois
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/branson.jpg" border="0">

Jesse Nofftz

Nofftz rises, gasping for air ,and makes his way to his phaser laying on the deck a couple feet away. He picks it up and holsters it. He then turns and faces Blaze and says " I apoligize for my actions and I hope you can forgive me."
Lt. Jesse Nofftz
Assistant Cheif of Security
USS. Evolution


*Robert looks to the captain and Keli then taps his com badge*

=/\=Nonir to Spock=/\=

"Commander, what is the status on the warp core? Can we engage in a higher warp speed? The Rivendell is in pursuit and we cannot remain at this speed if we plan on loosing them."
Robert Nonir
Cheif Operations and Cheif Helm
Uss Iroquois
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/branson.jpg" border="0">

Kelli Lauren

(OFF: Blaze, you are NOT to leave the Evolution yet. You leave when everyone else leaves.)

"I've got those extra thirty torpedoes on my manifest now, sir."
Commander Kelli Lauren
Executive Officer
U.S.S. Evolution - NCC-14320-A


"Ahm Mr.Spock and Ms Kelly I may be on Vontak Nor, this doesnt mean you to can do whatever you like. Ms Kelly this man is occupied http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'>
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Airis.jpg" border="0">