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Mission 1: "Refitting"

Started by Andrew Yates, March 08, 2007, 04:15:13 PM

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Mark nodded, "He cut me up into little peices, stomped on me a few hundred times and then vaporized me with his phaser rifle, than he took my remains and shapped me into what I am today," He said quickly.
http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c155/JulieSanders/MarkLoisStarfleetBeta.jpg" border="0">


=^= Dr. Nesbitt to all officers aboard the USS. Lothlorien, i am still waiting for officers to report for their physical examinations. Report to Sickbay ASAP for your exams. Thank You=^=
<Chief Medical Officers Office>
Nesbitt sits in his office reading over charts and researching new medical technology. Awaiting the officers to report for physicals. "allot like pulling teeth." Nesbitt turns from his desk and moves into the main sickbay to look over his new equipment.
1st LT. Mitchell Nesbitt (Marine Doctor)


OOC**Make sure he can get along well with Marines and how we do things or there will be clashes http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>.  Hmmmm, Clash of the Titans comes to mind http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>.


"Whats Admiral Julian doing here?.  Oh well."

=^= "Permission granted Admiral.  You may dock in docking bay 1, I believe the doors are operational." =^=
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


Mason puts a smile on his face
"Ha ha ha Simpson, I sure hope i dont run into Captain Keller."

Mason begins to head up to the bridge with Mr.Simpson
"Thank you Simpson for being a friend."
"I did once think about quitting Starfleet for the marines. But that was before i met Maguid Velotian. How a Human and a Romulan became best of friends is anoter story for another time."

"Needless to say i've made a life for myself now with Starfleet, and i'm going to try to do the best with what i have been given."

As Mason enters the bridge he notices the XO and ackowledges him
Lt Mason -
*Awaiting a ship*

John Simpson

<In the turbolift before it stops>

"Im sure you mean well, Lt.  But so does the Col.  You need to learn to keep your attitude in check.  He actually was quite light on you compared to what he did to me when I first started here.  He literally had me clean the latrines for a lil mistake.  But a mistake can cost lives.  Understand?.  You probly dislike him right now, but it wont last.  Youll learn to respect him, then you will find out he can be a great friend to you.  Ok?.  Well lets get you your physicals." John finished as the doors opened.

"I sure hope they learn that marines arent the same as navy." John said to himself.

<John took the 2 threw corridors and around corners till they finally ended up at sickbay>

"Nesbitt, these 2 need there physicals.  Ill take care of Mr Mason here, and you can have Maguid.  Ok?" John finished then took Mason to a biobed to begin his physical.

<Over by the biobed>

<Takes up a medical tricorder and begins scanning Mason>

"So, Mason.  Have you had any illnesses lately? sickness we should be concerned about?.  Remember I may be a combat medic but I follow the same, Doctors oath has any other doctor.  Whatever, you tell me will be kept confidential.  Understand?" John told Mason.
2nd Lt.
Combat Medic
http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q299/UFPVCINC/Jake-Gyllenhaal1.jpg" border="0">


"Im a Marine, what do you expect?"


"Good to see you again, Admiral.  Hows my spoiled uncle doing.  Captain, Rajnus.  He is spoiled ya know.  Always getting the spiffy new ship commands while im out here facing the darkness and enemies of the Federation head on.  Thanks for aquiring us a ship, my friend." Balkazar said slapping the admiral on the back.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Tom Titan

*As the Colonel walked in and announced himself Titan was reading from a PADD. He sets the PADD down and he stands up and greets the Colonel.*

"Colonel, as you know I am your captain, Thomas Titan. Our purpose together is to serve as a fast response task force to w variety of emergency situations. My ship will serve as a motive of transportation for your marines but I want to make one thing clear. Everyone on this ship will be considered as an equal and there will be no discrimination. I will enforce this amoungst my crew as you will with your soldiers and if the situation calls for it I will take matters to myself to enforce with all crews. I would also like to add that we may be equal in rank but we are not in authority. I am the Captain of this ship and my word is absolute. My orders will be carried out by both navy and marine crews. There will be no exceptions to this and, although, you may be the commander of the marines my orders will be followed by everyone. I have been told about you and your bond with your men on of which I can understand. But do not let this bond get in the way of your duties. Now, I am giving you absolute command of the marines as a show of good faith, but Commander Wallace and I will have the ability to undermine orders that you may have given to your men. I only do this to ensure that not one man has total control of the marines. Now do you have any questions, Colonel?"
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/watters_tim.jpg" border="0">
Thomas Titan
CO - U.s.s. Lothlorian NCC 12588

Jacob Ressik

=A= This is Ressik, Medical department is just being touched up, i'm moving up to security. =A=
http://ironrangecap.com/CIVIL_AIR_PATROL_133_small.jpg" border="0">

Mike Powell

(OFF: I am sorry for my AWOL. Unexpected family emergancy. I am also sorry, Will, thank you for clearing this up. If I were around it would not have gone this far.)

*...As the two officers turned the corner General Powell had almost ran into Will...*

"Oh, Will! Almost toppled you right over. What brings you to the Ship?"
http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/7162/spmikepowell20zc.jpg" border="0">

Viktor Kozlov

"HOW DARE YOU!" Viktor now looking close to murder.
Ensign Viktor Kozlov
Cheif Security/Tactical Officer
USS Lothlorien

John Simpson

<John comes onto the bridge and walks over to Balkazar>

"Sir, the medical bay, Engineering, all the stations seem to have been updated and all storage bays have been stocked, We have to convert atleast 2 other storage bays to house our troops.  I believe we can house all the marine companies to face the darkness sir." he told Balkazar.
2nd Lt.
Combat Medic
http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q299/UFPVCINC/Jake-Gyllenhaal1.jpg" border="0">

Tom Titan

"We have a helmsmen. No need for an assistant piloting this ship is a one man job. If the need alls for it I will consider it. You are dismissed, Colonel."

*Titan sat in his chair with a face full of content. He thought to himself how power hungery and arrogant marines can be. His LCARS beeps again and he waits for the Colonel to leave to answer it.*
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/watters_tim.jpg" border="0">
Thomas Titan
CO - U.s.s. Lothlorian NCC 12588


Alright then finish up moving things out and then I'm going to need a copy of your medical record on file. (just info like anything out of the ordinary and your last physical examination.)
1st LT. Mitchell Nesbitt (Marine Doctor)

William Wallace

OOC: I know that Mr Balkazar. I know that your bark is the worst but it is the way I was greeted. I mean you know harm by what I said and I know that you would tow the line correctly.

IC: No Captain I have hearn nothing from the High Command. Well we could always offer chiefhelmsman to a lower ranked Officer of the Marines sir. A show of faith. I mean if we looka at the way Admiral Janeway crew got along sir we see that Marques and starfleet working in combination perfectly. So if they can do it maybe a mix of Bridge Crew could be of use here too.
William Wallace
Executive Officer
USS Lothlorien NCC 12588


<Walking with the Admiral on the tour of the ship>

"I agree.  Thank you for pointing that out.  All I can say is that Wallace has some backbone.  I think it was a wise choice for him to be XO, tho I will never tell him that personally.  I am protective of my marines and I am even more protective of those im charged to protect.  Last time I tried to protect my CO was back on the Skytoucher before it was destroyed.  The CO didnt much like me protecting him even tho I tried my best too.  I dont know if Captain Titan will understand that even tho im rough and unforgiving like most think, I will do anything to protect him.  I know my job is to protect the Captain and I will, Ill guard the bridge crew with my life just like any other starfleet officer would vow.  However, im unsure that the Starfleet onboard knows the extent we would go to protect them.  I mean no offense but if it called for it I would even defy you BUT! im hoping that day never comes." Balkazar said opening up a little.

"I am curious though.  The Lothlorien was commissioned for Marine use yet High Command insisted it be manned and crewed by Starfleet personel.  Why?, with all the spots taken there is nothing for my men to do except to train, polish there rifles and HOPE! we dont have to assault an impregnable fortress to Search and Rescue (S&R) them.  Im not sure how Captain Titan would react if we filled up his storage bays and turn them into barrack's for the troops."

"What do you know about this Captain Titan anyways? I never heard of him nor if he has a reputation.  Its as if hes a ghost."

<Rounding the corner>

"To the left there we have our own weapons and battle armor lined up.  Theres enough weapons and armor in there for 50 marines to get geared up in less then 5 minutes.  Most of the marines carry atleast a phaser with them at all times.  Hope the Captain doesnt have a problem with that because its mandatory for marines to carry atleast a phaser."
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">