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USS Skytoucher - Mission 3: Joint mission with USS Rivendell

Started by Valkiro, March 22, 2003, 11:22:13 PM

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Ricardo Oliveira

Lieutenant J.G. Ricardo Oliveira
Helm - USS Skytoucher


"Understood Captain, we will monitor your progress and keep an eye on your tail! By the way, are you sending scientific officer to the M-Class planet in this system? To take a closer look, or wasn't that in the orders?"
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Hedford.jpg" border="0">

Seldana Zax

   As soon as she arrived on the Bridge with the Counselor, Sel sat at the med console and activated it.  She touched a few controls on the panel, then paused to look at the Counselor: "Sir, I'll try my best to ID those possible lifesigns.  What kind of scan do you need?"

   Though Sel felt uncomfortable being the only crewmember on the Bridge without any pips on her collar, she still did her duty like a professional, efficient, well-trained cadet.  Sel's fingers were positioned over the sensor controls, waiting to see if the Counselor would answer her question.

Seldana Zax

Jean Michel Vartin

Most interesting! Perhaps you could give me the specs on a v'tpar so I could create a holodeck program...

*computer beeps*

Adjusting heading again. There is heavy subspace interference around the moon... It's hard to navigate even on manual piloting!

*turns to Skon*

Did you say the moon is cloaked? Because I'm seeing it right there, though it's gravity well surely isn't that of a moon... It reads somewhat smaller on my nav sensors.

If I were to guess, I'd say that that moon is a hologram hiding something else, but to create a holographic moon you'd have to use a huge power generator... Could the generator be causing the interference on our sensors, Skon?

May I call you just Skon? You can call me Jean if you  prefer...


Good idea. Since we don't know much about their technology, we should be open to any possibility. I am switching my scans from "active" to "passive" so that we can continue to gather data, but -- hopefully -- not seem too obtrusive to the aliens ahead.
http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Skon.jpg" border="0">

Thomas Stiegler

Stiegler took place next to Captain Göransson's chair. Taking a cup of Oolong tea standing around, the counselor leaned back and started drinking.
Lt. Cmdr. Thomas Stiegler
Ship's Counselor · U.S.S. Skytoucher
'One cannot not communicate.' (Paul Watzlawick)

Seldana Zax

   +Skon+ "Sending Counselor Steiger's brainwave recordings to your station now, sir", Sel replied.   Sel touched a control on her panel: "You now have those brainwave recordings, sir.  I hope they will help. CMO Zax out, sir".  

   Sel closed the comm.  She touched a few more controls on her panel.  She knew her efforts were successful when she heard a human male voice: "Please state the nature of the medical emergency..."

   Sel smiled as the young man formed before her: "You are the EMH?", she asked.  "Yes, ma'am", he replied.

   "I am Lt. Cmdr. Seldana Zax, CMO of this ship.  There is no medical emergency.  I merely would like you to put my recognition codes into your databank so that I may call you if I need you", Sel said.

   The holo paused for a few moments: "Input successful.  Anything else?", asked the EMH.

   "Yes", said Sel.  "I will give you a name: Dr. Marcus Welby, after the Terran doctor who was once popular in old Earth entertainment.  You will answer to either 'Marcus', 'Dr. Welby', 'Dr. Marcus Welby', or all three".  

   This took a little longer for the EMH to process: "Input successful", Marcus said.

   "Then you are dismissed, Dr. Marcus Welby", Sel said.

   Marcus winked out.  Sel sat back in her console chair, satisfied.  

Seldana Zax

Shaylen Bennings

Shaylen Bennings


*Skon groaned and turned over. His mind was in chaos. A thin trickle of green blood ran down his face. His hand trembled as he tried to reach his combadge, but he collapsed before he could touch it.*

thomas. . .may need help. . . sickbay. . .aliens dying. . . alert. . .nsc attack. . .

*Skon blacks out*

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Skon.jpg" border="0">

Woo Tee

yes Sir.:biggrin:  no movement form the NSC Starship. your order?Sir.
Lieutenant JG -Woo Tee I
USS Skytoucher


Shortly after, Admiral Vorak beams on board.

"Greetings, everyone of the USS Skytoucher... and the USS Rivendell.
I wish to express my condolences in the name of Starfleet, and myself, for those officers that have given their lives to defend their fellow officers, in the Metatraxi attack. Unfortunately, the USS Rivendell was destroyed. I am aware that there was no other way, and I wish to commend each one of you for your brave actions.

I have been in contact with Starfleet to inform them of the loss of the USS Rivendell, but as you probably know, communications between Starfleet, and us on this side of the nebula, go slow. The nebula will not allow us to directly contact anyone from the other side of the nebula, and only long-range transmissions can be sent and received. So far, all I know is that Starfleet intends to replace the USS Rivendell with a new Rivendell, but it will take time. How long, has not been specified.

Of course, we will not forget about the brave officers of the USS Rivendell who survived the disaster.
As you all probably already have been informed, most of you have been transferred to the USS Skytoucher for a new permanent position.
The USS Skytoucher is, after all, our flagship, so I hope it will please you to serve on this vessel.
(OFF: i have posted the crew roster before. If you don't know what your position should be, just ask)

Now, there is one other big announcement I would like to make.
Your captain, Mr. Goransson, has requested transfer to the station. This will be granted to him, and a new captain has been assigned to you: Mr. Steve McKinley. Congratulations with your new command, Mr. McKinley. I am certain you will take good care of this flagship.

Now, as an end note, I would like to announce that the crew has a brief shoreleave while the ship is docked at station Avalon. Feel free to go on board the station and visit our bars and restaurants, and our shops. You will surely not be bored.
Only Captain McKinley I would like to stay here for now, since I would like to discuss the details of the upcoming -and important- mission with him.
Everyone please be appraised that the ship will depart again in a matter of days from now, so do not take long range journeys.
Thank you."

OFF: feel free to visit station Avalon board (Starfleet HQ board). The bars there are Celtic Corner, Klingon Restaurant and also a number of stores. Or pay a visit to our different departments http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'> Only if you wish of course, you can stay on board the ship if you prefer.
I would just like everyone to report here that they are still around and active. Just so we know you're all here http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

Woo Tee

Lieutenant JG -Woo Tee I
USS Skytoucher

Woo Tee

Captain, sir. Should I make a heading to Starbase Avalon.
Lieutenant JG -Woo Tee I
USS Skytoucher


=^= Incoming distress call =^=

This is Hedford of the USS Rivendell. Our ship is destroyed and we had to abandon with escape pods. We are currently dead in space. I am sending our coordinates with this transmission. Please pick us up at once. We might still be in danger from the hostile entity.

=^= Hedford out =^=

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Hedford.jpg" border="0">

I can not login as woo tee So i am going to login at WooTeeI if it ok with you sir