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USS Skytoucher - Mission 3: Joint mission with USS Rivendell

Started by Valkiro, March 22, 2003, 11:22:13 PM

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Jean Michel Vartin

Very well Lt. Skon... Let's go then.

*the shuttlebay door opens and the shuttle leaves, heading for the planet*

Mr. Skon, I'll put us on standard orbit before landing, so you can do your scan. How long will it take?


Mr. Vartin, the data you have collected is fascinating. A holograph moon. And yet our sensors are not detecting any power source. Perhaps there is a combination hologram/cloaking device hiding the source of the beam that caused the rift?

(Edited by Skon at 5:17 am on April 12, 2003)

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Skon.jpg" border="0">

Jean Michel Vartin

Lt. Skon, I was wondering... If I turn the inertial dampeners offline and let our inertia derive us, then there will be no ion trail or engine signature for the aliens to pick up. I can use the maneuvering thrusters to adjust our course...

Also, if we power down some other non essential systems, we will become even more undetectable...

Thomas Stiegler

'I'm not sure; perhaps we should ask Lt. Skon for further details. If holding its current course, the shuttle with our away team should be back here in some minutes, Captain.'
Lt. Cmdr. Thomas Stiegler
Ship's Counselor · U.S.S. Skytoucher
'One cannot not communicate.' (Paul Watzlawick)


Thank you, Commander Zax. This data is most useful.

*Skon leans over the computer for several minutes*

Captain, I have remodulated the main deflector to transmit in harmony with Counselor Steigler's brainwave frequency. With your permission -- and the Counselor's -- I believe we can attempt to communicate with the enslaved species.

(Edited by Skon at 11:23 pm on May 7, 2003)

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Skon.jpg" border="0">


Captain, the NSC ship has not responded to our hail. I am therefore going to initiate our main deflector dish to transmit at Counselor Stiegler's mental frequency. I suggest we prepare to execute evasive maneuvers, since the NSC commander may choose to view this as a hostile act.

*Skon presses a button on his console.*

Beam activated. Counselor, you may begin attempting to communicate anytime you wish.

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Skon.jpg" border="0">

John Trustin

When the two men fell to the floor John moved farward. For a minute he was going to help them to their feet but thought better of touching them. He didn't know much of the vulcan mind meld, so he thought it would be safer to leave the two until the situation became clearer.

Instead he looked at the captain, waiting for directions. His phaser was still pointed at the two men, only now John had adjusted it to a wider beam so as to get the both of them if need be.

Lt John Trustin
Tactical Officer - USS Sky Toucher
Avalon Division

Seldana Zax

:OFF: OK, Captain, sir.  You asked for it.  I generally don't make things up.  I'm afraid I might corrupt the sim.  

  I'll do as you suggested.  I only hope I don't mess things up beyond recovery.

:ON:  Sel felt the ship slow down even all the way down in sickbay.  It was fairly obvious that USS Skytoucher was docking somewhere.  

  Leaving the EMH, Dr. Marcus Welby, in charge Sel left sickbay.  As she went up to the Bridge in the TL, she tapped her commbadge: "Counselor, if you are feeling up to it, would you join me wherever it is that the ship is docking at?"  

  Sel left her commbadge active so that the ship's counselor could reply, if he chose to.  She had a small duffle slung over her shoulder.  It held her civilian clothes--a simple, but attractive casual outfit especially tailored to support her symb's internal pouch within its special place inside her curvy and comely form.  Sel figured she could change once USS Skytoucher is securely docked at her destination.

  Sel exited the TL.  The adult female Joined Beta Trill walked on to the Bridge, smiling charmingly at the counselor.  Sel saluted all her superior officers smartly while at perfect attention.  

  The newly-promoted ((::Dazzling smile:: Thank you, Captain)) Commander tapped her badge off.  Since the counselor was already on the Bridge (?), she'd be able to speak to him face-to-face.  All Sel had to do now was wait to see if the counselor would accept her request.

Seldana Zax

Tomas Goransson

http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-tomas.jpg" border="0">


Captain, I am picking up several strange life signs from the planet's atmosphere. I believe the telepathic aliens have returned home. Perhaps the Couselor could contact them to make certain my readings are correct.
http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Skon.jpg" border="0">


OFF: the first to come posting, please do set course to answer the distress call at once (so this mission can be completed and a new one started).
Do not wait for the orders of the captain, he has emailed me to let me know he cant be online enough to post as frequently as necessary for a captain. Upon the arrival on station Avalon he will be transferred to a department where he doesnt need to post as often.
Thus, a new captain will have to be selected.
The next in line would be Zeldana Zax, commander. Zeldana, are you able to post regularly enough to captain a ship? (preferably every day, or at least every two days) And if yes, are you interested in the job of captain?
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


=^= Station Avalon to USS Skytoucher =^=

Permission granted, and welcome back.  I will come aboard the ship for a formal briefing for the whole crew, once you have docked.

=^= Vorak out =^=

Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


I am here and active, I will be on the Station if My assistance is required.
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Niles.jpg" border="0">



since I can't be the Helm, I suppose I have to get back to my usual duties of the Operations Officer.
Should I go?

Operations Officer
USS Skytoucher,
Alex Jace

Thomas Stiegler

Welcome aboard the Skytoucher, Mr. Oliveira. The admiral informed me of your arrival... we were already awaiting you. At the moment, Commander Valkiro still has the helm, so please consult him before you take it. If you have any further questions or problems feel free to contact me at any time.
Lt. Cmdr. Thomas Stiegler
Ship's Counselor · U.S.S. Skytoucher
'One cannot not communicate.' (Paul Watzlawick)