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USS Skytoucher - Mission 3: Joint mission with USS Rivendell

Started by Valkiro, March 22, 2003, 11:22:13 PM

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Jean Michel Vartin

Altering course... heading 1017 mark 3... *enters commands on the shuttle's console*

Don't worry Lieutenent Skon, I actually like to fly "blind", as you say... It brings me closer to the time when we didn't have computers to fly for us... In fact, mankind didn't have planes then... It must have been beautiful to be on a wooden ship, sailing under the stars...

*computer beeps*

Altering course, heading 1024 mark 4.

*enters commands again*

Tell me Mr. Skon... Did vulcans ever sail? I've heard that Vulcan is a rather dry planet...

*looks back to Skon*

Oh, be careful not to bring that remodulator too close to the main plasma coupling... This model is very sensible to magnetic interference.


*Suddenly the cloak of the moon vanished and a starship appeared on the viewscreen of the Shuttle. The Starship activated it's weapons and powered up it's engines, they were on a intercept course for the shuttle. At that moment the starship made a hail and the  two Lieutenants saw a human appearing on the viewscreen *

][ Starfleet Shuttle this
                      is Commander Dereth of the NSC ][
We have our weapons aimed at you, the wisest choice is to make your way out of this system accompanied by your Nebula-Class Starship...we don't want intruders in our region. You know what we are capable of...regarding the other Starship.
            ][ Commander Dereth out ][

*The unidentified Starship stopped in front of the shuttle and was still aiming their weapons at them*

NSC Commander

Jean Michel Vartin

Thank you, Lt. Skon. It was indeed an enjoyable flight, despite the hostile reception.

Entering final aproach pattern. Confirming docking transponder lock. *enters commands on the console*

=A=Skytoucher docking ops, this is Shuttlecraft Fermi, please confirm docking clearence... It's getting cold out here in space... Oh, would you mind if I take her in on manual control?=A=

Thomas Stiegler

They are real, Rasmain. Believe me, such cruel behavior and misuse of weak and peaceful lifeforms can only be done by humanoids...

Mr. Skon, I still have problems initiating a stable mental connection, which will be the first step if we want to communicate with those lifeforms. Do you think there is any possibility to remodulate our main deflector to establish an artificial telepatic channel? If such an artificial mental beam helped me keeping the connection, I would be able to concentrate on understanding the lifeforms' telepatic matrix.

Lt. Cmdr. Thomas Stiegler
Ship's Counselor · U.S.S. Skytoucher
'One cannot not communicate.' (Paul Watzlawick)


"Mr Trustin, I was informed about your arrival.
Keep your phaser locked but we don't fire upon the counselor as long as he stands there and keeps his hands were they are."

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Rasmain.jpg" border="0">

Tomas Goransson

It is nothing we can do to help, they are out of our efficient range, and it is quite messy as it is right now here...
http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-tomas.jpg" border="0">

Tomas Goransson

OFF: You´ll have to come up with ideas yourself as well you know. http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

ON: I say thjat we both go to Avalon. We have been out for a while and we all need a rest I think.

http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-tomas.jpg" border="0">


Aye, sir. Setting course for Station Avalon. Warp 5. ETA 4 hours.

OFF: I know I'm not the helm, but it looked like everyone wanted to get this thing moving. Sorry if I got in anyone's way. http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Skon.jpg" border="0">

Tomas Goransson

http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-tomas.jpg" border="0">

Thomas Stiegler

Captain, I have report from all decks that the crew and all civilian personnel are now complete.
Lt. Cmdr. Thomas Stiegler
Ship's Counselor · U.S.S. Skytoucher
'One cannot not communicate.' (Paul Watzlawick)

Tomas Goransson

http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-tomas.jpg" border="0">


Excellent piloting, Mr. Vartin. I hope the sensors were able to gather some useful information.

=A= Skon to Capt. Goransson =A=

Captain, the ship we encountered is commanded by a being who calls himself "Dereth" and who says he represents an organization called the "NSC." During the transmission, he appeared to be human, but since we know these aliens employ a type of mental energy in their technology, his appearance could be an illusion. We attempted to initiate peaceful contact, but our message was ignored. Since the NSC ship appeared to have its weapons locked onto us, returning to the Skytoucher seemed the most logical course. We approached the Skytoucher as slowly as possible in order to allow the Fermi's passive scans to gather as much data about the alien ship as possible while we were within the jamming field. Unfortunately, due to the intense jamming, I am uncertain as to the quality of the information we collected. I am uploading our sensor and communication logs to the bridge for analysis. We will report in person as soon as we have docked.

=A= Skon out. =A=

(Edited by Skon at 12:36 am on April 18, 2003)

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Skon.jpg" border="0">

Seldana Zax

   Sel responded to Captain Goransson: "Thank you, sir.   I will activate the EMH so that I may introduce myself to him/her.  That will also give the EMH a chance to enter me into his/her database so that he/she will recognize me whenever I activate him/her.  CMO Zax out, sir".  

   Sel tapped her badge off.  With another touch of her control panel, she activated the EMH.  As the holo started to form, Sel wondered if the EMH was male or female and if it would look like a human or some other known Federation race.

(( OOC: Who plays the EMH?  If no one, then do I have permission to play him/her myself? If so, can the EMH be an adult female Bajoran or does the EMH have to be human?  

If someone *does* play the EMH, that's perfectly OK with me.  :-)  ))

Seldana Zax

Tomas Goransson

*Tomas, who sits in his chair, dosent really know what to believe. He haven´t been without actuion in his days, but this is something that he have never seen before. He had seen the Counselors "transformation", and, against better judgement, had decided to keep thre link stabile and not interviene. But that NSC guy was really annoying, he was about to order a full spread of quantum torpedoes to blow the other ship into tiny tiny pieces. this would demotre him faster then Shakira would loose her temper, however. So he decided to just sit and see what happened. At the moment anyway.*
http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-tomas.jpg" border="0">

Woo Tee

*Lieutenant JG -Woo Tee I Walk in to report in as the new Helm, he went to his pose.* Lieutenant Jean Michel Vartin i'll take over for you Sir.  http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink2.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':wink2:'>
Lieutenant JG -Woo Tee I
USS Skytoucher