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USS Skytoucher Mission 5: the Dark Passage Treaty

Started by Montrell, May 28, 2004, 01:23:19 AM

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Good, Mr. Omak. I believe your computer expertise will be quite valuable on this mission.
http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Skon.jpg" border="0">

Randall Sanchez

*As the ship shudders heavily under impact, some panels on the bridge explode and the whole room is filled with dense smoke. In the background the red alert claxons resound, and the dim red light flashes on and off. Apart from that, only a minority of lights are still operational to illuminate the bridge.*
"What the ####..."
*Sanchez crawls back on his feet, feeling warm blood dripping from his forehead from the blast. He looks around to see everyone holding on to something, through the smoke. Not wasting any time, he gets over to a computer panel that still works, and presses some buttons.*
"Most of the Skytoucher's systems are down. No warp, no impulse power, no shields. The computer core is damaged too, we can't use the computer systems to locate Vakin, and half the ship is in the dark, no more power for the lights to work. Plasma conduits have exploded in sections 4, 8 and 19. Deck 9 has gravity loss."
*Then he sees Dr. Keilah and Skon nearby.*
"We HAVE to catch Vakin! He's the one that's been sabotaging your ship all this time, to make it easier for the Loxians to cause serious damage so easily and quick. This explains everything. And as long as he's free aboard this ship still, he can cause yet alot more damage. I will go after him myself, because me and him have some unfinished business to settle."
*Then he turns to the turbolift and the door opens.*
"At least that still works..."
*And he gets inside.*
Captain Randall Sanchez
Captain USS Evolution
Avalon Division
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-sanchez.jpg" border="0">


(The main holodeck begins to fill with survivors.  Many are unconscious.  The Doctor and his team rush to treat the worst cases and take them to Sickbay.  Crewman have been recruited from other areas to help.  It seems the Doctor has a way of making the crew want to help him... It has nothing to do with his offer of postponing their physicals... hehehe... )

=^= Doctor to Transporter Room =^=
"All is going well.  Keep the survivors coming as you can."

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Doctor.jpg" border="0">

Jesse Nofftz

OFF:I am assuming I am on the bridge trying to locate the doctor in this next post. If I am wrong please let me know and ignore the next post.
Lt. Jesse Nofftz
Assistant Cheif of Security
USS. Evolution


=^= Doctor to Skon (secure) =^=

Stand by for the cavalry.

=^= Transmission Ends =^=

Just then the Cardassian station seemed to come to life.  A barrage of torpedoes slammed into several Loxian ships and caused two of the closest to Vontak Nor to veer off wounded and trailing vapors and sparks.  This was followed by several phaser shots.  The Loxian ships seemed to scatter and made to regroup...

=^= Doctor to Skon (secure) =^=

Sorry for the delay.  Just call us the little engine that could.  Vontak Nor stands ready to assist you.

=^= Transmission Ends =^=

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Doctor.jpg" border="0">


OFF: My cat would argue that he is only one of two felines with human companion players.  I always try to see the big picture- to remember there are other points-of-view.
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Doctor.jpg" border="0">


" border="0">


=A= Skon to Skytoucher =A=

The gas was effective. We are proceeding into the interior of the station. We will inform you when we have located the Cardassian soldier.

=A= Skon out =A=

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Skon.jpg" border="0">



General Zentox is entirely correct. Sometimes being alone in space is a disadvantage -- especially in our situation. Since we don't know very much about the aliens that attacked the Loxian outpost, I suggest caution. Perhaps we should run continuous full sensor sweeps during our journey. We don't want to be surprised while we are alone.

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Skon.jpg" border="0">


*Meanwhile, the Loxian battleships open fire once more.*
"Don't lose track on them! Keep firing until they're disabled!"
"Yes, sir!"
*At that moment the flagship shudders and rocks back and forth.*
"For the sake of Loxius, those humans don't get the hint, do they? Fine, increase firepower, and destroy that ship!"
*And at that moment, all surrounding Loxian ships open heavy fire from all sides on both the ship and the station.*


(Meanwhile, on Deck 2 in the Doctor's quarters)

The crab-like form of the invaders creeps forward as the Doctor backs up against the far wall of his cabin.  Thinking quickly, he decides that any rescue may come too late and he must make his own luck.  What do these creatures fear about him?  Why do they want to kill him?  Why didn't they try- or did they?- before when he was in Sickbay?  Maybe he fought them off- if only he knew how or could remember!

"Are you sure we can't sit down, have a cup of tea, and talk about this reasonably?"  Predictably, the creature (s?) remain silent.  "Alright, then I guess I'll have to ask you to leave."  The Doctor stops backing up and faces the thing now almost upon him, "You heard me- leave!  Leave right now and I promise to do everything in my power to let you live.  Stay and you will suffer the consequences."

The creature stops, though whether it is amused or frightened by the Doctor's words is unclear.  Putting every ounce of conviction into his voice, the Doctor says, "I have warned you.  Now go."

(Edited by Doctor at 3:19 am on April 26, 2004)

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Doctor.jpg" border="0">



Vakin that was VERY FUNNY what you did with the transporter incident!  I liked it very much.

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Doctor.jpg" border="0">

Sirius Black

Black brushed ashes off a console. He began t owork at it. Sparks flew off at times.

"Were's Lupin? I could use him for this."

USS Skytoucher Chief Engineer
Lt. Commander Sirius Black

Roland Burma

*Burma was in his shuttle and could hear the message from the skytoucher, but could not respond*

*Rol tried desperately to get communications to clear up*

=/\=Burma to Rasmain=/\=
*the comm went dead*

*Roland soon found himself enveloped by the Loxian Government ships and was wondering if they could detect his small shuttle*

The Messiah of the Loxian Exiles

Will Robinson

Will nodded at Skon and moved on to help with the Wounded Loxians.

He nelt down next to a Loxian laying on the ground.

"This man needs to get to the Skytoucher immediately!"

Will and a few Loxian Medical Personnel, picked the man up, and quickly moved him to the transporter point.

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Robinson.jpg" border="0">