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USS Skytoucher Mission 5: the Dark Passage Treaty

Started by Montrell, May 28, 2004, 01:23:19 AM

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*walks into the med bay and notices the doctor pouring over records*

Hey doc mind taking a look at my hand...........One of those darn loxian assassins went and bit me while i was putting shackles on him......I swear they are half loxians and half man eating savages.....

http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


Skon leaves the bridge, goes to his quarters to grab his pahser and tricorder, and heads to sickbay.

OFF: All away-team members please post in the Sickbay forum to confirm you're on the mission

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Skon.jpg" border="0">

Daniel Bagget

(Off: Sorry, i didnt know that we were that bad.  Theres to many posts to read, so i skipped it, sorry again.

Sir, we only have half impulse, it will take some time to get between us and the other ship.  But i will try to get us there as soon as possible.


*Zayan took a deep breath, but didn't move.*
"This place was once our pride, Zentox. We survived thanks to these colonies. The Loxian Government couldn't find us here, they couldn't fight us here... We were growing in numbers, and with the support of Starfleet, we would have soon be strong enough to return to Loxius and turn our homeworld again in what it was supposed to be... a free land for all to live and think as they like. With the falling apart of this base, these walls and floors and ceilings... a dream falls apart as well."
*She looked around, and Zentox knew what she was looking at. Not just the walls that were breaking apart, but also the many bodies of the dead people. And there were many, even here. There would never be time enough to get the dead bodies off the colony, they would have to be left behind. There was no choice. But Zayan could not just leave them like that. The ground started shaking heavily now and large pieces of stone started falling on the ground.*
"So much death... so much destruction. How can we possibly rebuild this ever again? All is lost... all is lost."
*She turned to face Zentox, tears streaming over her face now.*
"Go and leave this forsaken place. It is all over. I will not part from the people that lie here now, and gave their lives to defend others that now may live. I will go down with them. Go, Zentox, don't join the dead with me! Go!"
*She pushed Zentox away.*
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/zayan.jpg" border="0">
"It is a far better day to die fighting to remain free than it is to live under opression!"

Roland Burma

I agree that we msut cooperate.  I am not too sure about that route though. It takes us too close to the dark passage. I know that this route has been established and already been travelled, but might we let's say, use it as a contingency plan? in case our closer route fails for some odd reason.

Commander Skon, you and Marotek will work on a way to modify the deflector dish and shield grid, I believe there are some extra bodies some where.

Mr. Zentox I would like you to work with Rugal to possibly work on a route that could most safely get us to your destination.

OFF: Zentox: I didn't know what position you held, but yes I do mean you. http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

The Messiah of the Loxian Exiles



           " I scanned the area, the weapons discharge

was digested."   " Like we Digest food."

            "I don't detect any traces of Weapons fire."

Anti -Matter might be a defense." "I'll make a computer

model and run some test in the Lab." "I need to test my


" border="0">

Tim Russo

I approach the station and I see debris all over the panel.    I take out my tricorder and start doing diagnostics on the station, due to it being inoperative.    I brush of the debris, and make my way down to the  base of the science station and remove the panel.    

"Wow, what a mess"  I begin, using my tricorder and laser tool and start making the repairs.

After a few minor repairs, the Science Station, lights up, like new.

"Captain, i am beginning the diagonstic now................"

(Edited by Tim Russo at 2:14 am on May 4, 2004)

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Russo.jpg" border="0">

Jesse Nofftz

<Nofftz to Skon>

I will Have the analysis begin right away.

<Nofftz Out>

Lt. Jesse Nofftz
Assistant Cheif of Security
USS. Evolution


" border="0">


OFF: I hesitate to sound like I am scolding, because I am not, but all my previous posts have indicated that I was doing triage on the Skytoucher using the transporters.  (Please read my previous posts.)  Everything was being handled properly and the shields were intermittently/partly down to accommodate my evacuation protocol.  The shuttles did not need to be launched en masse.  The shields did not need to be lowered completely.  

I would like to think I can handle my medical department well, but if you have suggestions please submit them to me instead of taking things into your own hands.

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Doctor.jpg" border="0">


Understood, Mr. Nofftz. Unfortunately, at present, we cannot beam anywhere. What is the status of life support?

Mr. Rasmain, try to keep us as close to the Evolution as you can. Right now, she is the only thing between us and destruction.

(Edited by Skon at 2:03 am on May 3, 2004)

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Skon.jpg" border="0">


*Zayan regards Gul Marcet, and deeply inclines her head toward the Cardassian in sincere respect. Then she turns to Zentox.*
"General, I must report to you that the Cardassians have fought honorably to protect us from this energy wave that ravaged us. I don't know which fortunate, or unfortunate, chance has brought them here right at this moment, but they risked their own lives to protect ours, and their ship is now nearly destroyed in that attempt. Though we have not been at good terms with the Cardassians in the Dark Passage for a very long time, I hope that this may change things."
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/zayan.jpg" border="0">
"It is a far better day to die fighting to remain free than it is to live under opression!"

Randall Sanchez

"Thank you, Mr. Brooks."
*Sanchez turns to Skon.*
"Commander, is there anything else you require our help for? Or can we return to our own ship and continue our own repairs?"
Captain Randall Sanchez
Captain USS Evolution
Avalon Division
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-sanchez.jpg" border="0">


We are shorthanded on the bridge, Lieutenant. Commander Rasmain is normally the tactical officer, but since our helmsman, Mr. Robinson, is temporarily unable to report for duty, I may need Mr. Rasmain at the helm. So be prepared to become our temporary tactical officer, if necessary.

The turbolift doors open and Skon and Rhade step onto the bridge. Skon looks toward the security station and sees a Loxian furiously trying to operate the sensors.

Ah, I believe we have you to thank for our...interesting...trip home. Thank you for your assistance.

All stations, report.

OFF: I need to know who's still here, so everyone report in, please.

(Edited by Skon at 9:50 pm on Mar. 9, 2004)

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Skon.jpg" border="0">


I am afraid I must agree with you, Captain Sanchez. We do not have the power to resist this attack. I can see no logical alternatives.

Skon pauses, and looks around at everyone on the bridge.

It has been a pleasure serving with you all. This is a good ship, and you are a good crew. You deserved a better fate than the one I brought you to.

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Skon.jpg" border="0">