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Mission 5 "The Great Blue Yonder"

Started by Andrew Yates, November 28, 2007, 05:58:34 AM

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Dolan finished downloading the files he wanted and put them in his inner pocket before leaving his console and helping the crew fix up the ship, which was still somewhat damaged from the battle for its control.  He wondered what Starfleet was going to do with this ship.  He was sure that it held a lot of information the Federation could use to fight the Heraan.

~Maybe they could reverse engineer some of these systems.  They do seem more efficient than the Federations.~ Dolan thought for a moment.  He then began helping replace parts of the power grid that was damaged.  During his repair work, he saw Rajnus and Richards by a Heraan console.

"Captain!" Dolan said, surprised.  "I heard you were injured.  So how are you?"
William "Voyager" Dolan
Lieutenant Junior Grade
U.S.S. Normandy
Chief Science Officer
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<Battalion Group A, closing in on crash site>

<The marines were making good time with both Pelican's for air support and Puma's on the ground, they spend towards the crash site, it was getting hotter as they reached noon but they didnt stop, they knew time was of the essence so they kept going.  Speeding towards the crash site in hopes they get their in time>

=^= "Battalion Group A, we will be their shortly remember once we reach the site I want a parameter up, Moore and Richerds you take care of the parameter.  The rest of you are with me to search for survivors." =^= Balkazar said over the communications link.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Simon Rajnus

<At the Lothlorien crash site>

"Where have you been, Quinn?.  We've been in a crash and from what I can last remember the Heraan tried to kill us and yet you were no where to be found.  Dont tell me you were hiding instead of fighting, if thats the case I will put it on your permanent record for dereliction of duty." Simon said rather irritated that one of his Security officers may have fled.
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">


"'Permanently silence' anyone? So as long as it's only temporary, you think it's fine? And if I 'temporarily' remove your vocabulator or power cell, that would be fine too?"
Major Raszagal, Starfleet Marines 17th Battalion
Templar of the Gallifreyan Order


Dolan was losing his patience and was now under the impression Balkazar usually just bullied his plans through.  He replied icily, "Well, you can't have both a plan that doesn't lose lives and takes place immediately.  Rash action causes loss of life.  My plan, though it may take some time, will leave the ship salvagable, if only their weapon array is targetted.  Your battalion's restlessness is a neglegable problem, I'm sure you've dealt with it before, with all of your experience.  Storming the Heraani ship with its weapons still intact is suicide.  Even -"

Dolan was then interrupted by an approaching marine, a major from the look of his pins, who said, "Colonel, the mortar just hit the ship's weapon array.  We going to have to move quickly if we are going to take advantage of this, they have deployed repair teams.  However, the Heraani ship also suffered structural damage, we don't know if the ship is stable enough to take off."

Dolan muttered a few swear words under his breath, now sure that Balkazar was going to storm the Heraani ship without another thought.
William "Voyager" Dolan
Lieutenant Junior Grade
U.S.S. Normandy
Chief Science Officer
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Ambassador class specs: http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html" target="_blank">http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html


=^= "Col Meatbag, Federation escape pods are on my sensors and I suggest you find and have them retrieved.  The Lothlorien made a spectacular crash on the planet a days hard march away.  Scouting party will go on further and maybe their their first to secure the crash site.  HK out." =^= the computerized voice of HK47 said over his comm link.

<Then his group headed forward with a fast but steady pace>
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a318/admiralkarelia/HK47.jpg" border="0">


"Sargeant, stun him if you have to and bring him back here." Balkazar ordered.

<The Sargeant left the room and a few moments later came back with the unconscious Cloud, then with what appeared to be a straight jacket fitted on him, he was tethered to the wall of the ship unable to move when he wakes up>

"I think the lack of oxygen or the lack their of is starting to affect some of the personel on this ship.  Hurry up and get life support back before I have to start tethering everyone else to this ship to make sure they dont do anymore harm to themselves or anyone else." Balkazar said to his men.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Aariya Sayuri

"Judging on your file alone, I find you to be shady and erratic. You make snap decisions and don't keep your crew entirely in the loop. I knew that much about you before I joined your crew, and even though I've only been on your ship for a matter of days, I've already seen it. That stunt with the shuttle? That's a pretty damn good example right there. As for trusting you.. well, I hardly trust anyone with too much. Once again, I'm sure you understand."
http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p235/submissed/teyla_160.jpg" border="0">
Lieutenant Aariya Sayuri
USS Lothlorien

Thomas Richards

Thomas decided to report to his quarters on Avalon station, leaving the young Lieutenant Dolan to the station's medical team. In his mind, Dolan had been poking his head where he shouldn't have, and so his health wasn't his problem.

=/\=Richards to Avalon. One to beam over.=/\= he said into his combadge, as he dematerialised in a blue glow.
Ensign Thomas Richards
Chief Operations Officer
USS Lothlorien


OOC: Everything else includes artificial gravity and life support... http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/tounge.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'>

=@= Self-destruct will initiate in one hour.  There will be no further warnings. =@=

Dolan quickly set his alarm for 50 minutes from now, since everyone would know when that hour was up.  He soon regretted that when he flipped over again.  Fortunately, he hadn't eaten much over since the Lothlorien went down, so he wasn't going to throw up much if he did.  He managed to stablize himself before he went for another flip.
William "Voyager" Dolan
Lieutenant Junior Grade
U.S.S. Normandy
Chief Science Officer
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Ambassador class specs: http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html" target="_blank">http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html


<On the bridge Balkazar turned to General Powell>

"Alright, I know some about this Omega Molecule.  Something about it destroying subspace?.  I read reports about it destroying 29 borg vessels and over 600,000 drones.  Other then that, why dont you enlighten us, General." Balkazar said looking at both the Admiral and General.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


OOC: Well, I'm quite sure a couple dozen pages ago, you sent 10 marines to go with the General and 10 with you.  I'm unsure about the battalion part though.

Dolan replied, "We were ambushed by a number of Heraan with energy blades in tight corridors.  The phaser rifles the marines had didn't stand up too well under that kind of force and didn't slow down those energy blades by much.  The group of marines defending the facility from the outside were cut down by the numerous fighters and many of the Pumas were destroyed trying to take them down.  The rest, who were inside and in the corridors, had a tough time holding them off while the General and I made our way to the Omega containment room.  The General was critically wounded while sealing the doors after they were opened.   I managed to destroy a majority of the molecules before the doors were then breached by the Heraan.  The rest of us were about to be killed by the Heraan before an alien race interfered...they were reptilian and had a similar Omega Directive.  They were also hostile to the Heraan and killed off the ones in the facility and reconfigured the Omega molecules into water before leaving.  Apparently they also had a similar Prime Directive, though covering intergalactic travel instead of warp.  The remaining marines then brought the wounded to the surviving Pumas and we headed here.  And I guess you know everything else from there."

An ensign then approached and said, "The prototype phaser bank has been installed onto the outer hull, it should provide us with some protection."

Dolan nodded to the ensign, took the offered PADD, and then dismissed him before turning back to Balkazar.
William "Voyager" Dolan
Lieutenant Junior Grade
U.S.S. Normandy
Chief Science Officer
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Ambassador class specs: http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html" target="_blank">http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html


< outside ship >
*Dar'Nas heard the alert and proceded to retreat to the safety of the ship. on his way he almost stumbles over a wounded crew member. by his calculations he would have 7.2 seconds befor the pulse was engaged.*
is their any other injuries before i move you he asked?
no she said
*as he was helping the crew member he was wounded in the right shoulder. he supressed the pain as best he could but he couldn't help wincing as he supported his ship mate. they both went to the triage center.*
"All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by"
                                              - "scotty"
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<As the soldiers passed by HK waited till the last 12 passed threw and then jumped down with his arm blades activate and decapitated the unfortunate soldiers of their heads, 4 heads now laid on the ground as HK went into a literal windmill striking every direction, slashing, peircing, bashing, with his swords and feet.  Pushing the bodies away as several of the soldiers who did pass started to charge HK but were met with a wall of striking steel.  Blood flying everywhere as the ground began to be churned up from HK's feet as he charged forward.  Even though he was a mere machine it was as if he enjoying himself to an extreme as blood flew everywhere>
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a318/admiralkarelia/HK47.jpg" border="0">


(Ha and you guys said blowing up the ship wasn't an option! lol... wait no, that's sad..)

Quinn stood behind Dolan, watching as he worked. For the last few hours he hadn't been doing much, mostly just wandering around with the rest of the crew and watching others work. Though originally he was the first one to suggest destroying Lothlorien but it now disturbs him that he had to see so much bloodshed and destruction on his first mission.

Luckily he stuck with Dolan right before the lockdown so he didn't get stuck in a cargo bay with a marine.
"Sorry Admiral, thought you died,"