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Mission 5 "The Great Blue Yonder"

Started by Andrew Yates, November 28, 2007, 05:58:34 AM

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Dolan finished repairs to the power grid and started work on repairing the weapons systems.  It was relatively easy, as he had seen a similar configuration some time before he joined Starfleet.  He was glad he had that training to fall back on and remembered why he decided to not to go for engineering.
William "Voyager" Dolan
Lieutenant Junior Grade
U.S.S. Normandy
Chief Science Officer
http://www.expansionfleet.com/ships/ambassador2.gif" border="0">
Ambassador class specs: http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html" target="_blank">http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html

Simon Rajnus

((Officially, sure the research into the Omega partical was banned, but unofficially it probly wasnt.  Lord knows the research Simon is part of.  His clearance goes higher then you actually know http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>.  Also we will contact you when you lowly officers need to know.  We grown up's have to talk and lil kids have to mind their own business http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>.))

=^= "Stand by, Bridge out." =^=
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">

Simon Rajnus

"Very well, Lt. Col.  Dont get my men killed.  Have you seen any of the rest of the crew ? they were in the escape pods and I havent heard anything back from my crew." Simon asked curiously.
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">


"Your right Raszagal, Good job." Balkazar told Raszagal.

<Just then a Private came up and informed the Col that the entire area has been laced with Anti-personel plasma mines and then he left to start order the troops to clear out the wreckage out of the Lothlorien to barricade the all the entrance ways into the ship to slow them down and gives the marines a place to shoot from while being protected by enemy fire at the same time>
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Aariya Sayuri

"'Traitor' isn't the word I would have used, but it's not entirely inaccurate. Regardless, as you well know, he's been pardoned. I could have reacted, but I don't see what that would have accomplished."

She continued to sit back casually, her hands resting idly in her lap as she spoke. "Besides, he wouldn't have wanted me to react. I'll give that much to the old fellow; he taught his daughter very well."

Her expression relaxed. "I would take a mug of hot cider, if you'd be so kind. Apple, preferably. And Captain? The only secrets here are the ones we tell ourselves. What exactly do you think I'm hiding?"
http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p235/submissed/teyla_160.jpg" border="0">
Lieutenant Aariya Sayuri
USS Lothlorien


"Your quite welcome.  I wasnt planning on killing him, only gave you the time required to deal with him yourself." Balkazar said as he called in the 10 power armored marines into the fight, since it started to look grim.  Sweat pouring down from his face, night fell and the Heraan kept trying to push threw the marine lines, despite the obvious weariness of the marines they kept firing for it was life or death.

=^= "All Sections, whats your status." =^= Balkazar said over his commbadge and started to listen to the reports as they came in.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

William Richerd

Richerd only smiled. "Well, it helped my choice that he was boosting about being the best in some holo game, dealing with strength... so I picked the best one to help me move the entire Mortar equipment without any anti grave sleds... seems I bruised his ego a little." He smiled. He lowered his voice. "I think I might have found a future captain for Bravo.. but I am not saying anything else." Meaning... the reason why he was giving the Private special attention was because he saw leader quality, raw at the moment but still, he liked the attitude of the Private.
http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/5811/starpheonixidricherdscopy8gy.jpg" border="0">
The security of this organization is number one

Andrew Yates

As of receant times attacks from the Heerani have slowed a bit and there has been a sort of time of peace. It did not last very long though. The Heerani have been raiding colonies and small settlements just outside of federation space. Admiral Yates has receivded a priority message from a planet called Oakly. It was a distress call for federation support. The planet is one of the most heavily developed and populated planets in the delta quadrent controled by the Federation and its a primary target for a Heerani carrier that will be arriving in 7 days.

*...Yates was pacing back and forth waiting from his old friend Powell to arrive at his office. Sooner or later he showed up and he greeted him...*

"Hello my old friend. I hope you got my message?"

Powell: "Of course, I have deployed the battalion and they are awaiting instructionjs on board the Lothlorien."

YAtes: "Good, lets head our way down you and I shall supervise this mission personally."

*...General Powell and Admiral Yates transported to the Lothlorian and made there way to the bridge to meet the captain but he was not presant at the time. yates hit the load speaker and spoke...*

Attention all crew. Prepair for departure in 1000 hours. This is a High Priority mission and we will be needing maximum supplies and maximum marine participation.
http://img456.imageshack.us/img456/1322/yatesprofile2ah.jpg" border="0">
Admiral Andrew Yates
Avalon Division
Executive Officer
Member of the Starfleet Command

mimas elfeneye

mimas was abruptly torn from his mental meditation, and found himself behind razagal;

He quickly regained his mind

"why you little....." he closed his eyes, and focussed on the heraan commander.

'... c'mon...' he thought to himself.... 'just one psyonic blast, into his central brain, he must die now, or at least pass out.... just ..... one.... concentrated psyonic blast.... to make... him.... collapse'


As Dolan lay unconscious, he heard faint voices in his mind.

"Major Dolan, I'm ordering you to recall!  The enemy is closing in on your position and you won't be any good to the UEF dead!  Recall, Dolan, recall!"  The voice blared in Dolan's mind, loud and clear.

"Recalling in 3...2...1..." counted a feminine voice. Dolan suddenly felt as if he had been blinded by a flash of light but couldn't move any part of his body.

"Get him out of there!  On to the stretcher!  Get him through the gate, have Colonel Clarke take over Dolan's ACU!"

Dolan then fell into a deeper state of unconsciousness and his body stopped moving completely on the floor of the cargo bay.
William "Voyager" Dolan
Lieutenant Junior Grade
U.S.S. Normandy
Chief Science Officer
http://www.expansionfleet.com/ships/ambassador2.gif" border="0">
Ambassador class specs: http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html" target="_blank">http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html


<Before Cloud could float threw, Balkazar grabbed onto his leg and pulls him back to where he was facing the Col's hard cold face>

"Watch your Damn rank, Commander.  Your a Lt. Commander, NOT! a 12 yr old out on a field trip who finds a nice shiny stone.  You will stay in this room or Ill have my Sargeant here personally ensure that you scrub every deck on this ship by the time we get back to the station!" Balkazar said angrily.

"Raszagal, Do what you can, I suggest trying to shut down the self destruct first then worry about everything else later.  We need life support back and gravity, along with the ships functions!" he ordered Raszagal.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Simon Rajnus

<Ready room>

"Please sit, I like to know something about new crew members who come onboard and I just got around to you.  I want to know something about you." Simon asked probingly.

<Simon pushed a few buttons and the room silently went into privacy mode>
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">


"Ok, mind explaining how we destroy it?" Balkazar looked at the General.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


"Hes not insulting you, its the way he is.  Its like all the different species you ran into before coming here, were they always the same? doing the same thing? talking the same, walking the same? I dont think so.  HK can be annoying but hes good at what he does and on some lvl, you and him are JUST! alike.  Not one word, Raszagal.  I have seen both of you work together, you may dislike each other and threaten each other but when it comes down to it, your the same and you work well together.  So you will continue to work with him, understood.  Also, take the whole meatbag thing as a compliment.  Hes acknowledging your existence.  By insulting you thats his way of saying 'Hi'.  Or in some cases if you keep calling him rustbucket he will take offense to that.  Treat him like any other person here with the addition of you being called 'Meatbag'.  Is that Understood, Private." Balkazar said trying to calm the situation down.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Simon Rajnus

<Crashed Lothlorien>

"No, this ship will remain as is for now.  When we have to destroy this ship is when we have no alternatives is that clear?" Simon said loudly for Quinn to hear.
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">