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USS Skytoucher - Mission 4 : The Loxian Peace Treaty

Started by Vorak, August 08, 2003, 01:44:43 PM

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Roland Burma

Now hold on, there is absolutely no needfor violence
*Burma walks forward*

Kowan: get back

*Burma then moves back*
what is the reason you need these people?

what have they done to you?

I see no point in dragging this on any further than it has to.*he very slowly inches forward* I will....  let you have....*suddenly Burma lurtched forward grabbing at Kowan's weapon*

*They struggle over the weapon for a while*

.....give me....

Kowan: ....let go!.....now....

Burma: agghh...*still struggling*...............

The Messiah of the Loxian Exiles

Roland Burma

Alright, I accept your praise, and I look forward to our talks between our people.

*Burma turns to his crew*
"Chart a course for Avalon Station, warp 4"
I believe that all is calm here, so we can leave.
*looks back at Zentox*
Zentox, would you care to take a seat on the bridge or do you wish for quarters?

OFF: I tried to get out of it lol http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

The Messiah of the Loxian Exiles


"Oops, I mean Dr. Zax.  I am sorry to have misspoken your name.  I think it must be fati..."

(The Doctor collapses into a heap at Doctor Zax's feet.  A nurse running to assist another patient jumps over his prone form and hurries to do her duty.)

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Doctor.jpg" border="0">


Yes I was hoping you would call upon my services on this mission, thats sounds great.  I am hoping for great things out of this Mission.
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Niles.jpg" border="0">



Mr. Niles takes his place on the Bridge

May our mission end up a success.

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Niles.jpg" border="0">

Steve McKinley

Well, That would be right, hm, drop out of warp and do some firing runs --- then we'll go into warp again and go for Loxian Space. Who is with me.

OFF: I need to go to Mission Planning.

Captain Steve McKinley
CO Of USS Skytoucher

Seldana Zax

   Hearing the orders over her commbadge, Sel replies: "Medical and EMH all in the green, sir.  Awaiting orders".  

(( OFF: Yes!  I'm back!  Bring on the action! http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>! ))

Seldana Zax


The situation did not look good on the Loxian mining vessel. Only emergency lights were operational, giving only a dim dark-blue shadow in the ship's bridge, filled with smoke, and sometimes flashes of electroshocks from malfunctioning computer panels and conduits.

"In the name of Va'jux, the God of Rock and Stone, this is a disaster!" Zentox, the Loxian captain of the vessel yelled out in anger. "Status report, Vakin! Now!"

A younger Loxian, second in command, ran toward the captain with some sort of padd with data on it.

"Not good... I'm afraid. We lost engine control... let's say we're pretty much adrift in space right now. But the good news is, that we are not near any objects, asteroids or planets at the moment, so we can't collide with anything, or crash anywhere, and the ship has slowed down to almost a full-stop by itself."

Zentox nodded, frowning angrily. "What else?"

"Not much more good news, the computer core is seriously destabalizing, many system operations are down, but again some good news: we've been able to transmit a distress call."

"A DISTRESS CALL!" the Loxian captain cried out, grabbed his first-in-command by his shirt and threw him back among the debris of broken control panels.

Vakin yelled out in pain, but let himself fall and did not resist, so he would not further anger his captain. Zentox looked around at the other Loxians on the bridge, as if to challenge his authority.

"He sent a distress call! We were nearly destroyed and we were lucky to make it out alive and in one piece, and HE is going to send a distress call! If they receive it, our present location will be known again, and they will come back to finish us! Forsaken Loxian government! Long live the Exiles! Send a distress call... bah!"

Another Loxian stepped forward, female this time, looking confident and not afraid in the least.

"Captain Zentox, Vakin did well to send out that distress call-"

Before she could say another word, Zentox grabbed her too and was about to throw her into the debris as well, but this woman, called Zayan, was faster.

"You would do well to listen to the words of your most trusted Exile Spy!"

Zentox glared angrily in her eyes, but then took a deep breath and released her.

"What?" he spat.

"Have you forgotten what the Loxian government intends to do?" she said, still calm and confident. "They sent word to this-this... Starfleet, wanting to make an alliance with them, some sort of treaty. This would strengthen the Loxian government, you know this as well as I do!"

"Do not speak to me of things I already know, Zayan! The Loxian government only cares about power, and about exterminating us-and everyone else who does not agree with them!"

"Now you are the one who is telling me things I already know as well, Zentox, but here's something you didn't know, and we didn't had the time to tell you when we find out, because right then the official Loxian government vessels appeared out of nowhere and attacked us."

"Well? What did you discover then?"

"A Starfleet vessel is on course to Loxius, to meet the government as agreed. And they are the ones who received this distress call. Our com-systems are barely working, so we can't fully trust them, but we did receive some transmission from them. We couldn't make out too much, but judging from the tone, they seemed to have received our distress call, and seemed to intend to help us. Sensors-for as far as they can be trusted right now-indicated they altered course toward us."

Zentox looked up at his female Loxian officer.

"Starfleet is coming to... to us?

Zayan nodded. "That explains the sudden unexpected attack from the Loxian government ships. They wanted us out of the way, knowing that a possible new ally was on its way toward them. They did not want us to intervene, they did not want anyone to be around, who could prove how corrupt they are."

Zentox could still not believe his ears. "They are coming toward us... to us FIRST, before going to Loxius..." He looked up at her again.  "This is our chance, Zayan, to do what we were born to do! With their help, we will set our people free once more!"

He looked around at his others officers, including his second-in-command, who had got back on his feet by now but had not dared to speak another word.

"Everyone, get to work! Make sure that the comm-systems are fully operational again by the time they come here!"

Everyone nodded and started to get to work.

"They should be here within the hour, if they hold their current speed and course," Zayan added.

"Good," nodded Zentox. "They will be surprised when we tell them who their new potential allies really are."

He sat down in his captain's chair and overlooked the repair teams with narrow eyes, waiting for the U.S.S. Skytoucher to find them...

Will Robinson

OFF: Absolutely you got lucky. http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Robinson.jpg" border="0">


"Thank you, Mr. Robinson," Kowan said to Will Robinson before he left. Then, he gestured at his two escorts. "These are Kavar and Lugor. They are here with me because Loxian governmental protocol procedures demand that a prime commander should never enter unknown territory without at least two escorts, so please do not take it personal. Do not speak to them, they have no right to speak unless granted by me. It is our custom."

Kowan sat down in the chair that commander Burma had pointed out, but though there were two chairs available still, Kavar and Lugor remained standing without question.

"Thank you for receiving me so quickly. I hope that my urging did not insult you in any way, but you surely understand the matter or urgency in this, especially now that your captain is on board that Loxian savage vessel.
I believe that this whole situation must have puzzled you, so please allow me to explain you some things.
Loxius, our homeworld, was once a world of tribes. Many tribes. There was no unity, and each tribe only looked after its own best interests. Needless to say, the tribes were more often at war with each other, than they were not. Various attempts to end this war before it would destroy us all, failed. At long last, a project was finally getting started, to initiate a planetary government that would rule over all the tribes, with representatives of each tribe. And the goal of this government, was to create a good and safe environment for our people to live in again, on our homeworld. This was the first attempt that succeeded, and our government as it is today, was born on that day. Loxius is united, and our people do not even refer to tribes any more. After centuries now, they have forgotten that once they were different tribes, and now think themselves of ONE people, with ONE government. War and destruction was halted at long last. Too beautiful to be true, you may think? Not on Loxius, but for some people it is. They ignore everything we worked so hard on to build, and would give their lives to see our centuries long work destroyed. Needless to say, they neglect to follow any of the official Loxian laws, and for that they were exiled. And it is these people, who now hold your captain captive.
They reside mainly in the asteroid field of the Dark Passage, making it an unsafe place for anyone who is unlucky to be around. They raid any unfortunate passenger, and usually are not simply satisfied with the food and energy provisions of this passenger, but they want his entire ship and all his technology. Naturally, barbarians as they are, they simply kill the crewmembers of the ship they capture. I believe that, according to our government intelligence files, one of your ships was actually nearly destroyed by Loxians once, the U.S.S. Evolution, and its captain, Randall Sanchez, captured with two of his officers.
To conclude my explanation, I'm sure you understand now why we are here. We intend to create a safe environment once more, by taking away the aggressor: the Loxian exiles who raid every unfortunate being around. They only understand the language of firepower, so that is all we can use to fight them. But they are clever and cunning, I tell you that. Your captain is at great risk as we speak."

Steve McKinley

OFF: the following posts made by captain McKinley are actually made by Vorak, until further notice. This has only been done to keep the storyline going. The real character McKinley still belongs to Yugiman.

As soon as he was beamed back to the Skytoucher, along with the Loxians, medical personell had been all over him, and he had no choice but to go to sickbay for a complete check-up. They wanted to make sure that no harm had been done to him, be it injuries or perhaps viruses.
Indeed, viruses, because the Loxians were known to be very good at creating virus serum injections, for which no other species would ever be able to find a cure but themselves. But luckily, that had not been the case.

"Can I go now?" he said impatiently. "My place is on the bridge now more than ever! We're in the middle of a situation with the Loxian government, and I need to tell my crew what Zentox told me! They need to know the truth of the whole situation!"

OFF: thought that this would give the ship's doc something to do as well http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>

Captain Steve McKinley
CO Of USS Skytoucher

Steve McKinley

"Those Loxians are crazy! They would fire on our ship to get their so-called barbarians back. Hail Kowan!

=^= McKinley to Kowan =^=

"This is the captain of the USS Skytoucher. The Loxians we have on board, have requested asylum, which we have granted them. And apparently that was the only thing we COULD do, because any other option would mean their death at your hands!"

Captain Steve McKinley
CO Of USS Skytoucher


At that moment, the Loxian government ships open fire once more upon the Skytoucher.  The whole ship trembles and shudders, alert claxons blaze, more panels and conduits explode, the shields are off-line...


Skon follows Zentox to the board.

Siting confirmed, Commander. Seven Loxian exile ships have just emerged from the asteroid field and are converging on the Loxian government ships.

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Skon.jpg" border="0">

Jonathan Mason

sir,  I am picking up an unusual energy signature...

it's nature is unknown, but it is directly ahead of us.

should I continue on this heading?

http://www.phoenix-federation.com/cgi-bin/intel/ikonboard.cgi" target='_blank'>http://www.phoenix-federation.com/cgi-bin/intel/ikonboard.cgi
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-JMason.gif" border="0">