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USS Skytoucher - Mission 4 : The Loxian Peace Treaty

Started by Vorak, August 08, 2003, 01:44:43 PM

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Roland Burma

quite right, you may proceed, Zentox you may have access to our  communications consoles. Mr. Robinson will you please show him how, if he doesn't already know?
The Messiah of the Loxian Exiles

Will Robinson

Will was holding one of Kowan's escorts by his hands, when more of the Loxian's exited the turbolifts.


http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Robinson.jpg" border="0">

Roland Burma

That's strange, what are Romulans doing all the way out here?

Are you sure it was Romulan?

what the devil could they be doing out here.

raise shields and ready weapons

OFF: I am assuming the skytoucher crew doesn't know about the romulan coalition activity.

The Messiah of the Loxian Exiles


*In Sickbay, the Doctor awakens as the phaser blast leaves the ship.  He screams.*


*The Doctor gets up and runs out of the Sickbay toward the turbolifts.  Hurriedly he rides to the Bridge just as Skon is noticed to be slumped over.*

"Stop!  Don't fire the weapons!  I know these people!  They will mean you no harm!!"

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Doctor.jpg" border="0">


(OFF: No, just so everyone knows, I am not an EMH.  I am an alien whose heritage is mixed and will be revealed later.  Don't worry- Admiral Vorak knows all.  he assigned me here.  We're old friends.)
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Doctor.jpg" border="0">

Aves Landon

*Aves sits down at the engineering console*
I'll run a diagonstic while we wait.
*turns to the console*
Lt. Aves Landon
Engineering Officer
U.S.S. Skytoucher


OFF: I have returned, so when you are ready, you can set out on your mission and head toward Loxian space. I will play the Loxian role http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

Jonathan Mason

*checks his console again*

well, since the increase in speed, uh, about 2 days 5 hours 12 minutes 46 seconds... 45 seconds...44 seconds...

http://www.phoenix-federation.com/cgi-bin/intel/ikonboard.cgi" target='_blank'>http://www.phoenix-federation.com/cgi-bin/intel/ikonboard.cgi
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-JMason.gif" border="0">

Steve McKinley

Captain Steve McKinley
CO Of USS Skytoucher

Steve McKinley

=/\= USS Skytoucher To Loxian Ships =/\=
My Crew has just Recieved your distress call. We will be there ASAP!
=/\= Transmission Out =/\=

"Alright, Take it on Condition Yellow. Set a course for that distress call."

Captain Steve McKinley
CO Of USS Skytoucher


Suddenly out of nowhere, a Loxian ship appears, similar in type to the ship of Zentox. It goes to full stop right next to the Loxian vessel Tazay, and hails its companion ship.

"Ravix to Zentox, we are responding to your distress call. I can already see why. It is a miracle that those Loxian government vessels haven't outright destroyed you yet. Drop your disruption field and we'll beam you over at once."

Zentox: "We have a captain on board from another species, he's from that huge ship over there. That's the reason why they didn't destroy us yet, because they want him back alive."

Ravix: "Do you want us to beam your hostage over to our ship as well then?"

Zentox: "He is not our hostage! He is our last hope, and I don't want any harm to be done to him!"

Ravix: "Understood. Drop your disruption field and we'll beam you over at once. We can always talk later."

Moments thereafter, the Tazay drops its disruption field, so that transporting anyone off that ship becomes possible again.

But before the other ship can beam them out, the Loxian government ship of Prime Commander Kowan moves into position to attack the newly arrived Loxian ship, and opens fire. A salvo of torpedoes slams onto the smaller Loxian vessel. The Loxian vessel tries to evade as much as possible, but Kowan's ship does not give it a chance to escape. As Kowan's ship changes position, he fires off another salvo of torpedoes, this time to be fatal to the Loxian exile ship.
The newcoming Loxian exile ship explodes, killing all 135 people on board.

"Kowan to USS Skytoucher. Beam your captain out of that ship NOW! This is your only chance to get him back alive!"


*rushes out of the turbolift*
what is it? ohh, sees the Commander on the floor
*puls out a medical tricorder*

Hmmm..he seems to have acute aphasia (Dysfunction of certain brain centers affecting the ability to communicate in a coherent manner)

*takes out a hypospray*
this should take care of that.

Commander?... commander? can you hear me? *taps Burma's cheeks slightly*

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Soran.jpg" border="0">

Will Robinson

Quote: from Loxians on 8:36 am on Oct. 9, 2003
*Zentox sits down and sighs*

"I have told my story over and over again, to whoever will listen, and I will tell it again to you now.

Loxius has been governed by a planetary government for a long time, long before I was born even. This government was an attempt to unite all the Loxian tribes on our homeworld, and to end the everlasting fights between the tribal chiefs.
The fights ended, allright, and the government ruled strict to keep it so. But power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The government began to abuse their powers, and they began to profile themselves almost like gods!
Life on our homeworld was reformed into what THEY wanted it to be. No other opinion or lifestyle was allowed any longer,and would not be tolerated. They would not tolerate anyone to oppose them, so that they would remain unrivaled forever. And they succeeded at that, even up to today. People live under a dominating rule on Loxius, and are not allowed to be who they are, think what they want, do what they want.
Even worse: if you presume to oppose the government in any way at all, you are punished severely. Either that means death sentence, or exile. And I am the latter.
Those Loxian ships would like nothing more than to see me dead, because I don't the way they do, I don't do what they want me to do. I am exiled for being who I am, for wanting to be free. And though I gained that freedom through exile, it costed me my wife, who was murdered in front of me, and my children who are now brainwashed and government puppets, and I will never see them again I suppose. And my freedom has yet another price: my life has now but one purpose, which is SURVIVE. I am, as well as all other Loxian exiles you see here, chased until we die, and if we don't die because of that, its because of lack of food. Harsh conditions make a man harsh too. So I hope that you understand now, why we did what we had to do."

"I agree you shouldn't be silenced, but I'm only a lone security officer. Sadly, there really isn't anything me myself can do."

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Robinson.jpg" border="0">


*Skon's computer completes its calculations.*

Modulating phaser frequency to match Loxian shields. Mr. Robinson, I believe that if you fire at the points Commander Zentox suggested a second time, we may achieve better results.

Also, as the Captain is incapacitated and the First Officer seems to be busy, I am transmitting a message to Station Avalon, informing them of our situation.

=A= Skytoucher to Avalon =A=

We are in a situation of distress. We "captured" the crew of a Loxian renegade ship that abducted Captain McKinley. The Loxians promptly requested asylum. Apparently, they have some grievances with their government that they explained to the Captain while he was aboard their ship. Unfortunately, the Loxian military wants these "prisoners" back, and their ships have attacked us. Request assistance immediately.

=A= Skytoucher Out =A=

(Edited by Skon at 9:08 pm on Oct. 17, 2003)

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Skon.jpg" border="0">


Zevox keeps his weapon aimed at Kowan and never wavers.

"So, what's it going to be? Will you withdraw your people and depart from this ship peacefully? Or do you rather want to die in your pride?"

Kowan stares for the longest time at Zentox, and then slowly turns his gaze to his people, standing there in doubt about what to do, but ready to overtake the bridge if Kowan but gave the word.
But he didn't.
He raised one hand and lowered it, signaling to his men to lower their weapons and surrender.

"You win, Zentox, at least this time..."