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USS Evolution - Mission 2: Dark Passage

Started by Randall Sanchez, July 23, 2002, 11:01:38 AM

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Yea, just one thing: Your ship are bigger then mine...


All Weapons fired sir .. *with an inticipated wait...Boom* Direct hit on the strboard side.

Report sindicate there shields are down by 30% captain.

We are born to help love those  less forunate then ourselves and to learn compassion.
Chief Tactical/Security USS Evolution

Zach Schmidt

You heard the man! Warp 7, engage!
+Schmidt To Sickbay+
Glad to have you back sir, but I was kinda getting used to your chair.
http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-schmidt.jpg" border="0">
"I am a graduate of Starfleet Academy; I know many things."-Worf

First thing, my god, your Latin is off.  Vescere bracis meis.  Who told you to put ablative or dative case? What sort of imperative is that?

Next.  I might remind you that you have stepped way over the line of diplomacy.  Are you saying that the Cardassians were right in firing on aship, unprovoked.  Plus, the Cardassians are infinitely more likely to lie than the Romulans.  You should recuse yourself from this case, lieutenant, because you obviously have no control over your feelings!  I suggest that you keep your mouth shut before you jeopardize Starfleet/Romulan relations.   And also, if the Romulans weren't known for there honesty (which I never heard of), it is because of all their other accomplishments.  Cardassians.  Just the fact that we are still living doesn't excuse the Cardassians from behaving as they did.  And before you presume to talk so preposterously, make sure you have all the facts.  I don't remember seeing you on the bridge of the Warbird IRV Devoras when the Cardassian scum fired for no reason.  Remember, Cardassians are also not known for their intelligence.

*Clicks his heels, turns around, and walks away*



As i said sir, we can offer some assitance in terms of defending them .. we also have enough Engineers familiar with there systems to make some minor repairs that would help them get things repaired.

Other then that the decision is up to you captain, I will of course support any decision made.

http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-odo.jpg" border="0">


*was looking at his scans*
Hmm...this is good, but this aint.

=A= Dr Keilah to Captain Sanchez =A=
About Lieutenant Hollows,
He needs rest for a couple of days, and then he will be up and running. The only thing I am curious of is, if he knows what happend. The explosion, damaged some of his brainpaths, so I can't say what he will or what he won't know.

=A= Keilah out =A=

http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/starfleetcross.gif" border="0">
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Keilah.jpg" border="0">


Umm sir .. should we really be taking a risk of running into Species 3472 (If thats the right number) since they do reside in Fluidic Space?
http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-odo.jpg" border="0">


Fire again! Use all available power to the weapons! ire on the lead Loxian ship! Destroy that bastards shields!

Zach Schmidt

We need to get the crew back...Communications: Hail Admiral Rugal.
+Evolution to Admiral Rugal+
We need to plan a rescue for our crew. I have an idea. Our ship is small, we hide it between your vessels warp bubble. Then as you engage the Loxians, We go to maximum impulse to to Loxian Warp bubble. You continue your attack, not causing alot of damage, then leave. They will be off their gaurd and we beam the crew back when they drop their shields and go to warp back to Vontak Nor! Sounds like a plan eh?
http://www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/ID-schmidt.jpg" border="0">
"I am a graduate of Starfleet Academy; I know many things."-Worf


*Suddenly, a flash of light was visible, almost whitening everything on the bridge for some seconds. Then, Schmidt, and the others saw the typichal line of a detonated subspace warhead. And it closed in towards the asteroids freighteniong fast...*

Randall Sanchez

OFF: the idea is now that when the USS Evolution departs the Dark Passage to return to Avalon, it finds by coincidence the USS Lhasa and Shadow-walker on the borders of the Dark Passage (see mission in the forum "Dark Passage" on the Expansion Sector board).  There, Vorak has just been affected by the deadly virus that infects admirals on Avalon (though not yet publicly known) and the USS Evolution will pick Vorak up to bring him to the station's sickbay asap, while the USS Lhasa remains behind to continue its mission.
Captain Randall Sanchez
Captain USS Evolution
Avalon Division
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-sanchez.jpg" border="0">


*Taldren makes him ready to hit the ambassador when Lt. Ibsen comes and tryes to make him thinking on other things. And it works, he just remembered that this is the wrong ship! Taldren are supposed to be on the Skytoucher! Sorry all!*
Tactical officer
Vescere bracis meis=Eat my underpants


And I still want to KILL!! KILL!! KILL!! KILL!! KILL!!!!! NOOOOOW!!! Beam me aboard the vidiian ship and I make Gagh of them!

(Edited by Omrot at 5:00 pm on Aug. 16, 2002)

Always trust your instinkts. And your distruptor gun and your d´k tagh!

off:the # is 8472http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>