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Mission 03: Rebuilding Star Pheonix Base

Started by Alex Newberry, March 03, 2005, 01:47:16 PM

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Morga Harf

=/\= Permission granted Admiral. =/\=

Admiral where should I say for Captain Logan to meet you sir.

Lieutenant Commander Morga Harf
USS Evolution.
First Officer.

Aidiran Miller

OFF: Grand ship, ahuh, yeah.....nothing beats a sovereign, well, maybe the borg....*coughs*, well, anyway....back to work...

"That storm looks troublesome."

*switches his PADD on to show a picture of Starphoenix as he remembers it, in the photo stood himself with a tall, respectable vulcan, he sighs and shakes his head*

OFF:add your input here.

Peter Brown

Rank:  Vice Admiral Peter  Brown
Postion: Avalon Division 3rd In command
Ship/Station:Avalon Division

John Norton

Your welcome..... We notice the distress beacon like a pick in a pine tree.

Pretty much, when this is all over I will let you test drive this in space to see how you handle with this technology.

John starts to land the craft down to what looks like a shuttlebay in the base with Jen help. he then checks and notice that we only have about 15 minutes before the storm hits the base.

Well, I think the hard part is here now. The storm will be here in less then 15 minutes. Lets start unloading and placing these portable force fields up for the time being.

Commander John Norton
Chief Engineer Officer
USS Delphia A, Task Force Gamma

Aidiran Miller

OFF: Right, it would be helpful, but that doesn't seem to be the way things are done around here, here, things, [sometimes] are done like being compared to falling with 'grace' , sudden...

"Good Idea Mr. Halfdale."

*gets a suit on and waits, gripping a nearby seat, waiting for halfdale to open the airlock*

Morga Harf

Admiral do you have to ask a klingon if he is any good at interrogations sir. How many of those interrogatee tdo you want left alive is the question sir.

Off: I will get the USS Amsterdam here soon.

Lieutenant Commander Morga Harf
USS Evolution.
First Officer.

Mathew Moriarty

=/\= Captain Moriarty to the Uss Lothlorien We have arrived and are unloading and then Leaving the system. =/\=
Former Chief Tactical Officer USS Aztec
Former XO USS Discovery
Former XO/CO Uss Excalibur

Out there Second Star to the right and straight on till morning (Star Trek Wrath of Khan.)

Morga Harf

Yes Comm one I am here but with nothing happening and waiting more or less for the other ships to arrive.
Lieutenant Commander Morga Harf
USS Evolution.
First Officer.

Stephen Logan

OOC:  FYI Admiral I can tell you that the USS Tiberon is on her way too.
Commanding Officer
USS Amsterdam

Jennifer Hawkens

*takes another scan to see if the storm has passed and notices the Ion storm is clearing up and the waves and sea are calming down*

Well Guys lets get more help down here..........The storm is over with.........*Jen then sets to work*

Stephen Logan

as I arrive on the ship I get the communciation via Commander Belan the Amsterdam's XO that the meeting would be in the Conference room on the USS Lothlorien and I make ky way to the bridge. Then to the Conference room. As I arrive Admiral newberry was there already. Entering and saluting Good morning Admiral. I must say sir I don't often see Admiral in command of a ship sir.
Commanding Officer
USS Amsterdam

Morga Harf

OOC: Come on everybody we have to get busy if we want to keep this divison viable. we Have until the 10th of this month to do so.

IC: =/\= Admiral I have a reading on the construction of the base as being almost completed sir. There also seems to be a little hunting party sir in some caves just behind the base sir. =/\=
Lieutenant Commander Morga Harf
USS Evolution.
First Officer.

John Norton

After cutting the comm, John brings the shuttle engines to full power and get's to the beacon a few minutes later.

He see's them at the top of the ocean and starts to beam them aboard. A 1 minute later, they are aboard.

John turns in his chair and interduces himself.

Welcome aboard the Shuttle Discovery, I am Commander John Norton, Chief Engineer Officer of the USS Delpha A. This is a small team of mine. We can't leave the planet but I brought along some force fields that we can make a temp base at your destroyed base. I do need some corridates, John asked.

Commander John Norton
Chief Engineer Officer
USS Delphia A, Task Force Gamma

Jennifer Hawkens

Oh a tour!!! Oh LOVELY!!! *bats eye lashes at john*

Oh and I would just LOVE!!! to look at the schematics of this shuttle..............And look at them when theres time........*puts on a sweet cute puppy dog face*

Oh corks in a bottle.........my XO is awake.........*turns to aidrian*

Hiya XO.........How ya feeling.......?..........after that nasty bump it made ya go bump in the night LITTERALLY!......you went out like a cork outta a bottle...........so far the shields are up to prevent any storms from washing in.........Now we need to figure out how to seal the cracks that are forming all across the structual integrity.........So we need to strengthen it some how...........

any ideas ?..........

OOC***Johnny!!! HE POSTED!!!!!..........hehehehehe.......If you havent noticed John Im having a lil ROMANCE!!! thing going on......with you being involved weather you were expecting it or not..........:D!.......heh.........

Chris Newberry

"General Newberry to Commander Miller, prepare the Lothlorien for warp 6 and follow the Reliance. We are taking a little break and heading to Kennedy Station. Reliance out."