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Mission 03: Rebuilding Star Pheonix Base

Started by Alex Newberry, March 03, 2005, 01:47:16 PM

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Jennifer Hawkens

OOC**Never heard that saying before Harf......but if it does exist then youll find it!.....hehe

*turns around in her nice comfy swirvel chair and addresses mr HalfDale*

Sir Ill pilot ya down..........There may be rough weather and you need a good pilot........Besides if something happened to ya I wouldnt hear the end of it!.......

So with th ecaptians permission of course!??

Jack Matthews

"If its starfleet they'd commit suicide to attack us here. Everyone in starfleet would be after them"
Chief Engineer, USS Lothlorien

Aidiran Miller

*notices the security team along with a droid.........a science officer........and an alien life form dematerializeing  and walks towards them*

"Welcome, I presume that you are Ensign Balkazar, and this must be the infamous HK..."

Aidiran Miller

*tries to help out but feels a bit disoriented and dizzy*

"Anything i can d--"

*he falls to the ground and cracks his head open when it slams into the pilots chair*

OFF: lets just drag this little thing with Aidiran for at least two days... ok, you guys can rp him[ or at least rp that he said/did things] as i will be busy until about thursday/wednesday.

John Norton

Yes, I just sent a message to my ship to get more shield generators and medical personnel down here.

To jen, lets have some fun and when i get back to my ship. I will give you a tour. Forgot, need to find some diltium soon as well for our warp and transwarp drive.

Commander John Norton
Chief Engineer Officer
USS Delphia A, Task Force Gamma

Richard Halfdale

"Mr. Norton, can your shuttle's comm system penetrate the ionized atmosphere?"
Vice Admiral Rick Halfdale
Executive Officer
Division StarPhoenix

Alex Newberry

OCC: Sorry it been delayed a little. I going to wait until the other 3 Captains get to the Dantor system then call it.


=/-\= Understood Lieutenant, I am on my way. Newberry out. =/-\=

Alex taps his commbadge and the channel closes.

Alex then proceeds to leaves the conference room and walk onto the bridge and hear the message.

"This is Commander Tom Karelia of the Starship Tiberon. Are you in need of assistance?"

"Commander Karelia, welcome to the Dantro system. I am Rear Admiral Alex Newberry Commanding Officer of the Lothlorien. We are currently sending down supply's to the StarPheonix Base and could us assistance there."

Aidiran Miller

"I shall gather all info once we land there, captain."

*heads to shuttle bay with gear in hand*

Richard Halfdale

"Of course. It can't hurt, anyway."

Halfdale sits in the co-pilot seat and begins checking the planet's weather.

"There's a big storm heading toward Starphoenix. We won't have much time to see the sights."

Vice Admiral Rick Halfdale
Executive Officer
Division StarPhoenix


(I understand.  Dont worry I understand more then you think.  Well Guys lets have some fun and post post post post POST!.  Oh how did you go from the surface to the ship Owens?.  You never posted that you left http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>.  )

John Owens

(i said NO more ooc talk. I think you can take a guess on how i would get from the planet to the ship. It would be a waste of posts and time to post in one post *beams to the ship* no more ooc talk we're done with it.)
http://venus.walagata.com/w/captainreed/ID-Owens.jpg" border="0">

Jennifer Hawkens

*in the shuttle bay*

*jennifer walks into the shuttle and starts her up........Initates some launching protocols and starts her up to make sure everything goes smoothly........Once everyone is in...........Jennifer launches the shuttle......*

*takes out a back pack and hands Aidrian and Halfdale a phaser...........Then takes out a 3rd phaser and hooks it onto her belt........*

*pilots the shuttle down to Dantor*........*turns around and faces the 2 superiors*

Safety first...........Just in case sir........I am a well prepared Helmswoman.........*gives a lil smile and returns to piloting......*

Alex Newberry

Welcome aboard Commander, you may be needed on the surface.

Richard Halfdale

(OFF: Still here, just have nothing to say.)
Vice Admiral Rick Halfdale
Executive Officer
Division StarPhoenix

Morga Harf

Admiral the shutte occupants have been rescued by a shuttl from the Delphia sir. I would suggest talking with there engineer to see if it is with that new Technology or some good engineering sir. But I am sure once they have a sfae area set up sir it will be easier to transport to.

The storm actually seems to be quietening down sir.

Lieutenant Commander Morga Harf
USS Evolution.
First Officer.