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CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office

Started by T Hain, January 20, 2003, 05:32:11 PM

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Will do Commodore.
*Starts walking towards the USS Lancelot*

(Edited by mahGNUs at 3:05 am on Dec. 22, 2002)

Captain mah' GNUs
Tactical/Security Chief
Starphoenix Planetary Base - Dantor

T Hain

Very Well, Just Let me know when you are ready.

=^= T'Hain out =^=

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-THain.jpg" border="0">

Pierre Louis Assis

It is also importanto to add that, though warp theory is my main field of research, I am able to perform research duty in a number of other areas. For instance, I am a certified consultant for First Contact risk assessment and am familiar with the Starfleet Holographic Programming Protocol. In fact, I was working on a Scientific Automated Research Aid Hologram (SARAH), similar in structure to the EMH. The SARAH was intended to serve as a lab aid in times of personnel shortages and I supose it would be useful here until a full Scientific staff arrives.

I could add the specs for the SARAH HoloGrid to the previous specs if you wish, Commodore. *Taps something on his PADD and smiles*

Major Pierre Louis Assis
CSO- StarPhoenix Planetary Base
CO - USS Lattes


A message is delivered to the Commodore's office from a ship in orbit.

"Commodore T Hain, permission to dock and unload several holosuites for Miss Shala Tal."

Shala Tal owner of Tal's Bar and Grill.

* enters the office, looking very nervous *

- Commodore T Hain, this is Lt. Commander Stuart, I am sure you still remember me.

Huh, Sir, i would like to make a request... It is nothing urgent, and can come back if you are too busy.

* note: he is quite nervous, and doesn´t know what to do with his hands, and stuff like that*

Pierre Louis Assis

It has just come in, Commodore
Major Pierre Louis Assis
CSO- StarPhoenix Planetary Base
CO - USS Lattes

Max Brooks

Just letting you know that the chief of communications position on the station is filled. I was given the position in March 2003.
Max Brooks
Chief Tactical Officer
USS. Phoenix

T Hain

Ah yes.  Very well Admiral.

Well lets go Gentlemen.

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-THain.jpg" border="0">


OFF: continues in 'Scientific Research Facility'
Captain mah' GNUs
Tactical/Security Chief
Starphoenix Planetary Base - Dantor

T Hain

The USS Lattes is a Oberth Class ship.  Science Vessel.  Scientific research.... But it will have another function aswell but i can't get into that much.....  I need staff for it tho.....

Chief Medical Officer
Medical Assistant
Chief Engineer
Chief of Tactical/Security
Chief Science Officer
Science Assistant
Science Assistant
Chief of Operations
Helm Officer
Helm Officer

Are the positions needed.....

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-THain.jpg" border="0">

David Azerkopf

OFF:just a suggestion,but could we get either a galaxy,or Sovergn, (or Enhanced Deterrence Explorer-uprated class),class of ship here,we could make it pretty much any type by just looking at the specs,checkout www.ditl.org and check out ships-galaxy/sovergn,then it shows the specs and history of the class.
David K. Azerkopf
Rear Admiral-XO
Windsor Division

Matthias Cloud

OFF: Everyone seems to either be waiting to post, or have gone on vaction, the whole rpg's like a ghost town................

Just a Question, my characters are: Matthias Cloud, Aaron Grey, Joshua Flintz, Jean Marque, David Azerkopf, right? I think i'm missing someone? jus' wondering, its been awhile.......

                                   -Lucas Bailey

(Edited by Matthias Cloud at 11:11 pm on July 12, 2003)

Matthias (Cloud) Grey
Lieutenant-U.S.S. Lancelot
Tactical/Security Cheif

Ryan Reynolds

My apologies Will Karelia, I was not sure what was to be done. I retract my request.
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Ryan.jpg" border="0">

T Hain

Okay Mr. Halfdale, You are 3rd in Command of the Starphoenix Base.

Major will be your rank.

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-THain.jpg" border="0">


=<~ To Commodore T'Hain from Captain mah' GNUs ~>=

I have sent a *sub-space message to the Admiral Nocturnus, requesting the StarFleet access-logs/lists concerning the USS Lancelot.

Lt. Malia and I will now proceed to secure the logs locally at the USS Lancelot.

OFF: * http://fake.id.au/cgi-bin/starfleethq/topic.cgi?forum=61&topic=25" target="_blank">http://fake.id.au/cgi-bin/starfleethq/topic.cgi?forum=61&topic=25

=<~ Over and Out ~>=

Captain mah' GNUs
Tactical/Security Chief
Starphoenix Planetary Base - Dantor