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Mission 1: Exploration of unknown space just beyond the Yzakian Border

Started by Jeremy Sullivan, March 28, 2004, 01:05:46 PM

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Morga Harf

Taking the Padd from Commander Miller I get up to go to the Turbolift. Armoury and the lift takes me to the nearest lift exit and that is right outside the armoury I go in and do as the commander asked and return to the bridge.

Returning the padd to Commander Miller I quitely wisper to him that that is a very distructive hand held weapon. This species believes us to be peaceful sir and I assured him of that. I think it would be wrong to use thit weapon on them. The Romulans or the Borg maybe but not this peace loving species.

Lieutenant Commander Morga Harf
USS Evolution.
First Officer.


*Caught with a little time on his hands, Harn runs diagnostics on other ship's systems as well. It was still a relatively new ship, so there were plenty of minor glitches. He fixed most of them from the console, and made a list of the few remaining.*
USS Lothlorien
Chief Science Officer

Jennifer Hawkens

OFF**I hope this is better :P

And what is LT JG stand for ?.....The LT i got but whats the  JG tho ?


*Harn was suddenly struck with thankfulness that he wasn't still on the base, working as the bartender...*
USS Lothlorien
Chief Science Officer

Jennifer Hawkens

Sarah Parker

*parker and a group of her senior staff are beamed aboard the Lothlorien, accompanied by several of the drowning officers.*

"Captain, if you would  be so kind, have your men take these people to sickbay immediately."

http://www.g4-hosting.net/~force198/ID-Parker.jpg" border="0">
S. Parker.


*Tyn grumbles at the Admiral's disbelief.*

"I would appreciate you all not addressing me as Q, 'meh name is Tyn."

*She steps closer to Parker, shifting her gaze down to her feet.*

"Having these powers and not using them to save lives...*shakes her head* You may not believe it, but there are some of my kind that are noble and peaceful, my parents included...then there are some that are menacing and imbecilic...it would seem each race suffers from these. It so happens a majority of my people are like that. Do you even realize that it hath been my brother to wreak this havoc upon Dantor? He has guided the Na'jigat here for his personal amusement, and I intend to fix what I can (he is much more developed than me.) Give me permission to help you, my parents request I not help unless you wish it."


Frank Dixion


             I'm having trouble up loading The Id Card.

Frank Dixion Lieutenant
USS Lancelot-NCC 93001
Tactial Officer

Alaan Ellard

Alaan shrugs at the Captain comments and sits himself down at the Helm controls, cracking his knuckles and neck loudly.  He brings up the Navigational, Primary and Secondary Propulsion Systems, looking over the numbers for the maximum acceleration, deceleration and menuevering speed to check if they matched the requests he sent in.   And match they did.  "Alright ive got the main drive systems up and purring like a Vulcan, all I need it the word and we'll see if this thing can haul is bulky self into deep space."
~A Smart man believes half he hears~
~A Wise man knows which half to believe~


"Ah thank you Mr. Ellard, Well if anyone needs me I shall be in my ready room."
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Jonathan.jpg" border="0">

Frank Dixion

Captain ,

        All systems are ready, will we conduct test underway.

Frank Dixion Lieutenant
USS Lancelot-NCC 93001
Tactial Officer

Aidiran Miller

*turns and whispers to harf*

"run a check on all ship systems and report to me,quietly, later on,its just a precursor to a back up plan i've been thinking about, just incase" *he adds, seeing the look on harfs face*

*turns to the screen*

"Mr. Tankalan, I think that would bea noble idea, but i need to discuss this the Captain first...then we should have a decision, but,until then..."

*turns to harf and hands a PADD, and whispers*

"I need you to go down to the armory and type the password into the computer there, it should bring up a menu, with a diagram of a weapon. I need you to run a diagnostic, then when that is done, i need you to type in  'STDP16589A', this will bring up a list of calculations,etc...i need you to download this to the PADD, then bring it here."

*he turns to the captain

"Well, what do you think of our 'riend' here?"

Morga Harf

OFF: No but that doesn't stop you coming on your own account.
Lieutenant Commander Morga Harf
USS Evolution.
First Officer.

Morga Harf

Captain might i make a suggestion, we don't know how these Catapult things will do to our weapons I would like to take weapons off line while we make the jump and beef up the Shields to give some extra protection.

Off: Who is supposed to be my Chief?

(Edited by Morga Harf at 3:50 pm on June 9, 2004)

Lieutenant Commander Morga Harf
USS Evolution.
First Officer.

Event Horizon

*Meanwhile, on Starphoenix Base, the Na'jigat swarm is suddenly alerted...*
"Energy... gone? Where is energy??"
"Energy is rerouted to other end of the base!"
"Seek energy!"
*And the cloud begins to move toward the other end of the base, attacking the buildings to reach the energy source. The nearby buildings explode, debris falls in each direction, setting other buildings on fire. Then suddenly, detonations are taking place nearby, in space...*
"Detonations... energy in space? Ships!"
"Must capture ships! Energy!"
"No, must concentrate completely on this strong energy source! More energy here than in space!"
"Agree, sensing their thoughts... they try to trick us!"
"We could send part of us to neutralize them... and take their energy..."
"But we never split up!"
"There is too much energy here not to do it! We must gather it, and then rejoin!"
"We don't want to split..."
"We must... if Gallifreyans come, we must have enough energy to be strong enough... we can do it!"
"Yes, we must split and then rejoin!"
*And after some long moments, a small part of the dark energy cloud tears off, and heads toward the U.S.S. Lothlorien.*